16 NEW CONTRACTS EVERYWHERE. COUNTLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW BUSINESS IN THE SHIP YARDS, DREDGING OPERATIONS, HARBOK IMPROVEMENT WORK AND MACHINERY SUPPLIES. F. H. Chappel of New London, Conn., has purchased the ship yard at IMiviStie, he le : The boat building plant of George W. Kneass at 718 Third street, San Francisco, Cal., was destroyed by fire a few days ago. ' It is announced that. the Grand Trunk Railway Co. of Canada will make Portland, Me., the terminus of a new steamship line. : The Macon Navilgation 'Co. of Macon, Ga., thas decided to build a steamer for river service 'but no particulars are as yet obtainable. The Patchogue Steamboat Co. of Patchogue, N. Y., anticipates the construction of a new steamer to run between Bayport, Patchogue, Say- ville and Point O' Woods, : ; ; Extensive improvements are being made at the ship yard of the Basin & Construction Co. at Greenport, N. Y. Among the new structures under way is a storage building 22 by 70 feet in size. The Crescent Packet 'Co. has been organized.by Norman Eustis, John A. Clark and others at Mississippi City, Miss., to operate a line of steamers on the lower river. The capital stock is $50,000. : The newly organized United 'States and Australasia Steamship Co. has established offices at 60 New street, New York. The first steamer will leave for Australia and New Zealand about Oct. 15. 'There is a rumor in eastern ship building circles to the effect that Leonard J. Busby of New York may have a fast steam yacht constructed to run between the metropolis and his country home at Glen Cove, L. I. The Marine Vapor Engine Co. of Jersey City, N. J. will construct for H. D. Stevens of Savannah, Ga., a complete cabin cruising launch 35 feet in length and equipped with a 12 'horse power alco vapor motor. _. The Elkridge Manufacturing Co., whose avowed object is ship build- ing, was inconporated at' Baltimore last. week by Louis N._ Rollins, Charmon M. Parrott, W. Ross Wilson, Frank:M. Houck and James A. Wolsin. een ; ; 19 ' 3 aE a rig RE oie ~The William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Building Co!launched! 4 few days ago, the new Ward line steamerHavana, recently described and ilustrated in the Review, Work will now be pushed on the Mexico, the sister boat for the New York and,Cuban service. *~ Peter Colon, ship builder, Communipaw, N. Y., has building for Brown & Fleming of New York a scow 120 feet in length, 87 feet beam and 12 feet deep. Another scow of same dimensions for the same firm will be constructed later and a 116-foot scow for the Interstate Dredging Co. is also under way. - {The Enoch Moore & Sons Co. thas secured a contract to build for the Philadelphia and Smyrna Transportation Co. a wooden freight steamer to ply 'between Philadelphia and Smyra. She will be 115 feet in length, 24 feet beam and 6 feet deep and will cost $30,000. Power for propulsion will be furnished by a compound engine. ' The Old Dominion Steamship Co. of New York and Norfolk, Va., has decided to name the steamers now building to its order the Hamilton and the Jefferson. The icompany has chartered the steamer J. S. Warden of New York to replace the Northampton, recently 'burned. Archibald H. Bull of the New York & Porto Rico Steamship Co. is quoted as follows in a New York paper "We have a contract to let for a new ship for our line, and I find that we cannot get it /built for 20 per cent more than it would have cost if the contract had been placed a few months ago." _ 'The steamer 'City of Idaho, building at Edwardsville, Ark., for John Brenner of Memphis, Tenn., and Capt. George Phillips of Edwardsville was launidhed last week. Waterbury & Caruthers are the builders. The vessel is 88 feet in length by 22 feet beam. (She will be equipped with an 8-inch cylinder engine with 4 foot stroke, and a boiler 46 inches in diameter by 17 feet 7 inches long. The Oakland Improvement Club is anxious to secure the establish- ment of a ship 'building plant at Oakland, Cal. A committee has been appointed to ascertain what inducement the 'Oakland Iron Works would require to engage in ship building and also to open negotiations with the Risdon Iron Works of San Francisco looking to the removal of its plant to Oakland. Communications may be addressed to R. J. Callahan, secre- tary. "The three-masted barge Grant, building for the Staples Coal 'Co. of Taunton, 'Mass., was launched last week at the yard of Kelley, Spear & Co., Bath, Me. She is 182 feet in length, 35 feet beam and 16 feet depth. The launch of the Dunlo, a sister barge, has been set for this week. Both vessels will 'be equipped with Hyde windlasses and hoisting engines. After the launching of the Dunlo, Kelley, Spear & Co. will begin work on two spruce 'barges for the same company. Two important contracts have just been closed by Supt. Saml. Coffin of the 'Cincinnati Marine Ways, Cincinnati, O. One of these is for a new $20,000 steamer for the Burnside and Cumberland River Packet Co. of Burnside Ky., which also owns the steamer Burnside. The new vessel will be 130 feet long by 24 feet beam and will be fitted with a Scotch Boiler. An excellent complete lighting plant will be a feature of the vessel. The other contract, which will amount to about $5,000, is for the construction of a new hull for the steamer Falls 'City, owned by the Ken- tucky 'River Towboat & Packet Co. © _ Work#is all but completed on the steel steamer Kate Adams, building at Jeffersonville; Ind., for the Memphis and Arkansas City,, Packet ..Co, |; The vessel, which will cost when completed, in:the neigh- | of Memphis. borhood «of $100,000, is 240 feet in length, 40 feet beam and 7 feet deep, She: will be equipped with compound enginés with cylindens 24 inches in diameter by 8'feet stroke,:and four boilers, 48 inches in diameter by 28 feet long, each with six 10-inch flues. The vessel draws less than 3 feet of water and it is claimed that she will be the fastest boat on the Ohio or Mississippi rivers. siMiller; Bull & Knowlton, vessel' owners, New 'York, in A Netter to. the 'Review with 'referénce to the report that they contemplated building two additional tramp steamers, state that they have no such intention, but that they thave. about contracted for the construction of a high class 14- knot steamer, with passenger accommodations for about sixty first-class _ docks, at Conneaut: | city 'being 46 cubic feet; tadius of effective operation 0 fidet. 5 _ Holden, Jr. of White 'Plains, N.Y. They-will at'once constrict of several steamers and dredges. air O8IS MARINE REVIEW. ssengers and twenty-five second-class passengers for Porto Rj i a setoud similar boat is under consideration. The new carga ; Winifred, just completed at Bath, Me., for Miler, Bull & Knowltonaen her trial trip on Sept. 26 made 11.18 knots wth a propeller 22 intchegt on of water and the vessel five feet by the stern. The Winifred sails for Dow Rico on 'her initial trip on Oct. 8. . 0 Bids were opened by the navy department last Saturday for th single-turreted monitors Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida and W which were described and illustrated in the Review of Sept. 22, The bg were: Lewis Nixon, 'Crescent Ship Yard, Elizabeth, 'N. )., $825,000: yon. H. Dialogue, 'Camden, N. J., $1,171,000; Union Iron Works, San' cisco, $875,000; Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co,, Newport News, Va., $860,000; Wolff & Zwicker, Portland, Ore., $987,500: Marylan Steel Co., Sparrows Point, Baltimore, $876,000; Bath Iron Works, Bath Me., $862,000; W. & A. Fletcher Co., Hoboken, N. J., $927,000; Columbia; Iron Works, Baltimore, $1,015,000. The contracts will probably be awarded to Nixon the Union Iron Works, the 'Newport News company and th: Bath Iron Works. . HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS, MACHINEKY,. ETG, Bids are asked for dredging at the Boston navy yard, estimated cost 15,000. ch : [Bids are asked until Oct. 18 for furnishing tools and machinery {o. the naval station, Puget Sound, Wash. : ; Bids asked by Oakland, Cal. board of public works for 600,600 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Merritt. (Estimated cost $80,000. Henry D. Steers, Bowling Green, N. Y., is building the new pier at the foot of Watts street, North river, N. Y., at a cost of $38,800, Bids are asked, Oct. 26, for dredging in Providence river and Narta- gansett bay, R. I. Maj. D. W. Lockwood, U. S. engineer, Newport. 'Bids are asked for dredging, filling and extending the reserve basin at the League Island navy yard, Philadelphia; appropriation $120,000, The Western Machine & Engine Co. of Tacoma, Wash., is erecting a $5,000 shears at its yard. 'The legs are 100 feet in length by 380 inches jn diameter. (04. : ae 3 - 'Brown & Miller of Jersey City, N. J., have the contract' for the joiner work for the steam hghter Iron King, building for "Collyer Bros., New York. a ja See J. A. Mitchell & Co. have finished their dredging contract at Ludding- ton, Mich. There is now a uniform depth of 20 feet the entire length of the channel. oad Ray Bagge 'Bement, Miles & Co., Philadelphia, will supply 'two crank shaft lathes of immense size for the new ordnance machine shop of the Midvale Steel Co. at Nicetown, Fa. Bids received for furnishing a barge for use in dredging at Biloxi, Miss., were as follows: W. N. Johnson, Biloxi, $1,600; Kensington En- gine Works, Ltd., Philadelphia, $2,325. ee J. S. Cram, commission of docks, pier A, North river, New York, will award the contract for 200,000 cubic yards of mud dredging in the North river at West 34th street. Work has been commenced on the annex to the elevators of the Peavy Grain Co., 102d street and Calumet river, South Chicago, and plans are now being made for additional docks. Crawley & Johnson, Cincinnati, O., have the contract to equip all five of the steel steamers building for the government at Dubuque, Ia., with their patent lever brake steam steering gear. 'Bids asked, Oct. 19, for construction of 132,500 cubic yards of earth- works in Barataria levee district, Louisiana. Maj. J. H. Willard, U. S. engineer, 3232 Prytania street, New Orleans. George H. 'Cavanagh, Boston, 'has the contract at $18,690 for con- structing two oak pile jetties and a channel 2,600 feet long and 100 feet wide through Dead Neck beach, Barnstable, Mass. Contracts have been let to the Drake Stratton Co. of Pittsburg for the removal of 800,000 cubic yards of earth overburden from the Fayal and Biwabik mines, Mesabi range. : __ George A. Dentzel and Kennedy Crossman, Atlantic 'City, \N. J., invite bids for the steel work for a steel pier to be constructed at States avenue, Atlantic City, with a frontage of 150 feet. E The Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. will build a dock 500 feet long on the Niagara river, connecting with and running scuth of the company's other dock. Edward H. Rogers of Tonawanda has the contract. The Ellwood-Ivins Tube Co., Oak Lane Station, Philadelphia, has placed on the market special aluminum alloy tubes drawn on the outside of a steel tube, or on the inside, or both and especially adapted for hand trails on vessels, The Bridgeport Steamboat Co. has offered to pay to the Brooklyn, N. Y. board of docks and ferries $7,000 a year rental for a term of fifteen cae for a pier to be erected adjoining Catharine Ferry, East Rivet. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. has decided to begin at once the erection of an extension to their trestles over the ore stock piles at Ash- tabula. It is claimed that the storage capacity will be increased several thousand tons thereby. The contract for the superstructure which will be required in order to permit of the removal of the bridge pier obstruction in the Canadian canal at Sault 'Ste. Marie, mentioned in the Review some weeks ago, has been awarded to the Dominion Bridge Co. a The Thew Automatic Steam Shovel Co., Cleveland, has closed @ contract for two large shovels for: the Pittsburg; 'Bessemer & Lake Eric. The new shovels will have' 4+ton: buckets, thier Caper acini Woatde ~The Macdonald Dredging Co. of 'New York has been incorporated , with a capital stock of $50,000 'by Henry HH. Graff, Ernest. Atkin Os Frederick W.°Craig, and Oharles'Engél of New York City and Thos Eugene Lentilhon; Pier A., North River, New York, has secured the contract for the erection of the steel machinery construction and storage house at the Brooklyn navy yard at $15,300. Other bidders were: Youngstown Bridge Co., Youngstown, O., $15,347; McGuire & Hall, 26 Cortlandt st., N. Y., $15,989.