26 MARINE REVIEW. toate --[S== < ' BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. OKS FOR DE'TACHING BOATS. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR Pee Rr ee ae ee: a 62 ee ee Hook 'Co....... New York. ; ENGINE WORKS, ae Gas Engine & Power Co.......sssceeeesees New York. | Standar "s i Bement; Miles' & «Co. A108 eee Philadelph NAVAL ARCHITECTS. RiIVH'TS, STEEL. . Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co......... de dvaeee Olt SF = FRAN Ep ND tere say SCA eo nisi lel ctcre,clnteiolc(oloioieleia e's ieteisie\e\sicieiols Detroit. Bourne-Fuller CO. ..ceeeescececeesecesececers Cieveland. TOWING MACHINES. eae Jen Fis BO nag ge aa tage cane! are ge RUBBER GOODS FORK STHAMIELS, American Ship Windlass Co............... Providence, R I Joseph hes Oldhaimip y. be. ce tot. ork. bono ci Cleveland. | Manhattan Rubber Mig. CO..........seseeeeesereeee TOWING COMPANIES : SRA CL GAULT. cscicia cc o's}slo 0)Siniete oletaltlo1o\<1e/< stebisieleplels sSlOVELANGS Jp 5 iio ood cevee wie sree inser vieisie'e oie New York and Cleveland, . Peerless Kubber Mfg. Co......+....+206-.-New York. Barry Bros. Independent Tug Line........ Chicago, OAK TIMBER AND PLANK. ; Bees ag Hiscanaba Towing & Wrecking Co..Escanaba, a neee WEpMEAM ATT IAS CO. ceeieryetizererore'tarore Sen AIty me 0 Cleveland. KUSBEK INSULATED WIRES, The Vessel Owners' Towing Co............ Cieveland. De ND en pao ee aoe a eee men sviNew York and Cleveland. TUBING, COPPER AND BRASS, Tost Dixon Crucible Co............. JELBCY) CALY a INoudes |b) ¢ oun aRetcy Randolph & Clowes ...-:-::....... Waterbury, Con Lake ee Ol COssceca. ero eie (eerie ls Be SAIL MAKERS. VALVES , n. Standard Oil Cor sisececees cscs vee clos sielseie' eveland. 3 . Howard H. Baker & CO.....-cceeeeeseeeeceeees buffalo. PATENT ATTORNEY. Upean-Walton Cor erst: scstsccscsseteneen Cleveland. Ghasbyaetea pees 'S NaI Coreas ac Boston Wm, IMs MOMLOO 5... nacsoenotate cvestecetustees eat Taras Cleveland. SHIP Ets: STEEL. M. Davis Co.. Ca aaa wea 'ern EASSENGER AND Ee SEE AMISH: Bourne-Muler Cor ..0sccs.----+ eee Saeco nie Clevelana. | Foster Engineering Co................. Newark, N. J Cleveland. & Buffalo Transit»Go. .:.sisnt.2 Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. ee ee Caen a Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co......... Ce See wrecking companies. fo Ho Bartoten ce eee Wirctar Goodrich Transportation Co. .............+.. icago Stan '4 ae ae a oe SUSE eek oe oo SEES: PU eere os gua omnes and. Lackawanna-Green Bay Line, C. H. Tucker.... SHARCH LIGH'TS. ies = ae 4 alate: avaie, ole are. sleveimtereters aR IRE - Buffalo, Ms he eS cinta cciieae sige' Cleveland. | General Hlectric Co...............Schenectady, N. Y. Tere aReGA re as amma 82 Os o z S z FE ee eee eee oars apc tehhcheheh toca) ea acereS - Buffalo, See ee ee eon tea: ES ee SURVEYORS, MAKINE. Hawgood & Moore ...s.ccccssscccsuereusies Cleveland. Ogdensburg Transit Co........... Ogdensburg, N. Y. | Robert Curr .......... Pee R AEE eons clone Cleveland. Hutchinson SK CO. oe eeeee cece eee eee eee ee ees Cleveland. Northern Transit CO..........0cc cesses eeeees Gleveland. | Capt. D. Mclueod! .......-........cssessveeens Cleveland. | C. R. Jones & C0...... sss. cess ects e eee sees Cleveland, Graham & Morton Trans. Co..............+++ Chicugo® || Joseph R. Oldham)... .ciieatesncas.ceeeas Cleveland. Ne eons tinla[o/= oisinie/eiaie s/s wi clele elelerielere oie Cleveland, ENUM ATL, TOOLS. SHIP CHANDLERS. Sree oa ane sheers ...-Cleveland, Chicago P neuinati peo Com eee Chicago. | toward H. Baker & Co........... sew ceseseces Buffalo. : POCAHONTAS COAL. (Gisgioriahh a ltWey\(OlGeloneocdarp pores daneaasbodce sb Cleveland. } John A. Roebling's. wous oS par ees . a oe eerie BEE ee Re RR De ae eR RP RRR NS cae natant eo ache miata rerelew sie 0's os ¢ stsverece an Castner, Curran & Bullitt............--. Philadelphia. SOUND DETECTORS. Upson-Walton Co. ee ee _Slevela PROPELLER WHEELS. Eophone Co. ...... eraiolalersioietselslelesonetstobsiele siefacelste New York. ae H. i DoReE Si soar PATE ae ANG eee B ffalo, ; . Phosphor Bronze $1 € ing 0., ra a ae) hia, Dry Dock Engine Works ........+.s+e-sses0s Detroit. ee n D Cievainnd Ship Building Co....... aSale atari «ae pee STEAM, VACUUM eee re SPECIAL-~ WHISTLES, STEAM, Gl petats aa WCE COP rarer, vewuttado, || William! Craig .-......-.-..s.eieocsnss _.New York. | Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co.......... ...Boston. S. BF. Hodge & CO...... cece eee en sere erence ane SHIP BUILDERS. WINDLASSBES. Phosphor Bronze Bae ne Co,, Ltd... .... Philadeiphia. | 4 erican Steel Barge Co Wiest Super ci American Ship Windlass Co Provid : teel Barge Co....... perior, Wis. 2 p Windlass Co........ rovidence, R. 1. Magiinnoh eae eee Mie || Craig, Ship Building Co...2¢+... GONE STS, Toledo, O. | Hyde Windlass Co.........1ssseeeeeeeeeeee Bath, Me. 5 oe im aes Beestnte rieeemeaecs ih S09 Buffalo, | Chicago Snip Building Co...................0+ Chicago. | Globe Iron Works Co.............-.....0.... Cleveland. H. OU Mepistgonn as fas Regt ante eee Stroll nv, NWO CK C Ofjercis eteracierele sicleleleicrsreleraieie ot or Detroit. : Frontier lron Works.. Re erie rrelieel initia Detroit. Rey sags A WINCHES. Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co.. ue Ais : % : Hyde Windlass C0... ic ceeseeensentseceeeneeeesses BAUM MLO rl eatin seined Celene o Senies 9s ape Newport News,. Va. American Ship Windlass Co............... Providence, R. I. PRESSURE REGULATORS AND REDUCING Cleveland Ship 'Building O@ococcecocesodsop qleveland: WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. SiinnShig be Cove sss tso3s: Chicago. ||| Union Dry Dock Co...2. 6. .lo..cButtalo, |, Eseanaba Towing & Wrecking Co.-Mscanahai Migy Hibet 7 Hneineerin - Co "oS aE aS Newark N ah f i Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co....Kingston, Ont. oster gine § CO..... sec cctceeeee eS STOCKLESS ANCHORS. WS wan aVWVinec kiniey: © Ow tac acto ce cheers cteleieielelolsieloleiesiele Detroit. 3 EACTOING- BaldtiAmCHoOMm @Gater..sccst css scene csence os Chester, Pa. | Vessel Owners' "Towing Co................. Cleveland. A. W. Chesterton & CO.............seeeeeeeee ees Boston. | international Anchor Co.................... Cleveland. H. W. Johns Mfg. Co.............. RE solstaisrares New York. YACHT BOILERS. Jenkins Bno8. se sa Eerie eieiesiele nents Rew Mons: STEERING ENGINES. Detroit, Screw WoOrkKS............c.csscscescese . Detroit. L. Katzenstein Ox ions tolamiaes Beto laichisier\o's ew York. A Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co............02 Newa Worl lt automo Oni ee ae Ar Wanker: YACHT PLUMBERS. U. S. Metallic Sei Sr fenene ee eselans cies paadeee Chase Machine Co, ................ ao eee Cleveland. | Alfred B. Sands & Son..... ee ae New York. Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co.............-..++- a Globe Iron Works Co...........0eeceeeeee ees Cleveland. PAINTS. sagen (t Walliamsom Brose <eueseescsoscesse- sss Philadelphia. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Upson-Walton Gis spoonbdosbocsdnricasesnaccodCWALEh ak Queen City Engineering Co................+.. Buffalo. Thos. Drein' & SOM.scsckiseceoes ceteeer Wilmington, Del. Howard H. ae eg ee te eeeeeceees Buffalo. | Hyde Windlass: Co....c.5..0....cccccescccsscecceecesscseeveee Bath, Me. | Gas Engine & Power Co.............s.eeeee New York. CO RMEGIAKS Mere. Co. cssccvs.002. 2. re ee ee eee NS: YACHT, BOAT AND CANOE HARDWARE. Henry R. Worthington.............2sse00+: New York. Bement, IMEI OSB GA Os nsaicistaiciaretere|sietsisictarstciaiers .-Philadelphia. Te eWeoWerdinanduc Coes sted oc ctene sete Boston. PUMPS, ELECTRIC. TRAPS, STEAM. YAWLS. General Hlectric Co..............- Schenectady, N. Y- | Wm. S. Haines Co.............ccceceecees Philadelphia. | Thos. Drein & Son................0+- Wilmington, Del. Alphabetical List of Marine Review Advertisers. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co........ 22 | Detroit Sheet Metal & Brass Works 19} Kahnweiler, D 22] Port Royal Dock Co 5 American Blower Co..........s:+-+++- 28 | Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. 27 TA SACO. ipa fe 2 "Ea American Ship Windlass Co......... 2] Dixon, Jos., Crucible Cole peecieen - 21 Pee Ce eon & CO. ie ie FOTO a ea ce American Steel Barge Co............ a Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co... 7] Kling Bros. Gaines ea en a Sa ages vig yo | Queen City Engineering Co.......++.. 22 Armstrong Cork Co..........00.sseeee 28 mene Ge ee era faeries coe 4 ; Gane f° 2 ole Randolph= &4Glowes 2 rein Os OMS asdodoggaooesdaoagded 19 | Lackawanna-Green Bay Line....... aN Richardsan WoC eee 4 Baheock & Wilcox Coster Se ' Dry Dock Engine Works............ Eee Ta, Seow WE Saat tees oe 27 PE ePand or O's. "Fueling Co... 8 a RenUReG Oe tere : Silane) Carsions Ol Cone Manes 20 ' Barry ae ltependentt Tug Line.. Ri Bee & AW ea CO arc storvctevnvsesirs AN GRITS cee Ggh te oe eee ee 18 Ores Safety Water Tube Boiler if aker, Howar COREN eth s 1 LG: fete teen ete e eens essences 'Mearmonthy eVobert aeemncineedesenk 24] x oie Toh. Ast SonsiCo: amon Baro de Ehegey Aare OTe er 5 Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Co... 19] Lidgerwood Mfg. Co.............s000s 5 areal a See G che Goa & ement, Miles COT Tome i cs eee ae mcm tn ces ee am mA > os eI es 8 5 ia Aieee talk Need OF eR ee TOM (COs. oso snes cg centre eae ne eee 19 Berlin Tron Bridge Co.....-...0ccs00- gp | Ramrar & Tretts..-.cssecsssssssseoee TT lvieGiilisrehGo. We Ae 5 TQM O ssi esa Bessemer Steamship Co.............. 18 Merdinand! Tsw: eG wpcledcasienonens, of*gege'® <s 23 IMicikarandia mes. @oryn sian eee 18 | Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. a Bethlehem Iron CO............seseeeees 6 Taken Ww ryt Ons ssevereesneae 21 McLeod, D 4) Sands, Alfred B. & Son Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co.............. 1] pp ae one o & Ay CO. eee eee eee eee 28 MeMyler Mfz°Co.... sols. 93 | Scott, W. L. Co sea . *Bliss, John ea Contre aaeGccntesten 24 ree oniler Beate woos Rinlekeh G8 eh» 5! Mackinnon Mfg. Co.........sccssccee, 92 | Sheriffs Mfg. Co....scssccccccceeeeees Bloemahurgn Ht + & CO. see eee eens 4 en ase say < o 5 Magnolia Metal Co............sss0ee6 1| Shelby Steel Tube Co.....scssseeeeeees oe wn PC RE Ee i Gas fans ine & Power Co. and Chas. Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co......... 18] Ship Owners' Dry Dock Co.......++. . 28 TON TI a OO NS tonto ssecd sass L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated.. 20| Marine Iron Co..........c.es0ec000 0000 Smith, Stanley B. & Co.......++.++ 8 we eae & Conveying Ma- General Electric Co..........s6ss00e., Gules Mantin=Bamnissin@ominactestesencecmcd. Standard Gil Co... 0. c: coecewserepmeee 24 #5 OOS oat ie ye 9 Vhs q| Gilchrist, Albert J....-...cssesseeees AC Miller Pa Wieulbetegne actus int set <5 + cigs ues Standard Brass Works........-.....- 38 RONDE ene LUN eM amraser ines mar sereancncn © Globe Iron Works Co ; He ON O.C ea VWaUIEg Vices rere een Standard Automatic Releasing Carr, J. B. Co 21 Goulder, Harvey D 4| Milwaukee Dry Dock Co. ELOOK CO... ae bates opcleomemneeeate CHE RCTHAT a Halliti ee 97 onion: John & Co 4) Mitchell! &@@or. k., Sturtevant, B. BF. C0......cceeseeeeeees 28 Wilfieatecton: A.W. a oka ea 20 ae am one Co Bale WlorsencAn JreGcn S Omani atone c as rasac Swain Wrecking @O ccs sacle . 23 *Chadburn & Soms..........c.......25s aines, Wm. 8. & Co..:.............. 8 ip Buildi P SEA ECNE Got oes MO Rie TE Al SAOGL ARG. LLG Hemponte News, Sip Building & Bout; Er Gece est liter Ghicago Pneymatic Tool Co.....-...« 20) Hanlon, MavICEMCME ee la ee NEG Nore, Giicsno Reise yo uic ne u ucker, C. H..........sseeeeeee claceee . Chicago Ship BES TALC ra yen © Olepercvsrotclatn nieie/s 2 ae DONA eee taetiole satire iettele oars Northern Steamship CORA Fs ea U. S. Metallic Packing C@Oiks we eos 21 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co..... 4 AWPOOKMS: HMIOOLC sates cesuiicwsswiccs « ni Drv Dock @ 109 Cleveland Ship Building Co.......... 1| Hayden, P., S. H. Co Ohio Supply Co Ai: |B pson-Welton: Go. 20. aaa 28 peend © butaly Transit Co..... i SE eae stabeg CIsR Msi eteava oir7sc Gldhawi he eed Siales i Ds a er at ioc : ; ; t Yan seniciesr suas epee odge, S. F. OLesenin ete ides oes « Sa EET wie rater or pete cg ater? Tes "S? ring CO....eeeree* Cee nen aL Iron OMIesma ree cece. 2 BSE y ue aes Tellave ee , | OSdensburg Transit Co............... 4} Vessel Owners' Towing Co. a oryel fers! AAISE A AA 4 utchinson Deccevescccecccssccceree 4 eel Warren & COn. .. csc smieliciiecrWaareeirere Cory, Chas. & Sone. sissies 92| Hyde Windlass Co...............0000., Peas OCU LOS Oe Ruger tye tatn ta 231 Wells Light Mfg. CO. ns octal g 'Craig Ship Building Co.............. 24 : orca Maa Ta Aa cicaCeece S » | White, Johnson, McCaslin i Craig, William ................s.scseees 20 EB pra e C orcs nor eee Pecks, Chas hew be ee aes 3 i elle wang sdannaanoAsapAosoncodET|atoo00° ss Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co... 8 eg elias: eee a Peerless Rubber Mitt Co. 1 Bim latic Willamson Bros." + .-..:0-0-- aaa 4 Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co................ Giedaekson' & @hunche ey secs, ceo, - 23 | Phosphor Bronze aeiic Go. Ltd. : Wilson, Thomas ......+-+-++++s iced Gurr Robert PAK eee ee 8. kk Sa tte Ae Jenkins: sSroOtheusinenemecccsnvencsn « 8-22 | Pickands, Mather & Co 5 es Al WO0d, W. J..c.cesseserseererees J 2 Ren DG Dock Co Johns, H. W. Mfg. Carre. cunaikcns 1] Pinney, Orestes CREO SUE SS Worthington, Henry R...-.--++++99 Beteit Bonew Worker iant a Sy OUREOr Se iges aise wisteleie » Met vorarcinte 6] Pittsburgh & Chicago Gas Coal Co. 19 Youghiogheny River Coal Co...---- _ 3 Pky, ttssesecessovccceseee 41 Powell, Ambrose V............0:00005 Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co...