1899.] MARINE REVIEW. Hh WU0s ese TOOL House e a ~19863 4--() 92- _ ___} EXTREME SIDE OF SHIP_ Pee oF exrtieme Side OF she > ~ -- i Jlaerey- ( we ee eee a See ES TREME MIOEORBHIP on "3 : SIDE ELEVATION OF THE THREE TRESTLES AT THER CRAMP SHIP YARD. : oa : i ' j z Ee in height and 664 feet in length, and has a cantilever 168 feet in length, ship. The sternpost, which weighs almost 14 tons, was carried the entire upon which a load of i0 tons can be carried 46 feet each side of the center length of the ways and set in position in twenty-one minutes. This crane a and of 3 tons 78 feet each side. The efficiency of the battleship crane was is driven by a single electric motor of about 150 horse power, built by the demonstrated recently in handling the stern post of the Russian battle- _ Elwell Parker Electric Co. of Cleveland. 5 = Ez a WE 2 IX Ce on Slaa- ON cone Sr AA AS eS Be: <A rp AC F '4 ae RAS roe ». p > . sy es yy -- | Pe aad a CANTILEVER CRANE RECENTLY ERECTED AT THE NEWPORT NEWS SHIP YARD BY THE BROWN HOISTING & CONVEYING MACHINE CO. OF CLEVELAND.,.