1899. } MARINE REVIEW. : 2 ere e ee Boiler manufacturers on the Pacific coast are evidently not very badly in need of work. Commander U. Sebree, inspector of the twelfth light- house district, with headquarters at San Francisco, opened proposals on Manager D. E. Ford of the Superior Ship Building Co., is enthu- silastic over a valve gear that was built at the West Superior works some time ago and placed on the engine of the ship building company's tug the 7th inst. for new boilers for the light-house tender Madrons. Follow- Islay. The gear is the invention of Lincoln A. Lang of Yule, North ing are the bids with time required for the work: Union Iron Works of Dakota. Mr. Ford says of it: "The gear we placed on' the Islay has San Francisco, $14,500, three months from receipt of material at yard in been running without repair or re-adjustment since we started it last July. San Francisco; William J. Brady of San Francisco, $16,750, May 1, 1900; On the fuel trial , which we gave this gear against the Stevenson link gear, the engine was worked up close to maximum power, and the saving in fuel through using the new gear was clearly 20 per cent., with conditions alike on both trials. With the new gear the saving in fuel is much greater than this, with the engine working at lower powers. The engine works with a more even turning motion, with less vibration, and is much easier kept up than formerly." Moran Bros. Co. of Seattle, $17,049, 120 days; T. J. Moynihan of San Francisco, $17,990, nine months; Patrick F. Dundon of San Francisco, $19,337, seven months; Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works of San Fran- cisco, $20,980, six months; Fulton Engineering & Ship Building Works of San Francisco, $21,190, 150 working days; Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works of Portland, Oregon, $16,966, 180 days. The Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, ae ee - ; Va., has laid the keel for the Proteus, the second of the Cromwell line and L. S. Thorn, third vice-president of the Texas Pacific railroad, is the last of the six vessels ordered at the close of the Spanish-American quoted as saying that the interests of the Goulds on the Gulf of Mexico war by the Morgan and Cromwell lines. Turrets for the battleship Ken- are assuming such proportions as to make imperative a number of con- tucky have just been placed in position. templated improvements, not the least important of which is the establish- ment of a steamship line from the Atlantic seaboard to the Gulf. A record for rapid engine building has been made by S. F. Hodge & Co. of Detroit, Mich. In the interval between May 1 and June 17 they Photographers! Bring your cameras and attend the annual conven- made special patterns for and built a 1,200-horse-power cross-compound tion of the Photographers Association at Celeron, N. Y., July 17 to 22. Corliss engine, with cylinders of 24 and 50 inches diameter and 42 inches One fare for round trip via the Nickel Plate road. Your choice of a stroke, for use in a grain elevator at Duluth, Minn. peerless trio of fast express trains daily. Ask agents. 72, July 17. A SPECIALTY: A SPECIALTY: T Ss 4-STRAND PLUMBAGO O H HEART Wi! 3 H | P , = N Ss' s GaN . = I 7" N ' wl! THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURING CO. |. < a 4 S ROPE E 67 WaLL STREET, NEW YORK. FOR ae | CARGO FALLS Ss Ss THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF FIBER IN THE WORLD. Bp A POEL F SPT: Pe NEUMAIICG TOOLS' YY FOR AL MINDS |} | (OE eee eet neenn POWER SHEARS Belt, Belt, Steam - Steam or or il Electric Electric ni Driven. Driven. / Mi \ : / Manufactured by_____--__--_ ~ = POWER PUNCHES The LONG & ALLSTATTER CO. samo.