22 MARINE REVIEW. TRADE NOTES. A shipment of two large steam pumps to Mexico has been made within the past few days by the Dean Steam Pump Co. of Holyoke, Mass. 'Tt is understood that the 300-foot addition which the Babcock & Wilcox Co, is making to its plant at Elizabeth, N. J., is the initial move in a general rebuilding plan. A contract for the entire supply of forges and blowers for use in the temporary machine shops on the Port Arthur section of the Chinese Eastern railroad has been secured by the Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, NE Ys, The Wellman-Seaver Engineering Co. of Cleveland, has just secured a $1,500,000 contract for an extensive enlargement of the plant of the Newport Iron Works, at Newport, Wales. They bid against English, French and German contractors. The Allen Dense Air Refrigerating Machine, manufactured by H. B. Roelker, 41 Maiden Lane, New York, is being installed just now on a very large number of vessels. Among those most worthy of mention are the United 'States army transports Logan and Thomas, P. A. B. Wide- ner's yacht Josephine, building at Philadelphia, and the yacht building at Lewis Nixon's yard, Elizabethport, N. J., for Thomas H. Lawson. The Argonaut, submarine boat being rebuilt at Robins Erie Basin . Dry Docks, Brooklyn, for the Lake Submarine Boat Co. of New York, will be completed about Aug. 15. Twenty feet has been added to her length, making her 66 feet long on deck; diameter of cylindrical part, 9 feet; depth of superstructure, 4 feet. Power will be furnished by two 30-H. P. gasoline engines, built 'by White & Middleton, Baltimore. 3 A booklet issued by the De Frees Thermotor Co. of Indianapolis, Ind., tells all about oil or gas motors which it is claimed they manufac- ture cheaper than they can 'be bought anywhere else in America. Some of the claims made for this company's motors are durability, economy of fuel and lightness of weight. The De Frees company makes a spec- ialty of an upright engine that is especially suited to marine service. The Morgan Iron Works, foot of East Ninth street, New York, now under the management of Stephen W. Roach, is enjoying an exception- ally busy summer. Lhe Ward line steamers Juno and Hebe, lately pur- chased for the Mexicin trade, have recently left the docks of this firm, where they were completely overhauled. Now being repaired at this firm's docks are the Concho of the Mallory line, Niagara of the Ward line, and a tank steamer and an oil barge of the Standard Oil Co.'s fleet. The Daimler Manufacturing Co. of New York City is in possession of the gasoline tank of the yacht Paul Jones, which was lost last January in the Mississippi delta, and the condition of the tank is claimed by officers of the company to prove conclusively that an explosion did not - wreck the yacht. The tank, together with the main 'beam and stern band of the Paul Jones, were picked up some two weeks ago and shipped to the Daimler company, which built the yacht at its factory at Astoria, The fact that the tank is not even dented would seem to prove that the yacht was not destroyed in an end-on collision, because the tank was forward in the yacht. An official of the company inclines to the opinion that the Jones was struck amidship by some large vessel which probably passed on without the crew knowing what had happened. There are three small perforations in the tank, but these were probably caused by contact with rocks while it was drifting about. A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. Duluth, Minn., Aug. 2--La Salle & Co., well known vessel agents of this port, send out the following short summary as to the outlook in grain freights: "Interest here centers in the forthcoming grain harvest in the Dakotas and Minnesota. The crop is approaching the critical state and there is no limit to quotations as to the present conditions and probable yield. With anything like propitious weather, it is certain the harvest will be as bountiful as in 1898. Some authorities place the yield at 25,000,000 bushels larger than last year. "The grain in store here now aggregates 5,282,700 bushels, against 3,816,504 in store on the same date a year ago. It is altogether likely that the movement during August from this port will be unimportant. The week just closed has witnessed no chartering, and the receipts of wheat, although of fair volume, are being largely consumed by the mills. The wheat in store will not, in all probability, be marketed before September. The demand for grain has entirely abated. Unless there is a radical change in the situation, the inquiry for tonnage will be confined to the occasional necessity of a shipper to save storage. "Coal is arriving very slowly. None of the companies seem to be as well stocked as in 1898." . An American firm, the Haslam Foundry & Engineering Co. of New York City, won out against several British competitors and secured the contract for the instailation of the refrigerating machinery for Queen Victoria's private yacht, the Victoria and Albert, launched at Pembroke dock yard a short time ago. The contract calls for two special machines of the vertical type with three cranks, one being coupled to the engine, another to the air compressor and the third to the air expansion cylinder. "KEYSTONE" OPEN LINK. iT 1S THE ONLY OPEN LINK on THE MARKET THAT IS DROP FORGED rrom BAR STEEL. _ For STRENGTH, DURABILITY and SIMPLICITY IT STANDS WITHOUT A RIZAL Sizes from 4% in. to % in. KEPT IN STOOK. STANDARD Wrenches, Hoist Hooks, Eye Bolts, Shafting Collars, sec Handles, lumb Screws, Rope sockets and Swivel: Fence Ornaments, Bicycle Forgings. &c. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND DISCOUNTS SPECIAL FORGINGS TO ORDER. KEYSTQNE DROP FORGE CO,, 19th & Clearfield Sts. PHILADELRHIA, PA, CLOSED. [August 3, me am FORCED DRAFT FANS. The necessity of forced draft for the development of high speed ri steam yachts has led tc many novel designs in the way of the fans re. . ired for roducing draft. Such is the case presented, in the accompany- ae ieareant This fan was installed on board a well known ste yacht, and supported close up to the skin of the boat and'to the deck ; > Mi | lk above. Instead of delivering the air from an outlet in the periphery, a special internal deflector was introduced, and the outlet placed upon the side of the fan casing, so that the air was discharged into a duct running fore and aft. The fan is driven by a direct-connected, double-cylindered upright engine, which is entirely enclosed, and provided with continuous oiling devices, so as to require a minimum of attention while operating at the maximum speed. Channel irons serve to support the engine and the fan, and the entire apparatus occupies as little space as is possible for the given capacity. This fan is one of many of unique design built during the past few years by the B. F. Sturtevant Co. of Boston, Mass. ABOUT 75 PER CENT. OF OUR ORES FROM THE LAKE REGION. The total production of iron ore of all kinds in the United States in 1898, according to a report just completed by John Birkinbine of Phila- delphia, special agent of the geological survey, was 19,278,369 gross tons. As the product of the Lake Superior ore region exceeded 14,000,000 long tons in 1898 it will be seen that the mines of the great lakes district are steadily increasing their proportion of the whole, which from the above statement is practically 75 per cent. The 1898 production is 1,730,328 long tons or 10 per cent. in excess of the previous maximum of 17,518,046 long tons produced in 1897 and over 1,225,000 tons above the record for Great Britain in 1880, when 18,026,049 long tons were mined. The ores of the British isles also average lower percentages of metal than those exploited in this country and therefore represent a smaller pig metal product. The total output in long tons of all varieties by states was: Mich- igan, 7,346,846, Minnesota, 5,963,509, Alabama, 2,401,748, Pennsylvania, 773,082, Tennessee 593,227, Virginia 557,713, Wisconsin 509,645, Colorado 318,480, New Jersey 275,488, New York 179,951, Georgia and North Caro- hina 160,083, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming 59,969, Missouri 50,000, Ohio 42,868, Kentucky 12,913, Connecticut and Massa- chusetts 20,251, Texas 9,705, Maryland 5,941. JAMES MCKAY & CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of High Grade Boom, Rafting, Toggle, Marine and Swedish IRON CHAINS. Write for Prices. PITTSBURG PA. THE PAINT WONDER! Constructors of Docks or Vessels who want a truly effective paint for coating interior surfaces, ribs, frames, bulkheads, double bottoms, butt straps, seams, outer plating, ceiling or any exterlo? structural work will do well to investigate our claims. PY RO PAI N T is guaranteed to be fire, water, rust, rot, acid alkali, brine, worm, insect and barnacle proot. Ask us to prove these assertions by sending you a sample cat for $1, together with full information, price list, etc. MADE ONLY BY THE SHEARER-PETERS PAINT CoO. C. WILFORD PETERS, SuUcCESSOR, --_CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S.A: nh an