1899.] MARINE REVIEW. 23" ow TRADE NOTES. A very large order for safety hollow staybolts from one of the lead- ing ship building concerns of the Pacific coast has just been received by the Falls Hollow Staybolt Co. of Cuyahoga Falls, O. A second edition of the lecture by Walter B. Snow on "The Influ- ence of Mechanical Draft Upon the Ultimate Efficiency of Steam Boilers" has just been issued by the B. F. Sturtevant Co. of Boston, Mass., by whom copies will be sent upon application. "A Summer Girl" is the title of an attractive picture on a calendar just issued by the Ashton Valve Co. of 271 Franklin street, Boston, manu- iacturers of Ashton "Pop" safety valves, and it may be accepted as a fore- gone conclusion that every business man who is forunate enough to secure a copy will make room for it above his desk, no matter how many other similar souvenirs he may possess. W. J. Wickes, general manager of Wickes Bros. Co. of Saginaw, Mich., says in a letter to Cole & Kuhls, Brooklyn (N. Y.) manufacturers of elastic seam paint and seam composition: "All the seam composition paint that we have had from your concern we used on our own yacht Catherine. We used it principally on her decks, spars and rails and we found it to work very nicely. It was exactly what you represented." The Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co., 17 State street, New York city, has just issued a highly artistic calendar for 1900. It. is ornamented with several stirring pictures, one of them a reproduction of a wash drawing which will be remembered by readers of the naval edition of the Review and which depicts in a most striking manner the launching of a ship's boat at sea. The American Pegamoid Co., 839 Broadway, New York city, manu- facturers of Pegamoid aluminum paint, have just issued a neat price list THE KENNEY FLUSHOMETER | § 4 YE E= . FOR FLUSHING WATER-CLOSETS. ~@ THE 'BEST SYSTEM EVER INVENTED FOR USE.ON STEAM VESSELS. NO CUP' LEATHERS OR SPRINGS. / Owners and Constructors of Steamships, Yachts and Steamboats have found it indispensable. SS Showing application of Flushometer. Used by the U.S. War and Navv Departments--Transports Grant, Sheridan, Burnside. Terry, Hooker. Thomas, Sedgewick, Meade, Crovuk. McClellan, Sherman. Also Albany Day Line S.teamers, and others. THE KENNEY COMPANY, Catalogue? 72 to 74 Trinity Place, NEW YORK. [Patented.] giving quotations on quantities of this valuable article, which has the distinction of being the only paint that keeps its bright, frosted, silvery appearance under all conditions of weather and in all climates. It also withstands the highest degree of heat on steam pipes, radiators, etc. It makes what is claimed to be the most desirable finish on steel or wood and will not crack or peel. _ Patrons of David Kahnweiler's Sons, 437 Pearl street, New York city, manufacturers of United States regulation cork life preservers, metallic life boats, etc., always anticipate with interest the receipt of the calendar which constitutes the season's greetings of the firm. The souvenir for 1900 will entail no disappointment; indeed nine persons out of ten will consider it the handsomest that has as yet been issued by these well-known manufacturers of life saving appliances. Prominently displayed is a very beautiful reproduction in tint of A. Morlon's painting "To the Rescue." The recovered Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes will probably be al- lowed to remain at the Norfolk (Va.) navy yard for some time to come. The navy department had made arrangements to convert this vessel into a receiving ship, but the medical officers who inspected her reported that all the woodwork inside the hull would have to be torn out, and inasmuch as this would entail an expense of fully $100,000, the department concluded that she would prove entirely too expensive a luxury. VALUE OF STOCKS--LEADING IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIALS. Quotations furnished by HERBERT WRIGHT & Co., Cleveland, date of Dec. 27. 1899. NAME OF STOCK. OPEN ; HIGH LOW CLOSE - American Steel & Wire.........0. .... 443 46% 44 . 4656 American Steel & Wire, Pfd.......... |... 88 alo Baeteeids wSoa ae! etode: Federal Steel 0. ones: de-anspea-rs:jleen eden al DOG 47% 503% Bedeéral Steel; Pfd... :..1...5< aey| > (03K 712% | 70% 72%. National Steel........... Ricers ones 3934 41% 39% 41% National Steel, Pid)... .2eicce-n-c os, cee e le eae seeeee cerns American Tin Plate .............. Pesce 265 274 26%") 27. American fin PlatewPtd..,..c 0.) tl 78 ue 78 American Steel Hoop............. maces 41 41% | 41 41 American Steel "Hoop; Pid: re | ce [oo een ee at EVs Republic Iron & Steel.................. 19% 20 194% 19% Republic Tron & Steel, Pid. ..8: | aces a oon | CAPT, GEO. A. SIMPSON, ExPert Compass Adjuster, Yearly Contracts Solicited. Nautical Instruments Repaired. OLD 'PHONE No. 319. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. yA YDEL SF SIAPLICTY! PNEUMATICHKOOIES We |FOR /NU I QC€ OCF WOR IN DS * CHICAGO - NEW YORK A SPECIALTY: Ov-=rIM > za o o2-S04 | am2--r NUMNSPI THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURING Co THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF FIBER IN THE WORLD. A SPECIALTY: 4-STRAND PLUMBAGO HEART 02-40-02 ROPE CARGO FALLS