Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 19 Apr 1900, p. 35

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AUTOMATIC INJECTOR. Efficiency, 99.27, Per Cent. The World's Best BOILER FEEDER. Made with FLANGES when DESIRED. All Sizes --4 H. P. to 600 H. P. Penberthy Injector Co., Detroit, Mich. Branch Factory: WINDSOR, CAN. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. CLEVELAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, 237 SUPERIOR STREET. - Arrive _Depart from West. East, Eastward :-- No. 18, Southwestern. Limited...3,.0 < siessecs, *1 55 am Nos 22, Lake Shore Limited..:. 32. *2 15 am *2 20 am No. 28, New York & Boston Exp.. *740 am =e *8.:00 am No; 82) sPast, Mail. i, a *11 20 am = "11 25 am No. 44, Accom. via Sandusky...... fl 15 pm. vor No. 46;-Southwestern Express ..:.. 9 ig32 023, *3 00 pm No.2 0; Emmited Bast Mail... 20... *5 40 pm *5 45 pm No. 10, C., N. Y. & Boston Special *7 35 pm *7 40 pm No. 2 Day Express) Sis +9 10 pm +9 35 pm No. 126, Norwalk Accommodation.. 4¢ Bo-am sea No. 40, Tol. & Buff. Ac., v. Norw'k +1900 am_ f10 30 am No. 116, Conneaut Accommodation. ......... t4 30 pm Arrive Depart from Hast. West, Westward:-- ~ No. 11, Southwestern Limited...... *3 20. am. == bisa No,, 15,.N. Y.; Bos. & Chi.-Spl....; *3 55 am *4 05 am No... 7, Day Express: 6.073206 023 ee +6 80 am No. 19, The Lake Shore Ltd...... *7 45 am *7 50 am No. 23, Western Express .......... *1110 am = *11 15 am No. 33, Southwestern Express..... "il 25 pm). Sa. No. 31, United~States Express..... ........: *12 10 pm No. 47; Accommodation 225.200.0505 > eg cee eee $3 00 pm No. 141, Sandusky Accommodation. _......... #3 10 pm No. 127, Norwalk Accommodation... ......... 75 10 pm No. 37; Pacific Express . 2.22. 5/- 0. *6 35 pm *7 00 pm No. 8, Fast Mail Limited......... *10 50 pm = =*10 55 pm *Daily, {Daily except Sunday. tDaily except Monday. Trains Nos. 28 and 37 run via Ene station. CHELSEA GLOCK CO., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Makers of High Grade, Reliable 8-Day MARINE CLOCKS High Quality. Reasonable Prices. Reliable Goods. YACHT OR MARINE CLOCKS--Extensively used by U.S. Navy, Gov- ernment 'I'ransports, Ete STRIKING SHIP'S BELL CLOCKS--Best i in the world. NON-MAGNETIC CLOCKS--For use on switchboards, dynamo rooms, &c. IMPRCVED SHIP'S CLOCKS--Not a chronometer, but an extra fine lever clock. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER: WANTED, FOR SALE, FOR CHARTER, Etc. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, each insertion, for three inser- tions or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions. --FOR SALE--Beam Doctor. perfect working order throughout. "cold water pumps. Cheap for cash. Most complete pattern ever built. In (Cylinder 54x14. Two hot and two Kratz Bros., Evansville, Ind. May 10. --FOR SALE OR RENT--Docks, warehouse and manufacturing site; also sand pump, anchors, steam der rick and chain; all at Chicago. Ad- dress Wallace Bros., Detroit, Mich. April 19. --FOR SALE--New Era gas engine, 35 horse power, latest type. Bought for emergency and used only six weeks. A bargain for someone. Address Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co., Cleveland, O. Apr. 19. --FOR SALE--Interest in patent (No. 639,079) apparatus for cleaning ships' bottoms (automatic). To be used while vessel is proceeding on voyage. Copy of patent free. Special favorable offers to first few appli- cants. B.S. Miles, patentee, Gray's Summit, Mo. June 14. WANTED--A light-draught steam barge or canal boat to convert into a house boat; must be sound hull and cheap; speed no object. Address Box 35 Chicago Athletic Club, Chicago. « Aprilel9 --GAS ENGINES FOR SALE--Pierce upright of 1h, p.; Pierce hori- zontal of 1 h. p.; Otto of 1h. p.; one 7h. p. Otto; one 10 Hh. p. Otto, pas or gasoline; one Fairbanks, 10 h, Ds; gasping: also 20: hep, Springfield gas or gasoline, All replaced by Backus engines, the best built. Backus Gas Engine Go. Jul Lake St "Chicago; April 26 --FOR SALE--Scotch marine water-back boiler;7 feet. diameter, 11 feet long; dome 30x30 inches; furnace 40 inches diameter; 69 38-inch tubes, 8 feet 6 inches long." Built under government inspection ahd just completed. Price $2,500. F. O. B. cars Minneapolis. _Address Nicollect Island Boilér Works, Minneapolis, Minn. tf --FOR SALE--Two fine and fast steam launches in first-class con- dition. One of 35 feet, burns oil; one of 40 feet burns coal. Both on lakes, near Buffalo. Will be sold cheap. H. J. Smith, 695 Ellicott Square Bldg., Buffalo. April 19. --FOR SALE--Machinery from wrecked steamers St. Lawrence and H. A. Tuttle, consisting ol engines, boilers, steam steering engines. steam windlasses, etc. For particulars inquire of E. G. Crosby & Co., Muske- gon, "Mich. tf THE NEW SPRING SCHEDULE OF THE BIG FOUR will take effect April 29, and will afford the traveling public the finest orem service ever offered. New and Fast Through Trains to Improved Service from Cleveland to St. Louis, M. EK. INGALLS, President. Peoria, Chicago and the West. WARREN J. LYNCH, General Passenger Agt., Cincinnati. New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, O., Springfield, O. Indianapolis, W. S. JENKS, Presipenr. Oo. L. JENKS, Vice-Pres. ano Treas A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. ano Gen't Maan. The Jenks Ship Building: Co. Office and Machine Shops at Fourth Street. Yards: Foot of Lincoln Avenue. PORT HURON, MICH. | FSFOCCSSSS SO VSSESSEPFESEBEESELOOGOHS OS SOHO HO $ Steel and Wood Ship Builders. : Marine Engines and Boilers. PPODOSGHOS OHSS OOO OS 00060000006 900000000 Steam Windlasses, Capstans : | and Steering Apparatus. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS.

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