ENGINEERING, | AND DYNAMOS, ~- MOTORS, LAMFS. STEAM APPARATUS. MACHINE TOOLS. ELECTRICAL | MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. MARINE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS COMPLETE. THE PELTON ENGINEERING CO. | CONTRACTING. OHIO. ¥ CLEVELAND, 'MOST WIDELY quoteD MARINE PUBLICATION IN THE "UNITED STATES. STURTEVANT GENERATING SETS In 100 ree and S1zes. PI TIL BLM eee We build both engine & generator. Send for Ears ef | B.F. STURTEVANT xy TET NEW YORK * PHILADELPHIA * CHICAGO - LONDON: Og 'BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING in collecting ie owners, ship build 1S represented in the © Ten Years' Labor masters, marine engineers, etc. STANDARD MARINE DIRECTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. ~ The 1900 Issue now in preparation. GREATEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM KNOWN IN SHIPPING LINES. Price $5.00. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., CLEVELAND, 0. ILLINOIS SMELTING AND REFINING WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOSPHOR BRONZE. BABBITT METAL and _ANTI-FRICTION METAL OF ALL KINDS. MIXTURES MADE FROM ANY SPECIFICATION. Mitre... FL | C> AGS". OFFICE; 185 WEST cINZIE STREET. U. S. METALLIC PACKING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 120,000 PACKINGS IN USE. 429 N. 13th St. 12,000 APPLIED IN 1899. Extensively Used on Ocean, Lake, and Stationary Engines. Cheap, Durable and Small Cost for Repairs. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. | | ! eee aay ot Sci ES ds ha ae Sen Tey Sh L t Sad i Ground Joint OU seat es gf ie aie ---- DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE ------- Warrington Wire Tow Lines, Manila Lines, Vessel Outfits. RUBBER COVERED WIRES #© CABLES PW). Asn ee 'i ; Pane Batts dia Ata <eo)Da2 aes " easy a oe \) Wea Men 'St. Reena ee Ge Meret Tt een Ry g NGA, Taal ase eS Tat By 4 NNO CLEVELAND STORE, 88 Superior Street. PLAYFAIR'S BARGE & TUG LIN FET FIRST-CLASS TUGS FOR WRECKING, RAFT TOWING, ETC. MIDLAND, ONT. CAN. LIFE PRESERVERS--BUOYS. DIAPHRAGM Pumps As a means of raising large np ties of water by hand power, espec- ially such as contains sand, gravel or sewage matter, this pump stands without a rival. Capacity ' wa i ts igs Py a hk a a a gaa a a No. Size of Iron Pipe. er he Price, A 2 916 inches 1800 gallons $14.00 3 3 es 300047. 16.00 Write for Catalogue and Discounts. -- John T. Donohue & Co, "woe" : F WIN DLASSES AND CAPSTANS | The Hyde Steam and Power Windlasses and Capstans are the best in the market. They have been selected for - most of the vessels now building for the Navy Department, Rev- enue Marine, Light-house Board 2 and United States Coast Survey They are being furnished for -- the majority of the highest class Steam Ships, Merchant Vessels and Yachts now building. avon WINDLASS CO., Bath, Me. Acme. Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. KAOH PRESERVER stamped by United States [nspector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. Matetial and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly. ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY, Boston, New YorK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. CHICAGO. S87. LOUIS. STEAM PUMPS, DIVERS, JACKS, HAWSERS, LIGHTERS.