oa | MARINE REVIEW. | 3 OM-JmM<-rmo MrorpzoHn>mMaA NILES ELECTRIC TRAVELING Epes "BUILT NILES TOOL WORKS co." ON LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED | DESIGNS. APPLY TO 136-138 Liberty Street, - NEW YORK. Western Union Building, - CHICAGO. Carnegie Building, - - PITTSBURG. 23-25 Victoria St., - LONDON, ENG. a €, iS Pictures of 200 Ships. The Marine Review will have them in next week. List will be announced later. A PHOTOGRAPHER, SENT TO THE ST. CLAIR RIVER, HAS BEEN AT WORK FOR A MONTH PAST. Monongahela tron and Steel Co, MANUFACTURERS OF *tur'ox GARTER BRAND ALL SIZES. CHARCOAL IRON CHAINS United States Government Specifications Guaranteed. PITTSBURGH, PA. Ship Lamps ae | OIL AND ELEOTRIO FIXTURERS FOR ings Jt ' i Steamships, Yachts, &c. o . | GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS, -- i | Prices and Cuts on Application. PAGE BROS. & CO. 347 to 357 Cambridge St. Boston, Mass, For LATHES, * DRILLS and PLANERS " ln A-finely illustrated Catalogue, 6 x 9, sent to interested parties. 340 CHURCH STREET, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., - ABureau of Shipping Information SUCH IS THE OFFICE OF THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. We aim to keep in touch with everything pertaining to the construc- tion and operation of ships in America, and make no charge for informa- tion, no matter how extensive the correspondence may be. Advertising patrons are especially urged to take advantage of this offer. U. T. HUNGERFORD, President. BERNARD RIS, Assistant Secretary. GEO. Davipson, Segretary. T, R. VAN BRUNT, Treasurer, Telephone, 2144 Franklin. UT. Hungerford Brass & Copper 0 BRASS 4x COPPER, 120 Worth St,, between Centre and Elm Sts., NEW YORK. Seamless Brass and Copper Tubing For Condensers, Heaters, Steam Pipes and Coppersmiths' Work generally. SHEET AND BOLT COPPER. YELLOW METAL SHEATHING BOLTS AND NAILS. BRASS AND COPPER IN EVERY VARIETY OF SHAPE AND FORM, We carry a large stock of all above goods on hand for prompt shipment, Catalogues and Prices submitted on application,