at é eS MARINE [September oF REVIEW. MARINE fasoline ENGINES. « 4 TO 30 H.P. Exhaust under Water. COMPACT AND RELIABLE. Starts Easily, Runs Smoothly and Noiselessly. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. OLDS MOTOR WORKS, 1323 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, MICH. STATIONARY ENGINES 1 TO 50 H. P we NAS. P. Willard & 60 45-49 §. Canal St., CHICAGO. Marine Engines and Boilers, Paddle Wheel Engines, Boat Machinery, High Pressire, Compound and 'Triple Expansion Engines, Yachts and Lanneles, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, STERLING LUBRICATORS Are the Only Automatic Force Feed Pump Lubricators having Hand Attachment. May be ad- justed while in full motion with- out danger. Port side of four-cylinder engine. SEND FOR BOOKLET. STERLING LUBRICATOR CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. ~ ELECTRIC BOAT ~ COMPANY, 100 Broadway, NEW YORK. BINDING OF CHARTS. Navigators' charts, when backed with linen and taped around the edges, will last for years. ; They lie flat and are not injured by handling. Torn charts are very annoying. The backing and taping of charts is a specialty with THE MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHINGICO., PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. 340 Powers Bidg. PHENIX LUBRICATING PUMP. G Gir PHENIX Co. CHICAGO ILL: HEADER VALVE AND STOP PHENIX METALLIC PACKING. VALVE PACKING. K--[ WANS Wy Vs A thirty days' trial will make us your friend. MONEY TALKS AND WE ~WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND: DISCOUNTS. LABOR SAVING WOOD WORKING MACHINERY THE LATEST AND BEST FOR SHIP-BUILDING PURPOSES. S. A. WOODS MACHINE CoO., ESTABLISHED IN 1854. SO. BOSTON, MASS, U.S.A. MacKinnon Manufacturing Co. Boilers Makers, Founders and Machinists. Marine Boilers, Engines and Shipyard Machinery. Most powerful set of Hydraulic Slings on the Lakes. Best - Towing and Speed Propeller Wheels made. SPECIALTY SMALL YACHT WHEELS. Works and Office, 224-230 N. Water Street, BAY CITY, MICH. Bao -5 aorta tt DECK HOISTERS, %