1900. } MARINE REVIEW. 3 OM-DJM<-FMO Mrar>Z0H>M NILES ELECTRIC TO ee Cha NES BUILT NILES TOOL WORKS Co." t Western Union Building, -_ CHICAGO. ON LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED DESIGNS. APPLY TO 136-138 Liberty Street, - NEW YORK 23-25 Victoria St., - LONDON, ENG. " Launch W. C. RICHARDSON. = Built for Hausheer & Sons, Cleveland,0. Dimensions, 35 x80.A, Engine 8 horse power. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Especially adapted for Launches, Fish Tugs and Ferry Boats. Catalogue, Prices and Particulars furnished on application. Engines of the Stationary Type built suitable for all purposes requiring from 4 to 100 horse power, where a reliable and efficient power is required. ENGINES BUILT BY THE McMYLER MANUFACTURING CO., 180 Columbus Street, CLEVELAND, O. Monongahela Iron and Steel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF "san ton GARTER BRAND ALL SIZES. CHARCOAL IRON CHAINS United States Government Specifications Guaranteed. PITTSBURGH, PA. For LATHES, & ' DRILLS and ' PLANERS A finely illustrated Catalogue, 6 x 9, sent to interested parties. 340 CHURCH STREET, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., Ship Lamps OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS FOR Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS, Prices and Cuts on Application. PAGE BROS. & C0. 347 to 357 Cambridge St. Boston, Mass. UTURES OF LAKE SHIPS They may be had from the Marine Review, Cleveland. SEARCH LIGHTS - =- = |Reed's Engineers' Hand Book. RUSHMORE PROJECTORS are in almost exclusive | Reed's Guide to Exam- - - etgacestet ot and are specified for finest innticds. Key to Reed's Engineers' Hand Book. RUSHMORE DYNAMO WORKS,| ,,, Hand Book. | JERSEY CITY. TELEPHONE 559. Cleveland, O. A PHOTOGRAPHER, SENT TO THE ST. CLAIR RIVER, SECURED SOME FINE PHOTOS, 11X14 IN SIZE. List furnished on application.