1901.) MARINE REVIEW. 7 MASTERS AND ENGINEERS OF LAKE VESSELS. United States Steel Corporation, A. B. Wolvin, manager, and Edwin S. Mills, assistant manager, Cleveland: (Appointments of captains only.) Steamers--Bartlett, Capt. H. Culp; Bessemer, Capt. M. A. Boyce; Black, 'Capt. W. B. MacGregor, Briton, Capt. Jas. A. Watts; Bunsen, Capt. C. E. Moody; Cambria, Capt. J. A. Walsh; Colby, Capt. P. A. Peterson; Col- gate, Capt. W. J. Hunt; Coralia, Capt. Wm. Cumming; Cornell, Capt. C. Z. Montague; Corona, Capt. Stephen Murphy; Corsica, Capt. A.J, Green; ley; Cort, Capt. Frank Rice; Crescent City, Capt. A. R. Robinson; Eads, Capt. R. E. Byrns; Edenborn, Capt. Geo. Bell; Klwood, Capt. Harvey Mills; Empire City, (Capt. R. F. Humble: Ericcson, Capt. C. J. Grant; Fairbairn, Capt. F, J. 'Crowley; Fulton, Capt. S. C: Allen; Gates, Capt. R, J. Lyons; German, Capt. Chas. Hinslea; Gilbert, Capt. R. J. Cowley; Grecian, Capt. P. L. Millen; Griffen, Capt. J. F. Johns; Harvard, Capt. H. Peterson; Hill, Capt. F. P. Houghton; Houghton, 'Capt. H. W. Stone; Hoyt, Capt. J. H. Driscoll; Joliet, Capt. Geo. Banker; LaFayette, Capt. B. A. Bailey: LaSalle, Capt. G. W. Pierce. Linn, Capt. J. W. Morgan; Manola, Capt. Wm. Pardo; Mariska, Capt. A. J. Talbot; Maruba, Capt. H, Gunderson; Matoa, Capt. C. H. Cummings; Marina, Capt. Jno. Nahr- stadt; Masaba, Capt. Wm. Ames; Maritana, Capt. W. E. Chilson; Mari- posa, Capt. M. K. Chamberlain; Maricopa, Capt. H. Zealand; Mataafa, Capt. F. D. Root; Maunaloa, Capt. A. P. Chambers; Malietoa, Capt. F. Hoffman; Mather, Capt. Jno. F. Parke; McDougall, Capt. W. H. Kilby; Morse, Capt. E. M; Smith; Neilson, Capt. W. S. Hoag; Poe, Capt. Jno. Lowe; Palmer, Capt. J. Laframboise; Princeton, 'Capt. F. C. Rae; Queen Ci.y, Capt. C. D. Secord; Rensselaer. Capt. E. T. Rattray; Rockefeller, Capt. Neil Campbell; Roman, Capt. Richard Jollie; Saxon, Capt. -- ; Siemens, Capt. John Ward; Stephenson, Capt. A. C. Chapman; Superior City, Capt. Jas. Leisk; Thomson, Capt. Miles Hillary; Trevor, Capt. Jno. Dunn; Van_Hise, Capt. W. H. Campau; Watt, Capt. F. W. Stenton; Wawatam, Capt. Geo. L. Phillips; Wilson, Capt. M. 'C. Cameron; Wolvin, Capt. Chas. Gegenheimer; Zenith City, Capt. E. P. Wright. Schooners-- Bell, Capt. E. L. Sawyer; Bryn Mawr, Capt. F. W. Light: Carrington, 'Capt, Oscar Olson: Corliss, apt. G. ly) Durand: Fritz, Capt A Me: Arthur; Holley, Capt. O. W. Holdridge; Jenney, Capt. F. S. Tear; Krupp, Capt. Av Nordahl; Malta, Capt. W. D. Graham; Marcia, Capt A, W. Burrows; Manda, Capt. Cas Van Gorder; Martha, Capt. H. Kerr; Mag- ra, Capt. 'C. E. Copeland; Maida, Capt. A. G. Tappan; Maia, Capt. Robert Brooks; Manila, Capt. H. Gegoux; Maderia, Capt. J. H. Collins; Marsa!a, Capt. W. A. Reid; Nasmyth, Capt. W. H. Dick; Roebling, Capt. F. E. Ingraham; Russell, Capt. Wm. McDonald; Smeaton, Capt. H. A. Byrns; Thomas, Capt. M. Langell; Whitworth, Capt. P. Gustafsen; 105, Capt. L. Leonard; 107, Capt. D. McFadyen; 109, Capt. E. Emanuelson; 110, Capt. Frank Brown; 111 Capt. Robert Thompson; 116, Capt. A. G Mc- Leod; 117, Capt. Geo. Bursley; 118,-Capt. A. A. Boyce 126; Capt. ©. Mulholland; 127, Capt. A. Siljander; 129, Capt. Donald Graham; 130, Capt. Ed. Morey; 181, Capt. J. Y. Sprowell; 132, Capt. Willard Damon; 133, Capt. 'C. H. Noble; 184, Capt. Sam'l Durfey; 137, Capt. Jas. Burr; 201, Capt. H. Harris, Jr. 202 Capt. ); J: Barron. Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland, J. H. Sheadle, manager for this and other companies that follow: Cleveland-Clitfs Iron Co.: Steamers-- Pontiac, Capt. J. M. Johnston, Engineer Thomas Welsh; Frontenac, Capt. G. D. Tulian, Engineer T. J. Rees; Andaste, Capt. C. E. Sayre, Engineer ----; Choctaw, Capt. Wm. Smith, Engineer Thos. Blain; Pioneer, Capt. A. W. Stalker, Engineer Thos. Durkin; Cadillac, Capt. H. H. Par- sons, Kngineer J. B. Hart; Kate Butteroni, Capt. W. J. Willoughby, En- gineer J. O. Braman. Schooner--Chattanooga, Capt. A. C. Reimers. Hopkins Steamship Co.: Steamer--Centurion, Capt. S. A. Lyons, En- gineer T. B. Kelley. Presque Isle Trans. Co.: Steamers--Presque Isle, Capt. James B. Lowe, Engineer E. I. Jenkins; Angeline, Capt. S. N. Mur- phy, Engineer E. V. Barry. St. Clair Steamship Co.: Steamer--Kali- yuga, Capt. T. E. Murphy, Engineer James Bennett. W. G. Mather, managing owner: Steamer--E, S. Pease, 'Capt. G. A. McCoy, Engineer J. J. Booth. Schooner--Planet, Capt. John Lewis. Blodgett, O. W., Bay City, Mich.: Steamers--C. H. Bradley, Capt. Jas. Bennett, Engineer R. C. Speir; Zillah, Capt. M. Canartney. Engineer Jas. Speir; Mark Hopkins, Capt. Geo. H. Phelps, Engineer N. P. Slater. Schooners--Mary Woolson, Capt. Wallace Allen; Brightie, Capt. L. D. Bennett; Peshtigo, Capt. M. W. Brooks; C. J. Fillmore, Capt. Geo. J. Sauer; B. W. Jenness, Capt. Andrew Bigger; Goshawk, Capt. Jas. Gor- don; Delaware, Capt. Wm. R. Young; Connely Bros., Capt. Wm. Kee- nan; Ogarita, 'Capt. John Gordon; Sofia Minch, Capt. John Madden. Shannon, Jos.. Saginaw, Mich.: Steamers--Robert Holland, Capt. J.'C. Garey, Engineer J. J. Derry; W. P. Thew, Capt. John Devaney, En- gineer L. Van Liew; Wyoming, Capt. 'Chas. E. Garey, Engineer Edward Stevens. Schooners--T. G. Lester, Capt. Deiltman; Wm. Crosthwaite, Capt. O. W. Thompson; White & Friant, Capt. Chas. Trudo; Exile, Capt. Jas. Hall; Monticello, Capt. Robt. Rabadue. Canada Atlantic Transit Co., Geo. J. Harris, General Western Agent, Chicago: Steamers--Arthur Orr, Capt. John Massey, Engineer A. D. Houghton; Geo. N. Orr, Capt. Wm. Baxter, Engineer A. W. Wilcox; Kearsarge, Capt. R. McDowell, Engineer L. Sebastion; Ottawa, Capt. Alex. Birnie, Engineer Jas. Gregg; Wm. L. Brown,.Capt. C. H. Wilson, Engineer John Goulding. ; Richardson, W. C., Cleveland: Steamers--J. H. Wade, Capt. R. Call, Engineer John McMonagle; J. H. Devereaux, \Capt. John H. Babbitt, En- gineer Thos. Shannon; Iroquois, Capt. E. J. Burke, Engineer A. C. Bowen; J. H. Outhwaite, Capt. C. E. Mason, Engineer R. A. Davidson. Crosthwaite, J. L., Buffalo: Steamer--St. Louis, Capt. Jas. Brines, Engineer M. B. Townsend. Schooners--Champion, Capt. E. M. Warner; Saveland, 'Capt. R. C. Smith; Buckeye State, Capt. Tug--Elk, Capt. A. Booth, Engineer Albert Booth. Vulcan Trans. Co., Jas. Findlater, Secy., Detroit: Steamers--Forest City, Capt. Jos. Sanders, Engineer Hugh Buchanon; R. J. Hackett, Capt. Thos. H. Sanders, Engineer Jas. H. Foster. Schooners--Wm. McGregor, Capt. Alex. Glen. Richardson, W. C., Cleveland: (Representing estate of Valentine Fries of Milan, O.) Steamer--Wm. Edwards, 'Capt. J. Laframboise, En- gineer Moses Blondin. Schooner--Golden Age, Capt. Dan'! H. Stalker. Bielman, 'C. F., Detroit: Steamers--C. F. Bielman, Capt. Fred Stew- art, Engineer Albert Lacey; Florence B., Captains Ed. Baker and Wm. Dunn and Engineers Edward Lewis and Joseph Rousseau. Mitchell & Rowland Lumber Co., Toledo, O.: Steamer--Sachem, Capt. H. R. Moore, Engineer Thos. Leitch. Schooners--Geo. B. Owen, Capt. E. G. Konnert; Abram Smith, Capt. N. Johnson. 'Richardson, W. C., Manager Jackson Transit Co., Cleveland: Steamer --Samuel Mitchell, Capt. Thos. Wilford, Engineer Jas. Falconer. Schooner--Chickamauga, Capt. H. Phillips. Houghton, H., Detroit: Steamers--H. Houghton, Capt. Wm. G. Deeg, Engineer M. F. Saunders; Mary, Capt. John E. Edson, Engineer Joseph Bent. Ralph & Co., P. J., Detroit: Steamer--S, J. Macy, Capt. W. W. Gotham, Engineer W. F. Gregory. Schooner--Mabel Wilson, Capt. J. E. Gotham. Ric' ardson Transportation Co., W. C. Richardson, Megr., (Cleveland: Steamer--Roumania, Capt. Chas. R. Cleveland, Engineer Lawrence Re- gan. Soper Lumber 'Co., Chicago: Steamer--Albert Soper, Capt, Jas. Ho- gan, Engineer Wm. H. Brown. Case, F. B., Norwalk, O.: Steamer--F. B. Case, 'Capt. J. D. Peter- son, Engineer Fitzgerald. PURCHASE OF THE INDIVIDUAL FLEET. BUFFALO OWNERS THINK THAT WILL BE THE OUTCOME OF EFFORTS TO FORM FREIGHT COMBINATIONS--LINE BOATS WILL EVENTUALLY BE UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT. Buffalo, May 1.--"The mecting of the vessel combine on coal rates adjourned sine die and it ought to have died sometime before it did," writes a vessel owner to a friend here after the effort to take another stcp towards centralizing business failed. And yet everybody expects that this very ting will happen before very long. The fight is already a mere effort to stave it off as long as it can be done. Individual vessel owners cannot be combined, at least on any sort of plan that has been prcposed yet, but they can sell out, and that is just what a great part of them are looking after on the quiet already. It is not that they are anxious to do this. As a rule they would much prefer to continue on the old lines, but they have seen the handwriting on the walls and they have been able to interpret it only one way. It was but a short time ago that I heard a vessel man arguing that times were very much better when individual ownership was the rule than they are now, but the man with a taste of the big things possible in combination--not in rates but in quan- tity--is not averse to the combine if it appears to be coming his way, especially if he feels that it will be more to his advantage to invite the change than it will be to hold out against it as long as possible. The belief that individual ownership would win in the long run was just what wrecked the Erie canal boatmen. They obtained a law from the state forbidding the creation of any combination of interests on the canal capitalized for more than $50,000, and they stuck to it till the past session | of the legislature, when they allowed it to be repealed. Had they joined together and formed a big corporation, with power in the legislature as well as with the commercial world, they could have controlled the situ- ation and they would now have had all they have been asking for so long in vain. But they would not allow anyone else to do what they could not do themselves'and now they are left out, with prospects of poorest. I would not convey 'the idea that the canal is dead, for I have no idea that it is, but it is just because capital has lately become convinced that it is valuable that there is hope of its continuation. Had not this interest been fought so persistently always by the boatmen: the situation today -- would have been very different from what it is. It appears that they -- have concluded to let the natural leaders in commercial matters save the canal if they can. : _ "I expect that the lake package freight lines will all be under a single management before a great while," said the manager of a leading line here the other day. He doubtless:spoke the opinion of all the other managers, though as individuals none of them cared to see the day. What is the new position that all this centralization has in store for me? is the question they all are asking. There does not appear to be any- body able to answer the question, so they will cling to the certainty as long as 'they can. Already they are saying that the big roads are so close together that there is not going to be the amount of traffic dis- turbance that there has been. Freight rates can now be made with a reasonable expectation that they will last awhile, and if they do not last the war that follows a break will be a reason for bringing the roads still closer together than they are. For it was becoming a fact that these wars were swamping so many roads that the situation was alarming. As soon as they are over the armies that were kept for the purpose of doing the fighting will go into other business. The Buffalo marine situation has not changed very materially on account of the business concentration. No large port has felt it less. The dry docks are a unit and business is much increased on account of it. Already the keel of the Western Transit steamer is laid after the Lehigh liner was launched. Several smaller boats are building. There is one shipping coal office less. We look for more changes, but none are in sight as yet. JOHN CHAMBERLIN. Mr. Will R. Huntington of:Cleveland has purchased from Robert J. Allen of Hartford, 'Conn., the 75-ft., twin-screw, naphtha launch Thelma, built by the Gas Engine & Power 'Co., and Charles L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated, Morris Heights, N. Y. The yacht will be re-christened Dearest. Mr. Huntington has gone to the coast to bring the yacht via the Erie canal to Cleveland. 4 Settlers' rates via the Nickel Plate road--Beginning with Tuesday, Feb. 12, low rate settlers' tickets will be on sale every Tuesday to and including April 30, to Oregon, Montana, Washington and all points in. the Northwest. Write, wire, 'phone or call on the nearest agent, C.. A.» Asterlin, T. P. A., Ft. Wayne, Ind., or E. A, Akers, C. P. & T. A., Cleve- land, O. 10 April 30. |