THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY COMPANY, Incorporated. Engineers, Designers and Manufacturers || Cantilever and Gantry Cranes wanvnaecnct™ "om Sey e ® e e : i . SPECIAL MACHINERY Locomotive Cranes ESD ee Yards TOR RANDEING COAL fue OR E cue ee oe ee Office, . : ne Office, : under the well known -*-BROWNHOIST" Patents. 26 Courtlandt St., New York. Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. 39 Vietoria St.; London, S..W. TL yy pt eT (9 4 MANUFACTURERS "SN. GUARANTEES QUALITY : CLEVELAND, OHIO_, | facta STANDARD MARINE GENERATING SETS. COMPLETE HOISTING AND POWER PLANTS. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS 60, =§ Ship Machinery. P.O. Box 53, PROVIDENCE, R.?. _ Sle Builders ofithe QRIGINAL and ONLY AUTOMATIC Send for Catalogue. Address FRANK S. MANTON, Agent. STEAM TOWING MACHINE. WILLIAM L. BROWN, B. W. WELLS, 0, R. SINCLAIR, JOHN A. UBSDELL, Jr., President. Vice-President. _ Sec'y and Treas, ; Genl. Mngr. y CHICAGO SHIP KUILDING COMPANY, L Di Teleph ¢ OT ales on dooce STEEL SHIP BUILDERS anb i fam euesgs DRY DOCK PROPRIETORS. Chicago Office, ee Rookery, ce Dry Dock and Yards: 101st St. and Calumet River, CHICAGO, ILL. A BIG FAT SPARK EVERY TIME if you use our Magneto Igniter. Expense and annoy- ance of batteries avoided, and continuous, satisfactory operation of gas or gasoline engine assured. Special styles for automobiles and launches. Send for our new booklet X for full particulars, my Standard Automatic Releasing Device. i i THE FALLS ARE SO ROVE THAT BOTH ENDS ead z It will interest you. ME THE CORT RETAu I DeSE eV EOF THE HOLTZER-CABOT ELECTRIC CO., Boston, (Brookline) MASS. WHICH END STRIKES THE WATER FIRST. New York Office, 115 Broadway. Chicago Office, 397 Dearborn St. Will release a boat immediately in the roughest sea or under speed and can be hooked on without delay or injury to the hands of men hooking it on. Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co., Va NEW CHEESEBROUGH BUILDING, Three Excellent Little Books FOR marine EnGineeERs. "KEY TO ENGINEERING." «sWHAT AN ENGINEER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELECTRICITY." 's ENGINEER'S EPITOME." Any one of these is worth a dollar. All three may be had for a dollar cs 17 State Street, New York, N.Y " | from the Marine Review Pub. Co., 418-419 Perry-Fayne Building, Cleveland. FOR pee LAND and MARINE BOILERS. UNIFORM THICKNESS--EASILY CLEANED UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH. Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces. Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, West and Calyer Sts, NEW YORK Near 10th and 23d Sts. Ferries. Borough of Brooklyn ERODE ERATE AEA ALEGRE DEI