28 - MARINE REVIEW. | ried A MODERN STEEL FOUNDRY. Attention was directed to the United States Steel Co. of West Everett, Mass., a short time ago on account of a report to the effect that the big Morgan industrial organization, the United States Steel Corporation, at first thought of adopting the name United States Steel 'Co., but found it had already been used by the Massachusetts concern. But the United States Steel Co. at West iverett, Mass., is by no means a small affair. It is under the direction of Mr. Eugene Edwards, who was for six years in charge of the General Electric Co.'s steel foundry at Lyun, where he was making 350,000 Ibs. of castings a week. Products of the new West Everett works are knownas Jupiter steel casting. The company recently closed a contract with the Fore River Ship & Engine Co. of Quincy, Mass., for all the steel castings that will be required in the battleships New Jersey and Rhode Island, to be built at Quincy. Several castings involved in this order will weigh 30 tons each. The foundry is 200 by 180 ft. and cost about $200,000. The equipment includes two 15-ton acid open-hearth furnaces, one 30-ton traveling crane and one 20-ton traveling crane, with 'side cranes to match. There are several air hoists throughout the plant, and the facilities are in all respects suited to the manufacture of castings of I Ib. to 80 tons weight. A crucible plant, run in connection, 1s in opera- tion practically night and day. SOLVING THE TORPEDO BOAT PROBLEM. A board of naval officers appointed to devise a scheme of practical usefulness for the large torpedo flotilla which will soon be added to the navy has gone to Pensacola, Fla., where it will hold a meeting for the purpose of considering the advisability of establishing a series of torpedo stations along the Atlantic coast. The plan for the uniform distribution of the torpedo boats is still in embryo, but is generally looked upon with favor by the officers themselves. What to do with these little craft has been a problem to the navy department for some time, and it is believed that the plan of the board will finally solve the question. This plan con- templates the establishment of three main divisions, one along the North Atlantic coast at probably New London, \Conn.; another at Port Royal, S. C., and a third at Pensacola, Fla. These points are merely suggested so far, and it is the purpose of the present trip of the board to determine more definitely what points offer the best facilities for torpedo-boat ren- dezvous. As soon as these three main stations have been established the URNISHINE Ensincers THE MOST MARVELOUS METAL oe 2 ; s ie POLISH IN THE WORLD. Getting in touch with us. In Liquid and We know that we can be of service to you if you will write us your wants as regards Paste Form. PACKINGS for your valve rods, pistons, etc. We are the manufacturers of Wil Delish |EA0IOGK'S ceaoe PaCkings for every purpose, and can assure you they are the best, being made of superior ma- terial, and are of the finest. workmanship. Hal hy Cold Let us krow your requirements and we ab- solutely guarantee to supply your ~wants. | Address our nearest office and you will re- ceive our prompt, careful and best attention. Mela) Sen:l for catalogue and samples to our nearest office. THE GARLOCK PACKING CO. 3 i a SRS SE Sse Ss Stas ee i f ae tire ie w AA LY Re HICAGO. ILLS 10 matter which, Produces a wonderfully brilliant] ,AONA- eal lustre on brass, copper, nickel and é all metals, no labor required. Used on steamers all over the world. New York. Philadelphia. St. Louis. Fee samples on application. Boston, Pittsburg. Denver. Chicago. Cleveland, San Francisco. J : ae PAU i & Co. MAIN OFFICES AND FACTORIES! 3 57 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL.| PALMYRA, N.Y.; ROME, GA. board will recommend that other smaller stations contiguous to them be authorized, thus forming a continuous line of defense along the entire Atlantic coast line. The Lockwood Manufacturing Co., East Boston, Mass., is very busy on repair work. General repairs are being made on the Prince Edward of the Dominion Atlantic line and which is to run between Yarmouth, N. S., and Halifax, N. S. The yacht America, formerly a cup defender, and now belonging to the Ames estate, is to be fitted out for a summer cruise. The Hector, belonging to the Metropolitan Coal Co., is also undergoing general repairs. The trade of this country in propeller wheels, especially in the New England district, is very extensive, and the wheels are giving general satisfaction. IMPORTANT NOTICE. On and after Sunday, May 19, trains of the B. & O. R.'R. will de- part from Cleveland as follows: For Akron, Canton; Valley Junction.......... 7:15 a. m. daily Akrom Canton, Marietta o. 75.2.4 0.22 11:00 a. m. ex. Sun. Akron, Washineton, New Yorks. -:.:.....2.0: 3:00 p. m. daily Akron, Canton, Valley Junction...0.1...702... 3:25 p. m. daily Akron, Canton, Chicago... 322.524 ..0. . 6:30 p. m. daily Akron, Canton, Pittsburg, Phila. New York. .11:20 p. m. daily Note changes present schedule. May 23 Some interesting reading matter relative to very shallow draft power- ful steamboats for river navigation is mailed free on receipt of request by Marine Iron Works, station A, Chicao. g FOR SALE. BALANCED COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES carried in stock for immediate delivery--20 to 200 horse power. Full line of patterns for larger sizes and quadruple expansion engines, insuring quick delivery. ' Highest economy and speed. NO VIBRATION. Contracts taken for complete plants. July 25. WELLS ENGINEERING CO., 136 Liberty St., NEW YORK, N. Y. STEAM YACHT (Screw Schooner) FOR SALE. Dimensions: Over all, 73 ft..1 in.; water line 63 ft. 7 in.; beam, 12 ft. 3 in. Vertical steeple-compound condensing engines, 10 and 20 by 12 in.. Seabury boiler. Accommodations in cabin for four persons. All fur- nishings complete, ready for cruising. Price, $7,500. Box 2275, Boston, Mass. May 30. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. First-class British steamers, of Welland canal dimensions; about 3,250 gross tons capacity, carrying about 2,000 gross tons on 14 ft. (fresh water) draught. Speed 10 knots loaded; easy consumption. Large hatchways. For further particulars address 'Charter,' The Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. May 30. BOILER FOR SALE. Marine Fire Box. Allowed 116 Ibs. Size 8 ft. by 13% ft. Good condition. Address HARDY & DISCHINGER, TOLEDO, OHIO. " THE CLEVELAND PUNCH & SHEAR WORKS CO., cLeveLanp, 0.,u sa. Angle Bending Rolls. We believe we are building the most successful machine for bending angles. The rolls are adjustable for any size angles, and will bend any- thing up to the heaviest angles. Let us tell you more about this machine. The Cleveland ti pecans ace Pi eo eal