1901.) MARINE REVIEW. 29 FAN BLOWERS IN A MODERN SHIP YARD. The equipment of the ship building plant of the Fore River Ship & Engine Co. at Quincy Point, Mass., exemplifies in marked degree the varied applications of the fan blower. Draft for its boilers is produced by an induced draft fan drawing the gases directly from the uptake flue and discharging them through a small stack extending only a few feet above the roof. Under the forced system, fan draft is likewise employed for creating the necessary intensity of combustion in the heating furnaces and forges, while the smoke is removed from the forges through hoods communicating with an exhaust fan. All buildings are heated by the hot- blast system, by means of which a fan forces the heated air through dis- tributing pipes and delivers it along the walls and above head level. Not- withstanding the exposed position of the buildings, the first winter has been passed with perfectly uniform internal temperature throughout all of the buildings. The entire equipment of blowers and heating apparatus at these works was installed by the B. F. Sturtevant Co. of Boston, Mass. A feature of the exhibit of the United States light-house establish- ment at the Pan-American exposition is the topophone, an instrument intended to assist the mariner in determining the direction of sound in fog, and which was described in the last issue of the Review. It is manufactured by the J. B-Colt 'Co., Room 7, No. 21 Barclay street, New York. The United States Government has established 393 fog signals, 120 bell buoys, 73 whistling buoys and 44 light-vessels with fog signals on or near the shores of its navigable waters. Other nations have similarly guarded their coasts. Every vessel that floats is required by law to carry some kind of a fog signal. In addition, there are other sounds, such as echoes and breakers, whose direction the mariner needs to know to pre- '© Seaboard Steel Castings." MANUFACTURERS OF A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. "THE ADMIRAL" ANCHOR. OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS = OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. THE LATEST AND BEST FACILITIES FOR CASTINGS UP TO STOCKLESS ANCHOR. 80,000 POUNDS WEIGHT. APPROVED By LLoyo's. MACHINE WORK AND PATTERNS ee FURNISHED WHEN REQUIRED. ANCHORS CAST AND TESTED ON = RAIL OR WATER DELIVERIES. ORDER; OR STOCK ORDERS CAPACITY, {503 TONS PER MONTH Seaboard Steel Casting Co., CHESTER, PA. vent accident. The topophone has been devised to accomplish just that thing. By its use the mariner can determine the direction of any sound long before it can be heard by the unassisted ear. Pan-American exposition rates to Buffalo via the Nickel Plate road-- Tickets now on sale at all stations, one and one-third fare for round trip, good returning fifteen days. Write, wire, phone or call on nearest agent, or E. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A., Cleveland, Ohio. 85, Aug. 1. New train east via B. & O. R. R--Leaves Cleveland 11:20 p, m. daily with through sleeper to Pittsburg and observation chair cars to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, giving daylight ride through the mountain scenery. June 30. FOR SALE. BALANCED COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES carried in stock for immediate delivery--20 to 200 horse power. Full line of patterns for larger sizes and quadruple expansion engines, insuring quick delivery. Highest economy and speed. NO VIBRATION. Contracts taken for complete plants, July 2s. WELLS ENGINEERING CO., 136 Liberty St., NEW YORK, N. Y. TUG MAURICE W. FOR SALE. Practically a new boat; 50 ft. over all, 12 ft. beam, 5 ft. draught. Swings a 4-ft. wheel. Machinery built by Sutton Bros. Price, $1,600. cash. L. E. Welch, Mackinaw City, Mich. June 13. STEAM YACHT (Screw Schooner) FOR SALE. Dimensions: Over all, 73 ft. 1 in.; water line 63 ft. 7 in.; beam, 12 ft. 3 in. Vertical steeple-compound condensing engines, 10 and 20 by 12 in. Seabury boiler. Accommodations in cabin for four persons. All fur- nishings complete, ready for cruising. Price, $7,500. Box 2275, Boston, Mass. May 30. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. First-class British steamers, of Welland canal dimensions; about 3,250 gross tons capacity, carrying about 2,000 gross tons on 14 ft. (fresh water) draught. Speed 10 knots loaded; easy consumption. Large hatchways. For further particulars address "Charter," The Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. May 30. STANDARD SEAMLESS TUBE Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Seamless Cold Drawn Steel Tubing IN ALL SIZES FROM % TO 16" DIAMETER. Stay Tubes, Water Grates, High Steam Pressures. Boiler Tubes Compressed Air and * FOR ALL CLASSES OF MARINE WORK. Hollow Shafts, Bushings, Hydraulic Tubes, Etc., Ete. NATIONAL TUBE COMPANY, SELLING AGENTS, SALES OFFICES: Havemeyer Building, New York. Conestoga Building, Pittsburg. Western Union Building, Chicago. FOREIGN OFFICE: Dock House, Billiter Street, London, E. C., Eng. 95 Milk St., Boston. 267 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia. 420 California St., San Francisco.