IO MARINE BRE V.LE VY. [July 11, Evaporating, aud... a Distilling Apparatts ror MARINE PURPOSES. The Most Efficient, Compact, Accessible and Lightest Made. GENERAL ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. James Reilly Repair & Supply Go,, 229 and 230 West St., NEW YORK. ALFRED B. SANDS & SON MARINE PLUMBERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Plumbing Specialties. SIXTH REVISED EDITION. Deal's Coast Pilot for 1901, Great Lakes and Connecting Waters, AT $1.50. For sale by MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO. Queen City Patent Hydraulic Steerer. The Best and Most Reliable. Generates No Heat In Pilot House. Has Large Hand eel. Can be Changed from Power to Hand Marine Water Closet for either above or Steering Instantly. below water line. A Favorite with Pilots. | Folding Lavatories, Ventilators, Pumps, z Send for References. Pranks, &c., &c. Queen City Engineering Co., Bufalo, N.Y. | '94 Beexman sr., NEW YORK. THE LIDGERWOO0D-MILLER-MARINE CABLEWAY WILL TRANSFER COAL, AMMUNITION, SUPPLIES AND PROVISIONS, FROM SHIP TO SHIP AT SEA. 'THE ONLY PRACTICAL DEVICE FOR COALING AT SEA. LIDGERWOOD STEAM AND ELECTRIC HOISTS FOR WAR VESSELS, STEAM- SHIPS, WAREHOUSES AND DOCKS. Send for Catalogue. LIDGERWOOD MFG. CO., 96 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING COMPANY \\\ MANUFACTURERS OF Propeller Wheels. MARINE ENGINES AND REPAIRS. MILWAUKEE, WIS. TELEPHONE S.--163 TOPOPHONE $25.00 Prevents Marine Disasters in Fogs. | Write for circular to J.B. COLT CO., Room 7, 21 Barclay St., N.Y. OF ALL KINDS. Ships Cables, Dredge Chains, Stud Link and Marine Railway Chains, Steam Shovel Chains, Boom Chains, Ete. CERTIFICATE OF TEST FURNISHED. STANDARD GHAIN GO, PITTSBURGH, PA. Buréall of Shipping Inormation. Such is the office of the Marine Review, Cleveland. We try to keep in touch with all that is going on among ship owners and ship builders and never tire of answering inquiry on this score from ad- vertising patrons. Write us. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. Co., CLEVELAND, O. CHAS. GORY & SON, Manufacturers of the Mechanical and Electric Marine Telegraph, --@ ~ Electrical Helm Indicators Electric Call Bells. Engine Bells and Brass Work of all descriptions, Shrieking and Siren Whistles. Sellers Restartino Injector PN Tate ame class machine at moderate cost. uO NETO matic, has wide Rey ae ties, and raises water promptly with hot-or cold pipes. Very simple, - has few parts and Is easily repaired . All. parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- Ship is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. 278 DIVISION ST., NEW YORK CITY. JENKINS BROTHERS, Seliing agents New York, Boston, Pnita., Cnicaco