Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 1 Aug 1901, p. 1

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ee . * tiene Ma See me EVERY PACKAGE OF BERTRAM'S POLISH, OIL AND PASTE ans ano H " om > Bcc son. = r=s aay Mul ae iz 5 VoL. XXIV. CLEVELAND, O., AUGUST 1, 1901. : No. 5 aa 2 #2 > . Rd w" a s : -- | 4 o aE 3 The Superior Marine | (x vnc ncm [er Riana) SSE = F - . R. L. IRELAND, :Vice-president. oot Wedde X - =e = } Gasol I ne Engi ne R. C. WETMORE, sry had rece Dry Rocket toch: i. So eon an 7 ft. = fe Bb 9 if BUILT FOR HEAVY SERVICE JAS. C. WALLACE, Gen'l Manager. 3 ar es 5 as E il b d st eo ae Sie THR toda, Saal seebodiee dee ae The A merican Shi Buildin 0 a pes Se bills. One in a delivery boat pays for itself ' i = a~< = 60 3 the first year. Built in single, double and : So s c aea8 Sika waiace reer |b OFFICE, 120 VIADUCT, CLEVELAND, 0, = Ons peng €=LAKE SHORE ENGINE WoRKS, Marquette, Mich. ic ee Op = -- . 'ez The Wm, Cramp & Sons Hae q i wud - e ye) cee hip and E Building ¢ = 3k aP a. ee Ship and Engine Building Co, -- Bae ui PHILADELPHIA MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. O 35 ° ORF . BOILERS AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY. | gq 22 ea SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA OF oa = Day : 60 poe Parsons Manganese Bronze aa ane ben Ae cidcdin' wae Geese © : ms z REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. : = ot ano Parsons White Brass. ee zz sofa) 0 nr Zon EDWARD W. HYDE, President. | H. H.. McCARTY, Treasurer. THE ELECTRO-DYNAMIC COMPANY o 4h JOHN S. HYDH, Vicé-Pres. and Gen'! Supt. INCORPORATED 1880. Cen, BUILDERS OF HIGH-CLASS ELECTRICAL MACHINERY WM _ AND Sea BATH IRON WORKS, Ltd. Electrical Appliances Especially Designed FOR MARINE WORK Ship Builders and Engineers, Sennett Sein a kasi ste aaa COMPLETE ELECTRIC EQUIPMENTS INSTALLED = S Correspondence Solicited BATH, MAINE. OFFICE AND WORKS: 224 IONIC STREET, PHILADELPHIA Cable Address, Edco, A B C Code, 4th Edition Poli <= : | GALVANIZED. % WIRE RIGGING ome en AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE COMPANY, - THE ROOKERY, - CHICAGO, ILL. ALEXANDER McVITTIE, President and Manager. CHARLES B. CALDER, General Superintendent. i M. E. FARR, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM C. McMILLAN, Vice-President. FRANK E, KIRBY, Consulting Engineer. DETROIT SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS, . DETROIT, MICH. Sole Owners for the Lakes and Atlantic Coast of the HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM, Woodga thie yards and Oy Bache Fea Gr oriodiae as applied to Boilers, giving increased power and great economy. "MELVILLE" PATENT SHEET GUM RUBBER GOODS = WITH WIRE GAUZE INSERTION WILL NOT BLOW OUT. Bertram Street, and Foot of Clark Ave., DETROIT, MJCH. ef Gh? 25 § aaa reeND varve uve, co, | POSTAGE AND PRINTING WASTED cy - 1 3/9 z | AND VALVE MNFG. CO. s . (Original Steam Gauge Company.) . . Tons of it fail to reach the right people. Wig Z Le! aloes BOSTON. CHIOReG: Not so when lists are selected from such reliable publications as the . S ie 1 AND 2 RANGOON ST., Wennon, ENG. : ; ; +o Wi MANUFACTURERS O hi in gio > Gauges that Gauge, le 00 i | WW . Be ia Indicators that Indicate, 1901 EDITION NOW IN PREPARATION. | ul ® Y Pops that Pop. A directory of everything pertaining to ships. Lists of Ship Owners, < ° _ Clocks, Revolution Counters, Whistles, and all Ship Masters Ship Builders, Naval Engineers, Marine Engineers, = a kinds of Steamship Instruments. . Original and only Genuine Thompson Indicator. Advertising rates and other information on application. HIGHEST AWARD AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. = Hears Bon Seay Vv ™ The Only American Indicator to Receive a Medal. THE MARINE BEVIEW PUR, CC PCa ee "COAL HANDLING" uusTRateD 800K:

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