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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 1 Aug 1901, p. 35

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MARINE REVIEW. 1901.] 35 e SHIP YARD PRACTI Books on Naval Architecture, Sei XAB) PRACTICE. AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR--Nathaniel OO ae ee OF SHIP BUILDING IN IRON PROJECTION TABLES--Bureau of Navigation. $1.50. Bowditch. $2.25. AZIMUTH TABLES for the Great Lakes--Hydrographic Office. 50 cents. BOILER MAKERS AND IRON SHIP BUILDERS' COM- PANION. Comprising a series of original and care- fully calculated tables. James Foden. $2. BOWDITCH'S USEFUL TABLES. $1.25. DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineer's data book. By T. H. Watson. A reliable and simple means of recording valuable data, etc., of vessels and engines. Size of book, 83% in. by 5 in., cloth, $2. ELEMENTARY NAVAL TACTICS--Com. Wm. Bain- bridge-Hoff, U. S. N. $2. ELEMENTARY SEAMANSHIP--D. Wilson Barker. $2. ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Henderson. $1. GEORGIAN BAY AND NORTH CHANNEL PILOT-- Department of Marine and Fisheries, Canada. GEORGIAN BAY AND NORTH CHANNEL SAILING DIRECTIONS--Hydrographie Office. 40 cents. HINTS ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIPMASTERS--B. W. Ginsburg. $1.75. ILLUSTRATED NAUTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA--Howard Patterson. In press. $3. ILLUSTRATIVE CLOUD FORMS FOR THE QGQUID- ANCE OF OBSERVERS IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF CLOUDS--Hydrographic Office. $1.00. INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL CODE--Bureau of Naviga- tion. $2.50. : KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP--Thos. Walton. $2.50. LAKE SUPERIOR AND ST. MARY'S RIVER SAILING DIRECTIONS--Hydrographic Office. 30 cents. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE: How to Find Them-- W. J. Millar. $1. MANUAL OF ALGEBRA--R. C. Buck. For the use, more especially, of young sailors and officers in the ane navy; numerous examples and exercises. MARINER'}' COMPASS IN AN IRON SHIP: How to etka it efficient and use it intelligently. J. W. ixon. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS--N. M. Hop- kins. New methods of engine and boiler making; i design and construction; fifty illustrations. MODERN SHAMANSHIP--Lieut. Com. Austin M. Knight, U. S. N. Adopted as the text book of the United States Naval Academy. $6. Books on Marine Engineering, tions and Answers--N. Hawkins. ALGEBRA SELF-TAUGHT--W. P. Higgs. Fourth edi- tion. 60 cents. AMERICAN MARINE ENGINEER--By Edwards. $2.50. ARITHMETIC OF THE STEAM ENGINE--E. 5S. Gould. $1. BOILER MAKERS AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS' COM- PANION--James Foden. i BREAKDOWNS AT SEA AND HOW TO REPAIR THEM--A. R. Leask. 252 pages. $2. BREAKDOWNS--Thos, Reed. $1.50. CATECHISM OF THE MARINE STEAM Edwards. $2. DATA BOOK--Valve setting record book, for the use of marine engineers, by P. A. Low. 60 cents. DATA BOOK--The engineer's and draughtsman's data book, for workshop and office use. So arranged that the data of a complete set of engines, boilers, auxil- iary engines, pumps, etc., for a steamship can be recorded on four pages. Enough space for 20 sets of engines. Bound in full limp leather. $1.25. DATA BOOK--Marine engineer's record book--engines. By Bryan C, Bartley. Names of all parts, etc., are printed in one column on the left hand side of book when opened, and the remaining space is lined and column ruled for the recording of all necessary data. Complete thumb index which will facilitate ready reference. Contains enough space for 22 complete sets of engines. Size of book, 734x514 in., bound in full limp leather. $2.00. DRAWING AND DESIGNING FOR MARINE EN- GINEERS--Chas. W. Roberts. $3. ELECTRIC LIGHTING FOR MARINE ENGINEERS, or how to light a ship by the electric light and how to keep the apparatus in order. S. F. Walker. $2. ELECTRIC SHIP LIGHTING--A hand book on the practical fitting and running of ship's electrical plant. J. W. Urquhart. $3. ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN STEAM MACHINERY-- Langmaid and Galsford. For students and sub- ordinates in marine engineering. $2. ENGINEER'S MANUAL--By Ainsley. $5, ENGINEERS' SKETCH BOOK--T, W. Barber, M. E. $4. ENGINE ROOM PRACTICE--John Leveridge. $2.50. ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose. For the use of those who desire to pass an examina- tion to take charge of an engine or boiler; illus- - trated. $2.50. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS--Emory Edwards. 900 examination questions and answers for young engineers and firemen who desire to ob- tain marine licenses. $1.50. ' GAS AND OIL ENGINES--G. Richmond. A practical hand book on the care and management of gas en- gines, with instructions for running oil engines. $1. HAND BOOK OF ENGINEERING PRACTICE--Richard A. Smart. $1.25. HAWKINS' INDICATOR CATECHISM. $1. HIGH SPEED STEAM ENGINES--W. Norris and Ben H. Morgan--With 115 Illustrations. $2.50. AIDS TO ENGINEERS' ae with Ques- ENGINE-- Samuel J. P. Thearle. 2 volumes. Second edition, revised and enlarged. $5.25. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A treatise on laying off and building wood, iron and composite ships. Sam- uel J. P. Thearle. In two volumes. $3. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A manual on laying off iron and steel vessels--Thos. H. Watson. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners in ship yards. $5. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Sir W. H. White. Edition. 750 pages. $9. . Ne ARCHITECTURE--J. J. Welch. New edition. ut soon. NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND SHIPBUILDER'S POCK- ET BOOK--Clement Mackrow. Formulae, rules and tables, and marine engineers' and surveyors' Handy Book of Reference. Seventh edition. 700 pages; pocket-book form. $5. NAVAL POCKETBOOK--Clowe. $2. Containing valu- able information concerning all navies of the world. NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY--Prof. J. H. C. Coffin. $3.50. NAVIGATION: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL-- D. Wilson Barker. Illustrated. $1.50. OCEAN METEOROLOGY: For vessels of the Merchant Navy--William Allingham. $2. THE PILOT: A guid. to United States Local Inspec- tors' examinations of Masters and Mates. R. M. Pugsley. $1. POCKET BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES--Seaton and Rounthwaite. For ma- rine engineers, naval architects, superintendents and others engaged in construction of marine machin- ery. 33. PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON THE DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS, for the use of Masters and Mates of Iron Ships--J. T. Towson. $2 oe MARINE SURVEYING--Harry Phelps. $2.50. PRACTICAL MECHANICS, Applied to the Require- ments of the Sailor--Thos. Mackenzie. $1.50. PRACTICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--S, J. P. Thearle. Two vols., $3 PRACTICAL SEAMANSHIP FOR USE IN THE MER- CHANT SERVICE: Including all ordinary subjects; also Steam Seamanship, Wreck Lifting, Avoiding Collision, Wire Splicing, Displacement, and every- thing necessary to be known by seamen of the pres- ent day. Second edition, illustrated. John Todd and W. B. Whall. $8.40. New HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS. Practical -instruction for young engineers and steam users. E. P. Watson. New fifth edition. $1. KEY TO ENGINEERING, WHAT AN ENGINEER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELECTRICITY and EN- GINEER'S EPITOME--Three excellent little books for marine engineers. 50 cents each, or three for $1. KEY TO ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose. For use of those desiring to pass examina- tion to.take charge of an engine or boiler. $2.50. LESSONS AND PRACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, THE STEAM ENGINE, PROPELLERS, ETC.--King. $2. LIBRARY OF STEAM ENGINEERING--John Fehren- batch, M. E. $5. LUBRICANTS, OILS AND GREASES. Redwood. $1.50. MACHINISTS' AND: DRAFTMEN'S HAND BOOK-- Peder Lobben. A reference book for all interested in mechanical work. $2.50. MARINE BOILER MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUC- TION--C. E. Stromeyer. $5. MARINE BOILERS: A treatise on the Causes and Pre- vention of their Priming, with remarks on their gen- eral management. Reed. MARINE BOILERS--L. E. Bertin. 250 illustrations, de- signs and tables. $7.50. MARINE ENGINEERS--Constantine. Just out. $2.50. MARINE ENGINES--R. Murray. $1.80. MARINE PROPELLERS--By Barnaby. $4.25. MARINE STEAM ENGINES--Sennett & Oram. $6. MARINE STEAM ENGINES--Main and Brown. $5. MECHANICS' AND ENGINEERS' POCKET BOOK, in- cluding Naval Architecture, Steam and the Steam Engine, Steam Vessels, etc. 64th edition, 1050 pages. Chas. H. Haswell. $4. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' POCKET BOOK--Wm. Kent. Reference book of rules, tables, etc. $5. MECHANISM OF MEN-OF-WAR--R. C. Oldknow. A description of machinery to be found in modern fighting ships. Numerous illustrations. $3. MODERN EXAMINATIONS OF STEAM ENGINEERS --W. H. Wakeman. $1.50 MODERN AMERICAN MARINE ENGINES--By Ed- wards. $5. MODERN MARINE ENGINEERING--By Burgh. $10. NAUTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA, ILLUSTRATED--How- ard Patterson. Complete from Standpoint of Marine Engineer and Naval Architect. In press. NAVAL ENGINEER AND THE COMMAND OF THE SEA--F. G. Burton. $1.25. NEW CATECHISM OF ELECTRICITY--N. Hawkins. $2. POCKET BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES--Seaton and Rounthwaite. For ma- rine engineers, naval architects, superintendents and others engaged in construction of marine machin- ery. ; POCKET-BOOK FOR BOILERMAKERS AND STEAM USERS--M. J. Sexton. $2. deme sees Se AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS--Durand. RE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS--By Tay- or. 15. SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE GREAT LAKES AND CONNECTING WATERS. Second edition Hydrographic Office. 30 cents. : ere ¢ COAST PILOT FOR THE GREAT LAKES. SCREW PROPELLERS AND MARINE P --I. McKim Chase. $2.50. peceerin es. SELF-INSTRUCTION IN THE PRACTICE THEORY OF NAVIGATION--Earl of Dui Two volumes. $7. nee SHIP BUILDING--Tables for constructing ship' Second edition. Archibald Hogg. $2, : cima SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Young. New bees edition, $2; a few copies of the first edition STABILITY OF SHIPS--Sir E. J. Reed. $8.40, STEAM YACHTS AND LAUNCHES--By Kuhnhardat. $3, STEERING OF SHIPS AND YACHTS AND MANBU- VERING THEM IN NARROW WATERS; having especial reference to the influence: of the Screw Propeller on the steering of steamers. Sir C. Pur- cell Taylor. $1.25. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER SAILING DIRE Second edition. Hydrographic Office. 70 cite SUBMARINE BOATS--By Hovguard. $2. TABLES FOR FINDING THE DISTANCE OF AN OB- JECT BY TWO BEARINGS--Hydrographic Office U. S. N. 30 cents. é TEXT BOOK OF SEAMANSHIP--Com. §. B. Luce, U. S. N. Equipping and handling of vessels under sail or steam. $10. THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A treatise on the calculations involved in naval design. Sam- uel J. P. Thearle. In two volumes. $3.50, THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--E. L. - wood. Text book; 114 diagrams. $2.50. Pe TRIGONOMETRY FOR THE YOUN -- Buck. $1.60 OUNG SAILOR--R. C. "WRINKLES" IN PRACTICAL NAVIGATION. Ninth edition, revised. S. T. S. Lecky. $8.40, On the Operation of Engines and for Beginners in the Engine Room. PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR MARINE ENGINEE C. W. Roberts. 64 illustrations. $1. see ee OF MARINE ENGINEERING--By Main. QUESTIONS: AND ANSWERS, 188 Elementary, from Reed's Engineers' Hand Book. A valuable help to the young engineer working up for his license, $1. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, sixth edition--Stephen Roper. $2. REED'S ENGINEERS' HAND BOOK--New edition; illustrated by 345 diagrams and 36 large plates. $5. REED'S KEY to Reed's Hand Book--Contains working of all questions given in examination papers. $3. RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS--W. F. Durand, principal of school of marine construction, Cornell University. ; REED'S GUIDE to the extra first-class engineers' ex- amination. $5. ROPER'S ENGINEERS' HANDY BOOK for Steam En- gineers and Electricians. Revised and enlarged. $3.50. SCREW PROPULSION--By Taylor. $3.75. SLIDE VALVE, SIMPLY EXPLAINED--W. J. Ten- nant. $1. SLIDE VALVES--C. W. MacCord, Jr. A book for practical men on the principles and methods of de- sign. $1.50 SMALL ENGINES AND BOILERS--Egbert P. Watson. A manual of concise and specific directions for con- struction of small steam engines and boilers of modern types; illustrated. $1.25. STEAM AND THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE~--Jno. Yeo. $2.50. STEAM BOILERS: Their management and working on land and sea. James Peattie. $2. STEAM BOILERS--Joshua Rose. Practical treatise on construction and examination. Seventy-three en- gravings. $2.50. STEAM BOILERS--Peabody & Miller. $2.50. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS--Frederick Col- yer. $5 STEAMSHIPS AND THEIR MACHINERY--By Hal- dane. $6. : TEXT BOOK ON MARINE ENGINEERING--Tomp- kins. $3.00. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL AMMONIA RE- FRIGERATION--I. I, Redwood. $1. THEORY OF STEAM ENGINE--Weisbach. $5. TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE EXPANSION ENGINES AND BOILERS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT--A. Ritchie Leask. Third edition, revised. $2. USEFUL HINTS TO SEAGOING ENGINEERS, AND HOW TO REPAIR AND AVOID BREAKDOWNS. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Reed. $1.40. WATER TUBE BOILERS--Fifth revised and enlarged edition of HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS --E. P. Watson. Practical instruction for young engineers and steam users. $1. The Marine Review Publishing Co., Sent to any address, carriage prepaid, at prices named. PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND.

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