MARINE REVIEW. [August 22, Government Work a Specialty The ane ers RIVET CO. CLEVELAND, O., U.S.A. VICTOR BOILER AND STRUCTURAL RIVETS. *pajjaoxaug :ysiuly *psepuejys 382431H § Ayjeng SEIDLER-MINER ELECTRIC CO. DETROIT, MICH. Electric Lighting of Ships OUR SPECIALTY. COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS OR RECONSTRUCTION, SAFE, SUBSTANTIAL AND EFFICIENT. DEALERS IN Marine Electrical Supplies ax Special Fittings Catalogue and Marine Rules on application. GASOLINE MI ENGINES HOISTING ENGINES AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES Suitablefor all Boats from s: to200P | OF all kinds and sizes, ss Somewhat the cheapest, and RU ca sy RR os for all purposes, especia lly | altogether the best. Positivel Sy Also the well known and always YY mR oe eee Cts p reliable Wooters Gas or Gasoline | Docking He Hauling Engines | Automatic Fog Whistle Machines Stationary Engines.- Ey TE CCL Steam Steering Engines. FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. PDO EEG CR OTM OCHO RAN TU Helios-Upton Co. PEABODY, MASS. Hot Water Thermometers and Thermometers for Mechanical Purposes. Eighty of them furnished the Japanese Cruisers **Kasagi" and "Chitose." SEND FOR BULLETIN No. 404A. LHaELTA METAL, Richutatane A PHOSPHOR BRONZE SMELTINGCO.|IMITED, ore GSD eae ELEPHANT BRAND PHOSPHOR-BRONZE- | INGOTS,CASTINGS WIRE RODS.SHEETS,erc. --DELTA ME TAL-- CASTINGS. STAMPINGS ano FORGINGS. ORIGINAL ano Soce MAKERS INTHE U.S. eye ie A eee OP SLiers.f Used by U.S. Navy in all New Ships. Shepard's Horse Power Scale. FOR DETERMINING ) HORSE POWER, SIZE OF CYLINDERS, DENSITY, TEMPERATURE and LATENT HEAT OF STEAM. OFFERED AS A PREMIUM WITH ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE MARINE REVIEW AT $3. HAS SOLD IN GREAT NUMBERS AT $1 EACH. The Wbertin-Burvvtis Ce. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, While Mahogany, HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. While Oak Gimlters and Plank, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. C654 Seneca Sineet, Clevelund, CG: 3K MacKinnon Manufacturing Co. Boiler Makers, Founders and Machinists. Marine Boilers, Engines and Shipyard Machinery. Most powerful set of Hydraulic Slings on the Lakes. Best Towing and Speed Propeller Wheels made SPECIALTY SMALL YACHT WHEELS. Works and Office, 224-230 N. Water Street, BAY CITY, MICH. MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, Tes E d= U2 ate ee a eS DETROIT, MICH.