1901.) MARINE REVIEW. 29 R. 1. W. Damp Resisting Paint BERTHS . BUNKS . BEDDING A PROTECTOR AGAINST RUST AND DECAY. TOCH BROTHERS, Paint Makers, 468, 470, 472 West Broadway, NEW YORK. Established 1848. Practical sanitary ideas in Metal Berths. Made to fold up or drop down. WRITE FOR BOOKLET. Made on hygienic principles that are already popular. PERFECTION BERTHS are endorsed by the ARMY AND NAVY Authorities and by leading Ship Builders. Full line Patent Metal Berths. Hardwood front Berths, any finish. Standee Berths, Extension Berths for cabin use. Forecastle and Steerage Berths of most approved styles. Portable Cabins. - Can be removed without use of tools. All vermin-proof. Let us quote you If you want a MODERN ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT-- Engines, Dynamos, Search Lights, Arc prices on your wants in Berth and Bedding. or Incandescent Lamps--for your boat, MABE-ONLY BY ADDRESS EIN, IRVINE & COMPANY, °° '\32%,5,cuspeti suet BapT-GoLtz ENGINEERING Co., : : 1504 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO. Interest in Steam Barge For Sale. U. S. Engineer Office, Jones Building, De- troit, Mich., Aug. 8, 1901. Sealed proposals for dredging under continuing contracts, for improving Hay Lake Channel, St. Mary's River, Mich., will be received here until 12 noon (standard time), Aug. 31, 1901, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. G. J. Lydecker, Col., ae ae ug. 29. PROPOSED PATROL BOAT FOR USE OF OHIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION IN WATERS OF LAKE ERIE. The Ohio Fish and Game Commission will receive bids at Auditor of State's office, Columbus, Ohio, two P. M., Tuesday, Sep- tember 24th, for the construction of a patrol Half interest in steambarge of 776 tons, A2 class and capable of carry- ing 950 tons of coal or 650 M ft. lumber. Compound engine and good boiler, the latter allowed 120 lbs. steam pressure. Address or apply to J. E. M., 23 Lodge avenue, Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. BALANCED COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES carried in stock for immediate delivery--20 to 200 horse power. Full line of patterns for larger sizes and quadruple expansion engines, insuring quick delivery. Highest economy and speed. NO VIBRATION. Contracts taken for complete plants. a WELLS ENGINEERING CO., 136 Liberty St., NEW YORK, N. Y. boat for use in the waters of Lake. Hrie. Plans and. specifications may be seen at Auditor of State's office, Columbus, Ohio, or copies of same may be secured upon ap- plication from the Secretary of Ohio Fish TUG FOR SALE. and Game Commission, Athens, Ohio. The Coummiccioe teeorves the Hone tee Oe Wood hull 61 ft. long, 14 ft. 8 in. beam. Iron house. Engine 16% or all bids. Bids may be mailed to Ohio by 18 in. Boiler pressure allowed, 140 Ibs. Price $2600. Inquire C. H. Fish and Game C ission, ¢ Audit f $1 4° States atic Columbus, Only Ane 2o Strong & Son, No. 622 Cuyahoga building, Cleveland, O. d TANDARD SEAMLESS TUBE Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Seamless Cold Drawn Steel Tubing IN ALL SIZES FROM 1% TO 16" DIAMETER. Boiler TUDES || susinss FOR ALL CLASSES Hydraulic Tubes, OF MARINE WORK. Fie, Ete; Stay Tubes, Water Grates, Compressed Air and High Steam Pressures. NATIONAL TUBE COMPANY, | SELLING AGENTS, Hollow Shafts, SALES OFFICES: Havemeyer Building, New York. 95 Milk St., Boston. Conestoga Building, Pittsburg. 267 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia. Western Union Building, Chicago. 420 California St., San Francisco. FOREIGN OFFICE: Dock House, Billiter Street, London, E. C., Eng.