1901.] MARINE REY FEY. 3 THE "LONG ARM" SYSTEM CO, Cor. Lake and Wason Sts., CLEVELAND, 0., U' S.A, BUILDERS OF pveumatic| Safety Power Doors ana Hatch Gears for Ships. ELECTRIC SPECIAL AIR COMPRESSORS FOR MARINE WORK. 2S eee a Tw HAMILTON-FOSTER FOG SIGNAL , at : Directs a distinctive signal to each of the eight points of the compass, thereby convey- ing to the mariner its exact location. as This machine is for light- house stations only. Other models for ships and ferries. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE MATTER. HAMILTON-FOSTER FOC SICNAL CO., No. 11 BROADWAY, (Room 1167,) NEW YORK, N. Y. . 9 BRITISH ADMIRALTY CHART OF GEORGIAN BAY {70™, Commander pond. to any address at $1.25. Regular price $1.75. WHOLE BAY ON ONE SHEET. Size of sheet, 3 ft. x 3 ft. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. THOMAS WALKER & SON, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. THE "NEPI URE SHIP-LOG WITH BALL BEARINGS FOR HIGH SPEEDS. Particulars on Application, SOLD BY ALL SHIP CHANDLERS, As used in the British Navy. KENNEDY HUNTER & CO., BAP WERE: SHIP BROKERS, STEAMSHIP AND FORWARDING AGENTS. AGENTS for BELGIAN, BRAZIL and RIVER PLATE MAIL LINE; MESSRS. LAMPORT & HOLT, of Liverpool; GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S LINE, ANTWERP to LONDON. Regular Lines of Steamers to SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ITALY, MEDITERRANBAN, BLACK SEA, and DANUBE Ports. Direct steamships to BOMBAY and KURRACHEE, CHINA and JAPAN. Direct Sailers to SAN FRANCISCO. Branches:--PARIS, CHARLEROI, BRUSSELS, and RUHRORT. Improved Pressure Regulator FOR STEAM. In. use on Steamships, for deck machinery, pumps, supplying steam to engines at lower than boiler pressure, for steam heating; or, in any place where it is desired to reduce from a higher to a lower pressure automatically. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, JULIAN D'ESTE COMPANY, 24 Canal Street. BOSTON, MASS# BEMENT, MILES & CO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Machine Tools 21st and Callowhill Streets, -- PHILADELPHIA, PA. STEAM HAMMERS. NEW YORK: 136-138 Liberty Street. BOSTON: 65 Oliver Street. BUFFALO: Seneca and Wells Streets. SINGLE FRAME STEAM HAMMER, For Ship Building and Repair Yards. Western Union Building. 615 N. Fourth Street. ALSO A FULL LINE OF HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. CHICAGO: PITTSBURG: Carnegie Building. ST. LOUIS: For LATHES, SKINNER GHUGKS © 2=:: . PLANERS 2 Ss om * eo, th HN ; | i A finely illustrated Catalogue, 6 x 9, sent.to interested parties. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., 340 CHURCH STREET. NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Monongahela Iron and Steel Co, MANVFAPTURER® OF "par row UARTER BRAND ALL SIZES, United States Government Specifications Guaranteed. PITTSBURGH, PA. CHARCOAL | IRON CHAINS