Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 31 Oct 1901, p. 39

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G == HYDRAULIC MACHINERY, TOOLS AND SUPPLIES FOR MARINE AND SHIP YARD USE. The WATSON-STILLMAN CO, 204 to 210 E. 43rd St., NEW YORK, LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, -- © CLEVELAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, 237 SUPERIOR ST Q Eastward:-- Ar. fr. West. Dep. Basi ee No. 18, Southwestern Limited ......cccccssesscooe cieaeseee San ws No. 22, Lake Shore Limited ......ccccccccccccss)«6<S bam «= "am = Og No. 26, Pan-American HXxpress...........cccccsesssseceeseceees *5 50 am *§ 00 am Oo No. 28, New York & Boston Express ........ "740am 80am () G No. 82, Wast Mall .c. 2h... 2... ee coccseccesee "1123 am *%11 30 am : No. 44, Accommodation, via Sandusky ........... {135 pm eres rere No. 46, Southwestern Express ....... wove gues waeke eecdeers *3 00 pm a No. 6, Limited Fast Mail ........ Sic ce ccueeaccuex *5 40 pm *5 45 pm ts No. 10, Chicago, New York & Boston Special.... *7 35 pm *7 40 pm Wl No. 16, New England Express ........0. -- 1030pm 035 pm =: No. 2, Day Express .......sce0e beubecpe "ae 0 pm = fill 30 pm No. 126, Norwalk Accommodation ..../....... seeds 55 am easpiaees No. 40, Toledo & Buffalo Accom., via Norwalk.. {1000 am ft11 40am No. 106, Conneaut 'Accommodation: tisiceculsccee ccna . 430pm 2 estward:-- : Ar. fr. East. Dep. -- No. 11, Southwestern Limited ............sseseee. %3 25 a oe mi No. 15, New York, Boston & Chicago Special.... 305 am 3 10am be No. 21, New York & Chicago Express.......... ae *5 10 am *6 20am c. No. 7, Day Express ..... eee A aLsseOeee Ut ee is 30am =o & No. 19, The Lake Shore Limited ........... coos), *7-85-am 40 am = . No. 23, Western Express .........0.0s.0.. i 1110am == *11. 15 am 9 No. 33, Southwestern Express ......... Annee oo. 12 25 pm weciaceee ee No. 183, Cleveland & Detroit Express .......cceces. scevevecs 1230pm 2 = No. 47, Accommodation .........0c.cscese0 Sgbevac reeesees = 00 pm : No. 141, Sandusky Accommodation ........scceeees seecevece $10 pm z No. 127, Norwalk Accommodation... ee 10pm ™ No. 37, Pacific Express ......... *7 00 pm 26 pm ae a cre ee pola ce SOS DMN ace o. 8, Fast Ma mited .5. 60065 = 050pm-. *10 5 pm No. 115, Conneaut Accommodation .............00. 8 30 a P : tT am aseeere *Daily. ftDaily except Sunday. Trains Nos. 28 and 37 run via Erie station. "THE ST. LOUIS LIMITED" via "Big-4 Route" Leaves--CLEVELAND, 8:00 a. m. (Daily). Arrives--INDIANAPOLIS, 3:10 p. m. Arrives--ST, LOUIS, 9:45 p. m. same night. Arrives--KANSAS CITY, 7 next morning. With Fine Vestibule Coaches, Drawing Room. and Dining Cars to Indianapolis and St. Louis, also Coach and Parlor Cars to Columbus and Cincinnati. One of the fastest and finest Trains in the country. 5 Fast Trains to Columbus, 4 to Cincinnati, with Sleeping and Dining Cars. (*Daily.) Trains from and to Cleveland. Leave. Arrive. *Col;, Cin. "ind. :-@ St. lace as cceodesee e-. 0:00 aM 1:35 am *Galion and intermediate............eecsesee 1:00AM .,6:30 pm *St. tos itd, ind:.<Cols, Olin. tsgac cscs -. 8:00am 10:25 pm *Col., Spgld., Day., Ind., Cin 12:35 pm 2:55 pm *Indianapolis & St. Louis............. oo. 1:15 pm 2:30 pm Galion: to: Cleveland ois cccseevic cccte veces secede ces ve 9:00 am To Galion and Columbus.... sees Ss 00. DIN ee ee, . ®SCol.; Spring:; Day:, Cine i... sc cuss cca oe 740 pm 5:50 am GET TICKETS AT COLLVER'S, 116 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELAND. The Algoma Gentral and Hudson Bay Ry, Go, ALGOMA CENTRAL S. S. LINE. Leaves Toledo every Friday, at 11.00 a. m. (central time) calling at Windsor, Sarnia, ; Goderich, Kincardine, Southampton, Little Eemeonperand Ere Current. Arrive Sault Sté. Marie Sunday 12.00 night (eastern time). Returning leave TOLEDO to SAULT STE. MARIE : Sault Ste. Marie Tuesday at 8.00 a. m. Steamer MINNIE M. Passenger and Freight, SAULT STE. MARIE to MICHIPICOTEN. Ww. B. ROSEVEAR, G. T. M., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Steamer OSSIFRAGE Tri-weekly service, calling at inter- mediate points by arrangement. WANTED FOR SALE, FOR CHARTER, Ete. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, exch insertion, for three inser- tions or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions. --WANTED--Tug boat of 10 H.P. for logging purposes only. Send description and price to Central Manufacturing Co., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Nov. 15. --WANTED---Ship: yard foreman for work on wooden vessels. Must be steady, reliable and a good handler of men, State expe- rience and salary expected. Also want good ship carpenters. Ad- dress X. Y. Z. Box 447, Richmond, Va. Nov, 7. --FOR SALE--Steamer I. M. Weston. Length 96.5 ft.; breadth, 18 ft.; depth, 7.6 ft.; 95 tons. In first-class condition. Price, $5,000. E. J. Glackin, 8363 So. Morgan St., Chicago. Oct. di. --FOR SALE--Cabin gasoline launch, 16 H.P., excellent condition. George L. Fleitz, Detroit, Mich. d --FOR SALE--Steam ferry boat of 103 ft. length and 18 ft. beam. Price, $4,500. Electrically lighted throughout. Canadian bottom, licensed to carry 836 passengers in rivers or bays. Too small for present traffic. J. H. McLaughlin, Owen Sound, Can. d --WANTED--Two tug engines about 14x14 or 14x16. Hardy & Dischinger, Toledo, O. d --FOR SALE--Passenger and freight steamer. Capacity 100 passen- gers. Length 175 ft., width 40 ft., depth of hold 10 ft. Extensive repairs last fall. Engines 22 and 44 by 34 in. stroke. Engine, boiler and hull in good condition. Classes A-2.. Speed about 12 miles. Allowed 97 Ibs. of steam. Address M. G. H., care Marine Review Pub. Co., Cee --FOR SALE--Scott's Coast Pilot, 1901 edition. Great lakes and con- necting waters. Fully revised. Price, $1.50. The Marine pene Ee Co., Cleveland. --FOR SALE--Charts of all the world. Charts of the great lakes al- ways in stock. United States Hydrographic Office charts, Coast Survey charts, Army Engineer charts. We bind charts and back them with tape, so that they will last for wears. The Marine Review Pub. Co., pede ng DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY. The Only Line Reaching MARQUETTE, MICH. Biles 'The Queen of Northern Summer Resorts." Hotel Accommodations thoroughly first-class headed by the Hotel uperior, the finest Hostelry on the Great Lakes. GEO. B. ROSS, Homi) Gurcago, 11-5, formerly 'Manager OHICACO BEACH HOTEE, WRITE THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ILLUSTRATED PUBLIOATIONS.---- E. C. OVIATT, G. A. CLIFFORD, A E. EDMONDS, Trav. Pass. Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent, City Pass. Agent, 716 Ottawa St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CINCINNATI, OHIO. DETROIT, MIOH, Ped OPERATES THE ONLY THROUGH BUFFET PARLOR CARILINE F. W. SALSBURY, J. F. LEE, GEO. W. HIBBARD, Commercial Agent, Gen'l Agt. Pass. Dept. Gen'l Pass. Agent PITTSBURG, PA. 298 So. Olark St., CHICAGO, ILL. MARQUETTE, MIOH. » W. S. JENKS, President. 0. L. JENKS, Vice-Pres. and Treas. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen'! Mgr. R.R. The Jenks Ship Building Co. Office and Machine Shops at Fourth St. IC Yards: Foot of Lincoln Ave. PORT HURON, MICH. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Marine Engines and Boilers. STEAM WINDLASSES, CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS QN SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS. CLEVELAND, O.. 2 9 .; Between Cleveland, Canton and Wheeling. Wheeling Lake Er ¥

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