ae : MARINE REVIEW. [November 7, BUFFALO Si: FANS STEAM OR ELECTRIC. -Forced Combustion or Ship Ventilation. ? CATAL GUE PP = BUFFALO - FORGE COMPANY, BUFFALO, N.Y. ii 9OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOOD iain" junta" Mii $OOOSHHHHHOOOD: The Shipowners Dry Dock Co. CHICAGO.,----_-- Repairs to -- Three Docks at Halsted Steel and Wooden Vessels. | Street and North Branch. OFFICES 21 AND 23 SHERMAN STREET. OFFICE: TELEPHONE, HARRISON 1020. W. W. WATTERSON, SUPT. YARD TELEPHONE, NORTH 759. eo Ane LAKEWiEae. ASHTON ' CAM LEVER POP SAFETY VALVES AND NON-CORROSIVE STEAM GAGES give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. THE ASHTON VALVE CO,, 2°87, Naw voRE The Bourne-Fuller Co., IRON, STEEL GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY'S Rs : PIG IRON. Projectors. Cleveland, - Ohio. Vi GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOSK $OOOOOOO CODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD HAND, PILOT-HOUSE OR ELECTRICAL CONTROL. Operated from direct-current incandescent lamp circuits. CROSBY toe Write for Catalogue No. 1025. AND VALVE CO. ~ GENERAL OFFICE, SCHENECTADY, N.Y. ey Vivant ee Marine and Stationary. CROSBY WATER RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, 18-INCH PROJECTOR. SALES OFFICES IN ALL LARGE CITIES. Pitot House ConTROL. PUROPE ,2%=%2%-2o™=" POMINION LINE CROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES of the Fast Steamers of the Crossing the Atlantic under 7 days. CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any number of Diagrams simultaneously. S. S. Commonwealth, (new 13,000 tons, twin screw; S.S. New England, 11,600 tons, twin surew; S.S. Canada, 9,000 tons, twin screw. Sailing from B. & M. R. R. docks, Boston, Wednesdays, for Queenstown and Liverpool. PORTLAND-LIVERPOOL SERVICE BF Domain: & S. Vancouver, S. 8. Cambroman. For passage, plans, and informa- TON iw Stores; Boston, New York, Chicago, and London Eng. tion regarding these Services, apply to or address local agents or RICHARDS, MILLS & CO., 77 to 81 State Street BOSTON. WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY. The Original SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES, BRANDEN PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil BOSWORTH kK EED-W 'HED-WATER REGULATOR, PAT ENT GAGE TESTER, and many other special- ties in Steam Lines, Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass.