R MARINE REVIEW. ree Ine ee RIVET co. SEIDLER-MINER ELECTRIC CO. * Wh 3; =e DETROIT, MICH. 23 cae Electric Lighting of Ships E é ' : ; COM GBA erattacions on@eReleT ie aBE, 5 ° = = SAFE, SUBSTANTIAL ct : CLEVELAND, 0., U.S.A. a Marine Electrical Supplies xo Special Fittings. VICTOR BOILER AND STRUCTU RAL RIVETS. Catalogue and Marine Rules on application. GASOLENE MARINE ENGINES HOISTING yoo AUTOMATIC TOWNG MACHINES TCU CMP R CE ae MMC CMT: MI Zo ne Ca Ea iCal LT Over 100 in successful use. Also the well known and always UIE ALOU ECL am PS) oi Coe - Stationary Engines.- for all purposes, especially ee eX | Docking and Hauling Engines | Automatic Fos Whistle Machines and Wire Rope Windlasses. altogether the best. guaranteed. 'Positivel Sy Steam Steering Engines. FOR THESE AND OTHER L288 BOL SPECIALTIES ADDRESS NOD Oe TO. Lt CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinsts, Cuevevan, Ono! at atch tea eae Helios-Upton Co. PEABODY, MASS. Hot Water Thermometers and Thermometers for Mechanical Purposes. Used by U.S. Navy in all New Ships. Eighty of them furnished the Japanese Cruisers **Kasagi" and '*Chitose." SEND FOR BULLETIN No. 40 A. IDS A hE AT REG TRADE MARKS | THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE SMELTINGCO.|IMITED, : he WASHINGTON AVE. LY tL y' "ELEPHANT BRAND PHOSPHOR-BRONZE™ Z eye ease : ee -- ROPES LILES. INGOTS,CASTINGS,WIRE RODS,SHEETS exc. --DELTA METAL-- CASTINGS. STAMPINGS ano. FORGINGS. ORIGINAL ann Sote MAKERS.IN THE U.S. ESTABLISHED 1844. A. SCHRADER'S SON, MANUFACTURER OF Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus, 32 Rose Street, NEW YORK. Teptived Bolt Helmet. Shepard's Horse Power Scale FOR DETERMINING HORSE POWER, SIZE OF CYLINDERS, DENSITY, TEMPERATURE OFFERED AS A PREMIUM WITH ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE MARINE REVIEW AT $3. ano LATENT HEAT OF STEAM. HAS SOLD IN GREAT NUMBERS AT $1 EACH. The Vurten-Bruvetis Co. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, White _Mihigany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. White Oak Yimtbors and Dank, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. C54 Seneca Sirect, Cle CUE and, G. MacKinnon Manufacturing Co. Boiler Makers, Founders and Machinists. Marine Boilers, Eiethos and Shipyard Machinery. Most powerful set of Hydraulic Slings on the Lakes. Best Towing and Speed Propeller Wheels made SPECIALTY SMALL YACHT WHEELS. Works and Office, 224-230 N. Water Street, BAY CITY, MICH. B02 0°30.) =a ENGINES, en WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. B 320 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH.