1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 25 TRADE NOTES. The Atlantic Works Incorporated of Philadelphia has just received an order from Messrs, G. K. Phillips & Co. of Bethel, Del., for one of their band saw setting and filing machines. One of the marine machinery concerns that has been enjoying a very prosperous business for two or three years past without making a great deal of fuss about it, is the Chase Machine Co. of Cleveland. In the past two years this company has added to its equipment more tools than were formerly contained in its shops. Thomas Drein & Son, boat builders of Wilmington, Del., have their shops again filled with work for ship builders of the country who want life boats, life rafts, etc. They have orders in hand for forty-two 22-ft. patent beaded galvanized steel life boats to be supplied to new steamers of the great lakes; twenty-two 28-ft. boats, two 24-ft. boats and eighteen large rafts for Pacific steamers; two 24-ft. steel boats, one 24-ft. wood clinker and one 18-ft. wood clinker for Gulf steamers. Several years ago the Buffalo Forge Co. equipped the Wabash (Ind.) shops of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. with down- draft forge shop apparatus. Recently Mr. Wm. Garstang, superintendent of motive power for the railway company, was requested by a large manu- facturing company to give an opinion of the equipment. Writing direct to the manufacturing concern (not to the forge company) he said: "Our Wabash shop is equipped with the Buffalo Forge Co.'s down-draft forges and they have been in service now for several years. I regard them as a great success, especially in the matter of keeping the shop free from smoke and gas. There is no forge better adapted to the kind of service that requires a clear, clean shop. About Dec. 1 the Boston & Lockport Block Co. will move into new quarters at 158-160 Commercial street, Boston, where they are having fitted up, to accommodate a large increase in business, an entire block of five floors and basement. They intend to carry a much larger stock than ever before, especially in wire rope blocks and warehouse trucks of the kind made at their Lockport (N. Y.) factory. The first floor is to be de- voted to offices. The second to a sample room for pumps, trucks, differ- ential hoists, etc.; the third, a stock room for steel, iron and wood blocks; and the fourth floor, stock room for trucks. This company is now at work on a catalogue for 1902, which is to be completed in about two months. They are aiming to make this the most complete block cata- logue ever published. Work is rapidly progressing upon the foundations for the new plant of the B. F. Sturtevant Co. at Hyde Park, Mass. The buildings, including storage space between, will occupy a tract measuring in extreme dimen- sions about 500 ft. by 700 ft. This will provide space for the foundry, pattern and pattern storage building and power plant as well as the machine shop, 120 ft. by 500 ft., and a three-story structure of the same length, both terminating in a large head house, which will serve for the work of. erecting, testing. and shipping. The office will be a separate building of considerable dimensions. AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. Mr. H. C. Schnoor, well known to vessel men.of the Detroit and St. Clair rivers, died at his home in New Baltimore, Mich., a few days ago. Elevator capacity of the Canada-Atlantic company at Depot Harbor on Georgian bay is to be very largely increased before the opening of another season of navigation. _ Acargo of soft coal, loaded in Cleveland a few days ago by the Wilson line steamer H. W. Oliver, aggregated 6,770 tons. The largest cargo of coal ever moved on the lakes--7,688 tons of anthracite--was carried by the steamer Isaac L.. Elwood. 'The Elwood is also credited with the largest cargo of soft coal--7,388 tons. Officials of the International Longshoremen's Association are pre- paring for two important gatherings. They meet in Cleveland, Dec. 2, to fix with Lake Erie dock managers a schedule of wages for winter work on the docks, and will be attending, a few days later, the convention of the American Federation of Labor in Scranton. Mr. J. A. Smith of Cleveland, A. B. Wolvin of Duluth, Edward Smith of Buffalo and others who are promoting a combination of dredging concerns on the lakes met in Chicago during the past week with a large number of the owners of dredging plants. Some progress was made towards the consolidation. In their endeavor to bring about this con- solidation Cleveland parties have been at work for nearly a year past. The National Dock & Fuel Co., new lake coal concern of which John A. Donaldson is general manager, has purchased the docks and fuel lighter of the Ohio Fuel Co. in Cleveland and is thus equipped for steam- boat business in advance of the. construction of a modern car dump machine that is to be erected within the east breakwater enclosure. Offi- ces of the company in the Perry-Payne building were opened several aays ago. Albert C. Lanctot, for a number of years connected with lake freight interests of the Lehigh Valley company at Buffalo, died at his home in that city Tuesday, aged forty-three years. Mr. Lanctot had many friends in transportation circles at Buffalo and was very highly regarded. He was a Mason of high standing, a member of the Buffalo Transportation Club and the Buffalo Local Freight Agents' Association. He was born at Churchville, N. Y., July 5, 1858. Previous to his connection with the mee Valley company he was superintendent of docks for the Anchor ine. Senator James McMillan, who controls the Detroit & Cleveland Nav- igation Co., is thus quoted in a dispatch from Detroit: "The appointment of Wm. C. McMillan to the position of general manager of the company is only temporary. James H. McMillan, now in the mountains of Colo- rado for health, is to succeed Mr. Carter, and Mr. Carter so understood plans relative to the management of the company." Philip H. McMillan, another son of the senator, has been elected secretary and a director in the company, and James McGregor has been elected a director to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr, Carter. "Lit tle Gian " Pneumatic Hammers Use 50% less air and do . ae work than a bene air hammer on the market. parts, they cause the operator no annoyance whatever. Very : Powerful. Adapted for all classes of riveting, chipping, calking, beading, etc. Having no vibration or delicate Do not get out of repair easily. Made in 8 different sizes. "Little Giant'? Hammer calking on very large, heavy boiler work. Write for Catalog "F."' sib 63 tex General Offices and Works: AURORA, ILL. Sent on trial, and Express paid both ways, if not satisfactory, "Little Giant'? Hammers are used everywhere. We make a specialty of installing complete air plants. It gives full particulars regarding all the tools that we make. STANDARD PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY, _ Manufacturers of Air Drills, Hammers, Reversible Fine Rolling, Reaming, Tapping and Wood Boring Machines, Motor Chain Hoists, and Pneumatic Yiwd Tools and Appliances of Every Description. Sie a 'ie Eastern Offices: 141 Broadway, NEW YORK. a