1901.] . MARINE REVIEW. If 55,000 HORSE POWER ON THE LAKES. 233,000 HORSE POWER IN THE U.S. NAVY. THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 85 LIBERTY St., NEw York. MARINE BOILERS NO CAST METAL. NO SCREWED JOINTS. 66 SHIPS BOILERS O IN AMERICAN NO BENT TUBES. oebeR coe WATERS. LIGHTNESS. SAFETY UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. ACCESSIBILITY. 9 NEW SHIPS. THE BUFFALO DRY DOCK Co. GANSON STREET AND BUFFALO RIVER. Operating Four Docks, dixty-ton Shear Legs, and in every way Equipped WITH MODERN MACHINERY FOR Prompt and Economical Repairs AND FOR THE BUILDING OF STEEL AND WOODEN SHIPS. OFFICE, GANSON ST., TELEPHONE 515 SENECA. Edward Smith, President, Tel. 279 Seneca. Edward Smith, Residence Tel. 209 Bryant. Geo. B. Drake, Ass't to President, Residence Tel. 798 Bryant. THE ROBERTS BOILER CO. ALL THE N AVIE OF THE LEADING GOVERNMENTS <tm------OF THE WORLD USE HAS BUILT OVER 1000 BOILERS TO DATE ; : : : For Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, : Dredges, Tugs, Stern-wheelers, Canalers ; Also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury Department, 9 Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service ; Also for N. Y. Dock Department and U. S. Supervisor, Harbor of N. Y. ADOPTED BY THE NAVIES OF SAFETY AND ECONOMY. UNITED STATES, RUSSIA, SPAIN, NEVER KILLED A MAN OR HAD A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. $250,000 capital. Works ENGLAND, ITALY, Argentine Republic, ee 29,090 Te feet of ground. Never hada eect vam eae of FRANCE GERMANY H dissatisfaction. Every boiler warranted. All material made specially for our use. ' . All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 250 pounds of steam before : : Cc ILI. shipping. Workmanship strictly first-class. All joints screwed and reliable. No We have now in course of construction at our Works 60,000 H.P, Niclausse parece gone. oo your requirements and we will furnish specifications. Boilers for the following war vessels: : orrespondence solicited. . U. S. Monitor CONNECTICUT, { Building at the Ship Yard of the Bat THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., sig) Geille Tron Works, Bath, Me. E, Building at Wm. Cramp &S Works, Red Bank, N.J. - 39 and 41 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK CITY. Russian Battleship RETVIZAN, Yards, Philadeiphian'a TELEPHONE ed YORK OFFICE, 599 CORTLANDT. Cable Address, * OFFICE OF WORKS, 49 RED BANK, N. J. UNE RENE , THE STI RLIN CG CO vi PAN x. bining the most approved features of modern practice.. We call at- Kay tention to our short, upright tubes, PX connected top and bottom, thus al- lowing the steam and water to separate in the manifolds before entering the drum, and also to the course of the products;of combus- tion. No possible short cuts to the stack; all heating surface of equal efficiency. Guaranteed against rup- ture of tubes. Will not prime in the roughest sea. -If you..want an ttahaters eles x ; economical and durable boiler write us, stating your requirements. Haisaieys Taylor Water Tube Boller Co, Reopelle and Franklin Streets, Write for Descriptive Matter. General Offices Pullman Building, Chicago, Ill. The Pasir Water Tube Boiler. 250 SteAu KA : A modern water tube boiler com- iS V E SS E re S NOW EQUIPPED WITH ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers BEAR EVIDENCE OF THEIR r EXCELLENT QUALITIES. F ALMY WATER TUBE BOILER CO. DETROIT, MICH. MARINE--STATIONARY. PROVIDENCE, R.1I.