MARINE REVIE MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. BOILERS AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY. BERTRAM ---- Ship and Engine Building Co, ae PHILADELPHIA. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA OF Parsons Manganese Bronze anv Parsons White Brass. a ey es THE ELECTRO-DYNAMIC CO. JOHN S. HYDE, Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Supt. WORKS AT CLEVELAND AND LORAIN. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIP REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. Mech nical Rubber Works, | Cable Address: EDCO, ABC Code. i Sas oe ' ah " pcre g » Sm tu = _ 33 Fe SHO : i ; . gz < VoL. XXIV. CLEVELAND, O., DECEMBER 5, 1901. a No. 23 Az Poo 2 : Ee f »O i 6 : % aul = : pe " 1 ' : RY S IN CLEVELAND: ec | $a5 0 The Superior Marine Wl: BROWS, pace no.1, Gon vensen stn aaou soon x ten | = ie 24 2 = R. L. IRELAND, Vice-president. 0. 2, foot Weddell St., eX ' . Sx | Bho Gasoline Engine . R. C. WETMORE, Sec'y and Treas. Dry Dock at Lorain: OO xGOm x 17m ff. x eee oO JAS. C. WALLACE, Gen'l Manager. eo e <e oO IS BUILT FOR HEAVY SERVICE. : : -- a : BM xr Every sail boat and steamer should carry s . a . ca = <A w one in a tender. Small sehooners save tug p merical | lll If} 0 er i a Y pills. One in a delivery boat pays for itself 1 au i a 5 : pes the first year. Built in single, double and : = = = ee mae . triple cylinders. Send for catalogue and de- kh r o a. -- scription of how it acted in a U. S. life-boat. OFFICE, 120 VIADUCT, CLEVELAND, 0, -- ie M ea ; : . BeeeS LAKE SHORE ENGINE WORKS, Marquette, Mich. y 0 TL 2 The Wm. Cramp & Sons F : : i 4 & & | o Fy © & ; oO < io Pp : ke SAYEN & SCHULTZ, BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD AND SECURE YOUR CENTURY'S LUCK. CONTAINS ONE OF OUR '*20TH CENTURY LUCK COINS.'? SHIP CHANDLERS AND ENGINEERS? SUPPLIERS. | | BATH IRON WORKS Ltd 212-226 sae Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S.'A. fos 1 ELECTRICAL MACHINERY. | ELECTRIC SPEED .AND DIRECTION INDICATORS, | Ship Builders and Engineers, BATH, MAINE. GIVING DIRECT READINGS IN REV. PER MIN. - CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. olish y _ "MELVILLE"- PATENT SHEET GUM _- WITH WIRE GAUZE INSEPTION WILL NOT BLOW OUT. | WIRE RIGGING > Secon AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE COMPANY, - THE ROOKERY, - CHICAGO, ILL. ALEXANDER McVITTIE, President and Manager. CHARLES B. CALDER, General Superintendent. M. E. FARR, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM ©. McMILLAN, Vice-President. . E FRANK E. KIRBY, Consulting Engineer. DETROIT SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, | SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS, DETROIT, MICH. . Sole Owners for the Lakes and Atlantic Coast of the HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM, Steel Ship Yard Located at Wyandotte, Mich. : : ae a Wooden Ship Yards and Dry Docks, Foot of Orleans : as applied to Boilers, giving increased power and great economy. Street, and Foot of Clark Ave., DETROIT, MJCH., Pw --€& Bertra ee. : : ; = Wg AMERICAN STEAM GAUGE AND | Don't Ruin Expensive Boilers °" "seimfpby'water: ae ke a= (Original Steam Gauge Company.) 2192 EWN New York. BOSTON. Chi a) eS . ew York. ; icago. : onl a uJ VifFEowNN MANUFACTURERS OF ' Zila > LIER WN GAUGES THAT GAUGE eo Wl ¢ Z TEER N\N os aa = ieee INDICATORS THAT INDICATE, ae gj2 0 idle POPS THAT POP, ae oO O \ est A i} Clocks, Revolution Counters, Whistles f a Sai ee earner ajo > XY y¥ and all kinds of Steamship Instrumeuts, < Se oe eather carer emesis. x o> i ; Greta and only Genuine Thompson = ae ndicator. : i tl : te ' . "on O10 The Indicator that made Indicators Famous | THE RANKINE FEED WATER FILTER |= Oo ul Highest Award at the Paris Exposition, 1900. will save its cost in six months in boiler repairs--loss of time in laying up-- x Si THE Oe ee oEnk TO in water -in coal. Thousands in use in all parts of the world. Used in every = en The GOLD MEDAL awarded at Pan-American navy, and many of the Se ee plants. << " 3 American Pressure Recording Gauge. Exposition on. Gauges: Pop Valves-ingi- | W, BLAGKBURN SMITH, °° YuictSuc:." ** PERTH AMBOY, W. J; > The "Long-Arm" System Co. of Cleveland, O., announce the recent oc hh 59 > OF POWER DOORS publication of their bulletin No. 5, giving full data regarding the "Long- ~ -- = AND HATCHES Arm" System of power doors and hatches for the preservation of life and oa * property at sea. The booklet will be forwarded upon application. ee ee : A i eae le