1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 3! Best Form | | : Crandall's Modern Marine Railways. SAFE. RAPID. BUILT OF STEEL OR WOOD ANY SIZE. H. L. Crandall ssone. (INCORPORATED.) CONTRACTING ENGINEERS, EAST BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A Pan-American Route between CLEVELAND ang BUFFALO. STEAMERS CITY OF BUFFALO AND CITY OF ERIE. Finest and fastest passenger steamers in the United States. TIME CARD--DAILY--APRIL 15 TO DEC. 1. Leave Cleveland 8 p. m. Arrive Buffalo 6.30 a. m. Leave Buffalo 8 p. m. Arrive Cleveland 6.30 a. m. Connections made at Buffalo with trains for all Eastern and Canadian points; at Cleveland for Detroit and all points West and Southwest. W. F. HERMAN, General Passenger Agent, Cleveland, 0. GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Qakum, Plumbers' Spun ana Marine Oakum ana Spun Cotton. OFFICE AND FACTORY: CORNELISON AVENUE, JERSEY CITY, N. J. | a ore ONE OF THESE BINDERS t a that will hold 52 |e t NUMBERS ui of the MARINE REVIEW, WIIIl be malled to any address on recelpt of $1. MARINE REVIEW... Perry-Payne Bidg., CLEVELAND, oO. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for Channel and Harbor Lighting; over 1000 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. Burn Continuously Controilea by the SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING CO., 160 Broadway, New York City. FOGG' RESILIENT FELT MATTRESSES iv ~ AND CUSHIONS £ Be\ eyy MANUFACTURED BY M. W. FOCC, 20 Fulton St., NEWYORK. © Send for Illustrated Catalogue. from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles. Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. MARINE -- ENGINES. Quadruple and triple expansion, compound and simple. 15 to 3000 Horse Power. "SEABURY'S" WATER TUBE BOILERS. STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. THE ONLY NAPHTHA LAUNCH. GAS ENGINE & POWER CO., ano CHARLES L. SEABURY & CO. consotidatea. MORRIS HEIGHTS, NEW YORK CITY. SEND 0c. STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Fivaporating aud... Dstling Aypaeus _cor MARINE PURPOSES. The Most Efficient, Compact, Accessible and Lightest Made. GENERAL ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. James Reilly Repair & Supply Co., 229 and 230 West St., NEW YORK.