MARINE 1901.] REVIEW. 3 HAMILTON-FOSTER FOG SIGNALS, The machine is a megaphone, which is di- rected to each point of the compass in turn, and the signals are blown automatically. Dots indicate short blasts, 4% sec. Dashes, long blasts, 2 sec. The signal you hear tells you where it is The one you hear most distinctly gives the magnetic bearing of the signal from you. If you hear two short blasts, the signal bears S. W. If you hear two signals with about equal distinctness, the magnetic bearing is between these two. For instance, if you hear two short blasts [S: W.], then an interval, then a short and long blast [West], the sig- nal must be W. S. W. from you. Opposite points of the compass have oppo- site signals, so that if you learn half the code, you know it all. All signals indicating the general direction of East begin with a long blast. All indicating general direction of West begin with a short blast. Th HAMILTON-FOSTER FOC SICNAL CO. 11 BROADWAY, (Room 1167,) NEW YORK, N.Y., U.S.A. . Adopted by the Light-House Board. 4q 9 9 alae ea ea ee ee ee atintindiininiine KENNEDY HUNTER & CO., PINE A Ere, SHIP BROKERS, STEAMSHIP AND FORWARDING AGENTS. AGENTS for BELGIAN, BRAZIL and RIVER PLATE MAIL LINE; MESSRS. LAMPORT & HOLT, of Liverpool; GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S LINE, ANTWERP to LONDON. Regular Lines of Steamers to SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ITALY, MEDITERRANEAN, BLACK SHA, and DANUBE Ports. Direct steamships to BOMBAY and KURRACHEE, CHINA and JAPAN. Direct Sailers to SAN FRANCISCO. Branches:--PARIS, CHARLEROI, BRUSSELS, and RUHRORT. THOMAS WALKER & SON, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. 'PAE "NEPTUNE? SHIIP-LOG WITH BALL BEARINGS FOR HIGH SPEEDS. ALSO MAKERS OF THE "CHERUB? AND + HARPOON SHIP-LOGS. The "NEPTUNE" LOG. 2-2 © 222s a a a American Linde Refrigeration Pa SHIP'S REFRIGERATION A SPECIALTY. AMMONIA e eee oye ie 45 Broadway, NEW YORK. 301 St. James St., Montreal. Improved Pressure Regulator FOR STEAM. In use on Steamships, for deck machinery, pumps, supplying steam to engines at lower than boiler pressure, for steam heating; or, in any place where it is desired to reduce from a higher to a lower pressure automatically. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.? JULIAN D'ESTE COMPANY, 24 Canal Street. BOSTON, MASS. BEMENT, MILES & CO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Machine Tools 21st and Cailowhill Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. "STEAM HAMMERS. NEW YORK: 136-138 Liberty Street. BOSTON: 65 Oliver Street. BUFFALO: Seneca and Wells Streets. SINGLE FRAME STEAM HAMMER. For Ship Building and Repair Yards. Western Union Building. ALSO A FULL LINE OF HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. CHICAGO: PITTSBURG: Carnegie Building. ST. LOUIS: 615 N. Fourth Street. STEAM RIVETER. For LATHES, KINNER CHUCKS" i PLANNERS A finely illustrated Catalogue, 6 x 9, sent to interested parties. 340 CHURCH STREET. NEW BRITAIN, CONN. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., ro eee ee ee ee ee ee er ee er. Bureau of | Shipping Information. Such is the office of the. Marine Review, Cleveland. We try to keep in touch with all that is going on among ship owners and ship builders and never tire of answering inquiry on this score from advertising a +. sb-6..6_628 bbb 6 Write us. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. Co., OLEVELAND, O, patrons.