é ee SEATTLE, WASHINGTON By Tay V yf de ey edi) 2am LO] Mme) oe fowmm | Ss. ie Socimeng Nae ere Special nno STEEL ano WOOD VESSELS, STEAM or SAIL BBIRQHEDRCICTOR care ren tcnrar mee FOR OCEAN, SOUND AND RIVER SERVICE MORAN BROS. COMPANY Cleveland City Ticket Office, 237 SUPERIOR STREET. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway. Eastward :-- Ar. fr. West. Dep. East. No. 18, Southwestern Limited ...........ccsccoees Seca sence "1 55 am No. 22, Lake Shore Limited ............ aielee eee on *2 15 am *2 20 am No. 26, Chicago & Cleveland Express ........... % *7 30 am eda oases No. 28, New York & Boston Express ..........00% *7 40 am *8 00 am No. 40, Toledo & Buffalo Accom, ..... +e» 71000 am fil 40 am No.* 32; Wast "Malls c io ccc cotacs cia. cite *11 25am *11 30 am FOUNDRY, MACHI NPE LOTR T AO) COP IRST LO TASE | No. 40: Tolode & Dutate nccoer, via Novwaiic: if dO am i 40am LARGEST TOOLS AND EQUAL TO ANY REQUIREMENT : HEAVY FORGINGS A SPECIALTY No. 21, New York & Chicago Express ........... D ayy D No: 7-Day Xpress. Sasccees ee : No. 19, The Lake Shore Limited Two-Section balanced floating dry dock, 400 ft. long, 60 ft. between No. 38, Southwestern Express towers; patent steel wedge keel blocks; 12,000 tons displacement. CAPACITY OF MARINE RAILWAY 1500 TONS cae CHANDLERY ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES ; yo 127, Poke Hee seetne cei se sdleed 6 SAW anbD PL CAPACITY: TIMBER, 48 INCHES SQUARE including every description cf 4 We make a Specialty of long and large timber and can DRESS FOUR \ SIDES 20 x 30 INCHES. SPAR WORLD; ROUCH OR HEWN. Fi LES OR TIMBER OF ANY DESCRIPTION. CARS FROM ALL TRANSCONTINENTAL ROADS THE LONCEST, LARCEST, CLEAREST AND BEST IN THE No. 44, Accommodation, via Sandusky .... fl 35 pm caves deem coeee *3 00 pm a teed *3 10 pm 6, Limited Fast Mail *5 40 pm %5 45 pm *7 35 pm *7 45 pm No. 16, New England xpress .........cecescccsce *10 30 pm =*10 35 pm Nos «<2, Day, WxDress ei vare ces poutenee ince oes 9 05 pm 79 20 pm No. 106, Conneaut Accommodation ............0s06 Secdemetee 74 30 pm Westward :-- Ar. fr, East. Dep. West. No. 11, Southwestern Limited ................0008 *3 25 am Veaseaeane No. 15, New York, Boston & Chicago Special.... *3 05 am *3 10 am *5 10 am *5 20 am a ee Co See pea nates oles' am a No. 28, Western Express .,..........6% *11 10 am *11 15 att RNa ner *12 25 pm dos senses No. 138, Cleveland & Detroit Express ... aoe ieouecneee *12 45 pm Nos 47, Accommodations: ci scv peter eae waouiaveses 73 00 pm No. 141, Sandusky Accommodation ............s0¢s a colina ccs i 10 pm Me Beets 5 10 pm > baciiic WXpress ic vcsctees sete senecees scutes *7 00 pm *7 20 pm RS , Southern Express , Fast Mail Limited ©. ' Dp ; . ae cee p teecncoede fl ; 0. -.- *1050pm *10 55 pm i : N @- Vy | s No, 115, Conneaut Accommodation ................ 78 30: Z 125 FEET LONG UGH, ORESSED or KILN DRIED YELLOW FIR, RED CEDAR or SPRUCE *Daily. {Daily except Sunday. Trains Nos. 28 and 37 run via Erie station. 4 | 'FLORIDA SPECIAL"' Bi F i 6 "ONLY ONE NIGHT OUT"' ig ou r oute. Effective Monday, Jan. 6, 1902, the "'Big Four" will operate Through Pullman Service, Cleveland and Columbus, O., to St. Augustine, without change, via Cincinnati and "Queen & Crescent"--Southern Ry.--Plant System--and Florida East Coast. Sleeper will run on "Big Four". regular train No. 38, in connection with the magnificent "Florida Special' from Cincinnati. The train consists of Pullman Vestibuled Sleepers, Mag- nificent Dining Car, Composite Observation Car, Vestibuled Baggage Car. ENTER OUR YARDS AND DOCKS SCHEDULE. Ly. CLEVELAND, ily \except- Sundays csc. tse cen ee eae : DOCK SHIPMENTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD iy COLUMBUS, Date eeeent Sa co eau an meen ae a a) { c re} = ¥-Y | ae aR Ly. SPRINGHIBED, Daily 'except, Sunday... 2ce.0.00.ceecis eee 5:35 p. m. ELEC Capacity to transfer 75 tons from car to vassellp Ly. DAE except SUD AY icici alten gets ee wei en eG 6:12 p. m. a Ar. CINC TT, Daily, except: SUMGaY., 4.2150 oe hee eee 7:50 p. m WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE Ar. JACKSONVILLE, Daily except Monday.............+....2.226 8:15 pom : Ar. ST. AUGUSTINE; Daily except Monday: >... 1. c0ssn «snes 9:30 p. m WANTED FOR SALE, FOR CHARTER, Ete. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, esch insertion, for three inser- tioas or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions. --FOR SALE--We desire to sell the steamers Liberty, Barker, Tele- gram and Hunter, which have become too small to handle our business. The steamers are in first-class condition. Personal inspection invited and correspondence solicited. Purchaser can take possession at once. They are a bargain for any one desiring this class of boats. A. Booth & Co., Chicago. Dec.5. --WANTED--Two or three steel steamers of 3,000 to 4,000 tons capa- city for lake.trade, to be delivered upon close of navigation in 1901. Cash if desired. Address "Shipper," the Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. tf --FOR SALE--Double drum hoist and our own make 6 H. P. Gasoline Engine for use on boat or dock. Bargain. Mianus Motor Works, Mianus, Conn. d --WANTED--Steam barges for cash. Will purchase one or two single- deck steam barges in good condition not classing below A 1%, with carrying capacity of 800 to 1,200 net tons on not to exceed 12 ft. draught. Address L. J. Petit, Milwaukee, Wis. Nov. 28. --FOR SALE--Cabin gasoline launch, 16 H.P., excellent condition, George L. Fleitz, Detroit, Mich. d --FOR SALE--Steam ferry boat of 103 ft. length and 18 ft. beam. Price, $4,500. Electrically lighted throughout. Canadian bottom, licensed to carry 836 passengers in rivers or bays. Too small for present eae J. H. McLaughlin, Owen Sound, Can. --FOR SALE--Passenger and freight steamer. Capacity 100 passen- gers. Length 175 ft., width 40 ft., depth of hold 10 ft. Extensive repairs last fall. Engines 22 and 44 by 384 in. stroke. Engine, boiler and hull in good condition. Classes A-2. Speed about 12 miles. Allowed 97 Ibs. of steam. Address M. G. H., care Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. : \ fc --FOR SALE--Scott's Coast Pilot, 1901 edition. Great lakes and con- necting waters. Fully revised. Price, $1.50. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. Se tt --FOR SALE--Charts of all the world. Charts of the great lakes always in stock. United States Hydrographic Office charts, Coast Sur- vey charts, Army Engineer charts. We bind charts and back them with tape, so that they will last for years. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. tf We can furnish, in most cases from stock constantly on hand, any book on naval'architecture, marine engin- eering, admiralty law, seamanship and other subjects kindred to the construction and operation of vessels. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. er DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY. paid The Only Line Reaching MIAARQUETTE, MICH. Lhetaetitiad "The Queen of Northern Summer Resorts."' Hotel Accommodations thoroughly first-class headed by the Hotel Superior, the finest Hostelry on the Great Lakes. : GEO. B. ROSS, Hons. Gatoaco, lus formerly Manager CHICAGO BEACH HOToN, WRITE THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ILLUSTRATED PUBLICATIONS. --&. Cc. OVIATT, G. A. CLIFFORD, A E. EDMONDS, Trav. Pass. Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent, City Pass. Agent, 76 Ottawa St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CINCINNATI, OHIO. DETROIT, MIOH, F. W. SALSBURY, J. F. LEE, GEO. W. HIBBARD, Commercial Agent, Gen'l Agt. Pass. Dept., Gen'l Pass. Agent, PITTSBURG, PA. 228 So. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. MARQUETTE, MICH. 0. L. JENKS. A. M. CARPENTER, Vice-Pres. and Treas. Sec.andGen'l Mgr. & W. S. JENKS, President. The Jenks Ship Building Co. Office and Machine Shops at Fourth St. Yards» Foot of Lincoln Ave. PORT HURON, MICH. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Marine Engines and Boilers. STEAM WINDLASSES, - CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS. .GET TICKETS AT COLLVER'S, 116 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELAND. Li Oo Q a 35° re i Ww zs 3 cry = a Be / OPERATES THE ONLY THROUGH BUFFET PARLOR CAR LINE Between Cleveland, Canton and Wheeling. Whiecling » Lake Eric R. R.