46 | MARINE AVERAGE LAKE FREIGHTS. In the following tables will be found average lake freights for the season just closed and for a great number of years past. It will be ae that these averages relate to rates prevailing from day to day, a record o which is kept in the office of the Marine Review. They are not tonnage averages. The Review hopes to publish, a little later on, the average rate at which all iron ore, wild and contract, was moved from the head of Lake Superior in 1901, comparing the same with similar averages for several years past. AVERAGE DAILY RATES OF FREIGHT ON THE GREAT LAKES. E 1901 1900 1899 Cents. Cents. Cents. Iron Ore, Escanaba ge Oho ports...... See oe 69.5 94.8 ee of Lake Superior to io ports ee LOU so : Dea er eo 89.3 84.5 129.5 u Marquette to Ohio ports, gross ton...... 78.7 78.3 108.5 Corn, Chicago to Buffalo, bushel............+.+-.+- 1.4 1.8 2 Wheat, Duluth to Lae pe ie oe es eo ae Soft Coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net ton........ s : A oo 2 Duluth, net ton.........--- ape 402 45.4 . a Portace, net tOu...........- 39.5 41.3 56.4 2 Manitowoc, net ton ........ 48.1 43.6 67.0 . - Sheboygan, net ton......... 45.3 43.6 66.5 : ¥ Green Bay, met ton......... 48.7 45.0 66.5 yi i Hscanaba, met ton......... i the ae Hard Coal, Buffalo to Milwaukee, net ton.......... : : " ot (Chicago. met ton. ....5...-.. 50.2 48.5 (2.1 « - Dulith net tOn 6... 38.4 39.5 49.5 Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports.......... 266.0 233.7 es AVERAGE DAILY FREIGHT RATES, TEN YEARS ENDING WITH 1901. ; Cents. Iron Ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio parts, gross ton.......... 88 2 Marquette to Ohio ports, gross ton..........-.-.eeseees 16% e Hecanaba to Ohio ports, SrOss tON... 6.00.55... ee. 6214 Soft Coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net ton........ ice Saat 46 i Olio ports to Duluth, met ton.... 6.0 02... 2.3: ee 85% Hard Coal) Buttalo to Chicaeo, Net tonm.............6..:... Pe one a 47% - Bitale to Wulith, net tony... ee. 6s ee i ee 32 Wheat? @Chicage to Butltalo, bushel... 30.02.00 66-23. es 1.78 AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL FROM CHICAGO TO BUFFALO. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. 1860. 5s 9.89 IST: 4.08 inslengeee ae con 2.56 ISO. 11.58 ISTO es 3.42 HSS0 et e.. 2.51 186305 10.49 ASVO. 6 eee. 2.90 1890 ee. 1.96 1863 oe, 7.51 Iie: 3.72 ISOI ees. 2.38 18645 9.58 NTO as eee 3.07 BOO a 2.19 1865.25.66: 9.78 VOD es 4.74 18030 eee: 1.66 1866. 235.258 12.34 ISSO. 2 ee 5.76 1Q04 7 es 1.27 WOT: 6.67 ISSie es 3.44 1895.06... 1.97 1868.2 555 3.: 7.14 TSB2 ure: 2.50 1896. 1.70 1860 os 6.81 TBS3 ee ec 3.41 OO ee, 1.56 ISOs eo 5.88 TSRAG 2.18 SOB a: 1.53 Stir 7.62 BBD ese kk. 2.02 800) 2.71 IS 11.46 S865 2) ae. B08. 7 1900.7 2... 1.79 ISig (62. 168i ee 2 AB ee HOO ea. 1.42 Average, 42 years, $4.74. aN Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming and tallying weights of grain amounted to $4.15 per 1,000 bushels in 1901. RANGE OF LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT FROM DULUTH TO BUFFALO. Year. Rate, cents. Year. Rate, cents. WOO ies ee 2.3 SOR ere ee 14 @3% L900 ee. 2.0 WOOO eas, 24% @4 1800 3.6 ii 134 @9% 1898 ee. 1.8 S00 ee: 2 @5 OOS es ey 1.75 SSO aa ee 2 @5 PROG ck Gewese 7 2.12 BSB ee 2 @5 ISOS. 3.50 USSU ee 2-°@s8 i 14 @38 26 3% @8 Figures for seven years past represent average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 the rates are highest and lowest in the different seasons. AVERAGE FREIGHT RATES ON IRON ORE PER GROSS TON, FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS--TABLE COVERING WILD AND CONTRACT RATES FOR TWENTY YEARS PAST. Ashland and other Escanaba. Marquette. ports at the head of Lake Superior. Wild or Contract Wild or Contract Wild or Contract Year, > daily rate. rate. daily rate. rate. daily rate. rate. 1882 $1.04 $1.40 $1.26 $1.75 ee eles 1883 1.22 1.00 1.40 1.20 oe cars 1884 87 1.10 1.08 . 1.385 ne ae 1885 18 90 .98 1.05 1.25 1.15 1886 1.28 1.05 1.51 1.20 1.78 1.20 1887 1.59 1.40 1,87. 1.63 2,28 2.00 1888 : 1.05 .90 1.30 1.15 1.48 1.25 1889 1.01 1.00 1.19 1.10 1.34 1.25 1890 .89 1.10 1.07 1,25 LAG 1.35 1891 84 65 1.02 90 Ly 1.00 1892. 74 1.00 98 Ls 1.15 1.25 1893 06 85 il 1.00 UC 1.00 1894 AT .60 .60 80 78 .80 1895 73 55 .92 20 113 80 1896. 02 70 .66 95, Uk 1.05 1897 45 45 Oo 65 ay .70 es 51 A5 60 60 ent.62 60 i Sopot 50 1.08% 60, ° 1.2914 60 OH SpQGHE too 9, EA Gare 4 00 78 1.10 . 84% 1.25 1 6 60 79 10 89 80 Charge to vessel in 1901 for trimming and unloading 22 cents a ton Average ore rates for the entire period of twenty years: Escanaba, contract 80% cents, wild 84 cents; Marquette, contract $1.04, wild $1.01, Average for past ten years: Escanaba, contract 67 cents, wild 6244 cents; Marquette, contract 88 cents, REVIEW. [December 12, wild 761% cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, contract 88% cents, wild 88 cents. . AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM OHIO PORTS TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITOWOC. Milwaukee, Escanaba, Duluth, Green Bay, Manitowoc, Year. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. T1892 ee ees 58 43 43 55 49 1893 Saree 48 40 38 50 41 1604 i. 481 39 37% 49Y, 48 NS95) 3.5 eo 54 39 386% 50 51 1006 3314 27 29% 32% 32 TSO. ae . 28% 291% 26 80 ol 1908 3235 28 26% 23 281% 28% 1899 Poe 69 58 454 66% 67 1900 eee ees 45 40 40 45 4314 TOOT oo epee iG 49 46 38 48 48 cov for 10 yrs; 46 39 3514 4514 44 Chicago rate about same as Milwaukee. $ Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without charge to vessel. AVERAGE OF DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL FROM BUF- FALO TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND DULUTH : DURING TEN YEARS PAST. Chicago, Duluth, Year. cents. cents. OOD ee ae ee 59 43 SOR ee ee 49 29 SOA ae Pe ee eens 46 25 OOD ee ee 59 24 NSOG eae ee ee eae 36 24 BOM ck ey et case eae 29 26 BOB ee es es 28 23 19008 eg eee 73 4914 i a ere 48 3914 LOOT ea eee aes eee ae 50 38 verace: tor Wl) years. 2... ts 47% 32 Rate to Milwaukee practically the same as to Chicago. Hard coal is net tons and is handled without charge to vessels. ABOVE THE TWENTY-MILLION MARK. As the shipments of iron ore by lake from all mines in the Lake Superior region to Dec. 1 were a little in excess of 20,000,000 gross tons, it is now more than probable that the output for the full year, including rail shipments, will be in round numbers 20,500,000 tons, compared with 19,059,000 tons in 1900. The exact figures to Dec. 1 are 20,000,926 tons, as against 18,570,310 tons by lake in the entire season of 1900. There will be added to the output from United States mines in the Lake Superior region this season 230,000 tons shipped from the Michipicoten mines in Canada, just above the Sault. Again it is found that practically all the increase comes from mines of Minnesota, the three shipping ports in that state--Duluth, Superior and Two Harbors--having shipped 1,360,000 tons more ore than in 1900, notwithstanding a marked falling off in the output of one big Mesabi mine, the Biwabik. Reports showing shipments of the different mines have been received from two of the Minnesota roads but not from any of the roads operating in the old ranges. The con- spicuous feature of the Minnesota reports is the showing of the Fayal mine, which shipped 1,656,838 tons, as compared with 1,252,504 tons in 1900. This is the greatest output ever made by a single iron mine. The Mountain Iron, another Mesabi property, is also still above the million mark. The Minnesota and Chandler mines of the Vermillion range have both fallen off from last year, while the Pioneer on the same range is credited with a larger output than the Chandler. Shipments over two of the Minnesota roads, the Duluth & Iron Range and the Duluth, Mesabi & Northern, during 1901 were as follows: DULUTH & IRON RANGE, DULUTH, MESABI & NORTHERN. Mine. Gross tons. Mine. Gross tons. Wiaitnesota ..0:. a 208283: || Adams: 2. 829,118 Cligiee 627392 | Duluth 2 150,024 oC 678,300 | Pillsbury 4.2 120.708 Penith O0;03 0 I Sellers: 22 34,918 Savey (1 le: 212,008 |) Bure 1 A8s fee oy: 118,160 Robern 497-500 || Dulko 302,462 a 1656.098 | Rost 174,156 Genoa 397,000 | Frahkin 2.410 Cobar GOL G80 || Hiwapie 9 410,075 COpsicd. «oe. ee, 26,888 || Mesabi Mountain Iron.... 5,420 aver Lee a ee tines can TpOn es a 1,058,160 APA eae chen eras Ge ee posers . TUS aa eee Ropers Sa a aes eee s nine! BG re es : Total Kanawha. 41,300 ote? AENOMpPSOM 2-5... cs ee 47,630 Onion se a 93,110 Beanklinve:.: @ 0.50. 5e 36,432 Meg ee 5,008,579 At the Duluth & Iron Range docks, Two Harbors, the number of vessels loaded during the season was 1,082. The first cargo was taken out by the barge 184 on May 10 and the last cargo Dec. 2 by the steamer Pasadena. The maximum cargo, mine weight, was 7,473 tons, loaded ee schooner Manila, Aug. 23. The average cargo, mine weight was ,630 tons. : In the death of Col. Arthur W. Soper, president of the Pintsch Com- pressing Co. and of the Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., the industrial world has lost a progressive figure. He was born at Rome, N. Y., July 16, 18388. He served with several railways, closing his active railway career as general manager of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. His later years were devoted to various enterprises having to do with railway supplies. He was a man of great energy. Indeed his creed in life was found in the motto which was ever over his desk, "Tf there is no way I will make one." '