THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY CO. incorporaren Engineers, Designers and Manufacturers of special machinery for hoisting, conveying, storing 'and handling material of all kinds BRIDGE UNLOADERS | FAST PLANT UNLOADERS CRANES directly to cars or to storage on docks. for rapidly handling either bulk or package freight. of every description for every kind of service. Main Office and Works, CLEVELAND, O., U.S.A. Eastern Office, 26 Cortlandt St., New York City. Pittsburg Office, Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. European Office, 39 Victoria St., London, S. W. " Standard Automatic 1 mp Ue TRA; Ny © One of our conveyors is iN loading 900 tons of ' { Li WN Wp VS .an Lice | . Releasing Device. a Pa | aan TS coal ee RO ae Q/ THE FALLS ARE SO ROVE THAT BOTH ENDS Hanna & Co., Ashtabula, 4 OF THE BOAT DETACH, IRRESPECTIVE OF mw O., using less than 25h. p. WHICH END STRIKES THE WATER FIRST. tedeveie Will release a boat immediately in me Wealso have one of these © roughest sea or under speed and can be conveyors on the docks of hooked on without delay or injury to the : Sg ok ae: t ea the Pittsburg Coal Co., hands of men hooking it on. ae? i aS 2 Fairport, O and have an Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co, 7 ) Ne) =) aia port, O., NEW CHEESEBROUGH BUILDING, 4 C.0.BARTLETT & CO. order for one for the C. S. : » CLEVELAND. O m & H. Ry. at Sandusky, O. 17 State Street, New York, N.Y (FUERATORS SEES MOTORS SE RL Loe STANDARD MARINE GENERATING SETS. COMPLETE HOISTING AND POWER PLANTS. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. © Ship Machinery. P.O. Box 53, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Sole Builders of the QRIGINAL and ONLY AUTOMATIC . Send for Catalogue, Address FRANK S. MANTON, Agent. STEAM TOWING MACHINE. WILLIAM 1 BROWN Lo: 2 o oe ee eC NShes and Treas. sae Soot ee CHICAGO SHIP BUILDING COMPANY, - lang DEAN Lee STEEL SHIP BUILDERS anp «South Cheapo 40 DRY DOCK PROPRIETORS. Chicago Office, 1125 Rookery, ee eee Dry Dock and Yards: 101St St. and Calumet River, CHICAGO, ILL. MORISON SUSPENSION BOILER FURNACES LAND and MARINE BOILERS. UNIFORM THICKNESS--EASILY CLEANED UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH. Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces. Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, West and Calyer Sts. NEW YORK:: Near=10th and 23d Sts. Ferries. Borough of Brooklyn es