ine % The Upson-Walton Co., Annual Ship Building Edition, | | PS ()PSonN ton 22-2 ae «4-- oa. oo 2 2? an e-o-2-e 2222-2 2<e > ¥ > VHE issue of the Marine Review of Jan, 9, 1902, ; MU } J will be the annual ship building number. 3% om ae \' SELL THE This issue has grown in stature and in c : 4 scam since its inception a few yearsago. It hasnot 4 Cl | d BI k | t only kept pace with the maritime growth of the nation : P CVe afl OC bey } but it has striven to be a little : pas 2 i Ok } Ml -- TO BE FOUND ON ?. trade paper should not only reflect the industry to nite suo% eccbdarkcorck: NEARLY ALL THE MODERN which it devotes its attention, but should inspire it. BALL BEARING SHEAVES, "LAKE VESSELS 34 THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ; The Marine Review is quite aware that no sub- ject lends itself so readily to beautiful effects as the product of the ship yards. It is with the aid of these that it purposes to produce a most sumptuous edition. It will be finely illustrated and splendidly printed. 1 However, the value of the edition will not lie in its setting. It will be a sober review of the ship build- ing industry of the United States--not so much what has been done during the year but what, is at the P present moment under way. In other words it will be $ both a directory and encyclopedia of ships upon the t i '& Mm a if stocks and orders to be executed. The value of this : to those who cater to the ship building field cannot be " $ over-estimated. It will serve as a living and current 4 : D ey " LF Mechanical Draft é } reference to the manufacturer of ship yard equipment y and supplies for ships. |) Our exper talli ee xperience in installin : ; _Mechanical Draft plants for a ; a ea YORK Os ICAGO. ; of the largest concerns in the : ; z : Special inducements to advertisers. world is at your service. Send for our Catalog No. 118 N. LO N DO he ee 22ee oe THE MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., 418-419 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. & = > 2 o2-ee oe 2-2 oe oe & ; ; ara Vy TTT, a U. $. METALLIC PACKING CO. 429 N. 13th St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. 120,000 PACKINGS IN USE. 12,000 APPLIED IN 1899. Extensively Used on Ocean, Lake, and Stationary Engines. Cheap, Durable and Small Cost for Repairs. _ Silver Medal Awarded Paris, 1900. SEND FOR CATALOGUE: src CARGO HOISTING BLOCKS WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS ee ie 7 The Hyde Steam and Power wi ooden eeks, Malleable Iron Frame, Windlasses and Ca Wrought Iron Straps, 'and fitted with new sty e c Petaus arg the metaline sheaves, which have lignum vitae best in the market, cheeks. They have been selected for most of the vessels now building for the Navy Department, Rev- enue Marine, Light-house Board F hoe a and United States Coast Survey. a They are being furnished for ; | the majority of the highest class Catalogue AX. | Steam Ships, Merchant Vessels - and Yachts now building. application. THE "HYDE" STAM CAPSTAN WINDLASS. = HYDE WINDLASS CO., Bath, Me. LIFE PRESERVERS--BUOYS. Acme, Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. 160 Commercial St. BOSTON. KAOH PRESERVER stamped by United States Inspector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled-Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled pramptiee alee er BOSTON AND LOGKPORTBLOGK CO, tristan' | metas FaceSeecs Cestee Cosme mn Boston. NewYork. Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Chicago. St.Louis. Baltimore. ; Micra Towing \ 'Wrecking C0. Lid. nes euavean, (Surin, FIRST-CLASS TUGS FOR WRECKING, RAFT TOWING, ETC. MIDLAND, ONT., CANADA. W. BENSON, Sec'y and Treas, STEAM PUMPS, DIVERS, JACKS, HAWSERS, LIGHTERS,