MARINE 1901.] REVIE YY. 5 ROACH"S SHIP YARD. a. DELAWARE RIVER SHIP- BUILDING & ENGINE WORKS, CHESTER PA. Builders of Steamships and Marine Machinery. SHIP-BUILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. New York Office, Morgan Iron Works, Foot East Ninth St + > NEWWpOTT NEWS Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. SHIP ano ENGINE BUILDERS. @ @ Equipped with two large basin dry docks of the following dimensions. 4 No. 1. No. 2. TSONSENZ ON LOD cc chic oc as acca ese Wc aietiels @ Pesioibin e Delis Swveiei dielee we 610 ft. 827 ft. q WV IGE GD COD) os oa es cn cae vin ks Cake neces csmees er aees 130 ft. 162 ft. WiGtlr Oli DOLtOMN $66 eG cee eta Seer vic ces se seeo ne eces tes 50 ft. 80 ft. Draueht of water OVeEr sill 5. ¢.ceves ces ce oe ce sale tectconcwnces 25 ft. 30 ft. 5 Shops are equipped with modern machinery capable of doing the largest work required in ship construction. Tools driven by electricity and compressed air used in constructing and repairing vessels. 4 For estimates and further particulars, address Cc. B. ORCUTT, President, No. {| BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Works at Newport News, Va. (on Hampton Roads.) MARYLAND STEEL C0,, Marine Department. Ship Builders 8 Engineers SPARROW'S POINT, MD. Baltimore Telephone No. 11. A. G. WILSON, Manager. Long Distance Telephone Service Between New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Sparrow's Point Offices. New York Office: 71 Broadway. Boston Office: 70 Kilby Street. Philadelphia Office: 312-319 Girard Building. + The Pusey & Jones Company, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Builders of IRON AND STEEL STEAMERS, STEAM YACHTS, \>--__ TOW BOATS, MARINE ENGINES, BOILERS, TANKS, "AND OF HEAVY MACHINERY GENERALLY. ALSO COPPERSMITH WORK. SPECIAL FACILITIES for REPAIRS to both WOODEN and METAL BOATS. MARINE RAILWAY. NO WHARFAGE CHARGED Risdon lron Works, IRON aso STEEL SHIP BUILDERS, WORKS AT POTRERO, SAN : FRANCISCO. Office and Branch Works. Steuart and Folsom Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. _ FORE RIVER SHIP. AND ENGINE COMPANY, fore iver Engine co, Steel Ship and Marine Engine Builders. U. S. Torpedo Boat Destroyers Lawrence and Macdonough. . U. S. Protected Cruiser Des Moines CENTRAGTONS ron | U. S. Battleships New Jersey and Rhode Island. U.S. Steam Light-Vessel No. 72. OFFICE AND WORKS: QUINCY, MASS., U.S.A. FARRAR & TREFTs, S64to 6G Perry Street, Propeller, Yacht and Tug Wheels. Marine and Stationary Engines & Boilers. he Promptl ttended to. Drilling Boilers and Engines a Specialty. BUFFALO, N.Y. WORKS AND MAIN OFFICE, The Harlan & Hollingsworth Co, SHIP BUILDERS, WILMINGTON, DEL. DRY DOCKING, REPAIRING AND OUTFITTING. (3-4 CENTURY EXPERIENCE.) EXCHANGE COURT BUILDING, NEW YORK OFFICE, 52 BROADWAY, ROOM 702. GOLA BOOB OO OH Standard Ship Building Co,, PERTH AMBOY, N. J. SHIP ano ENGINE BUILDERS. Oil Tank Ships a Specialty. MATHIAS SEDDINGER, President. SOMMERS N. SMITH, Vice-Pres't and Gen'l Mgr THE MGAPIE & GEVY HIP & ENGINE BULLDING COMPANY, PENN WORKS. IRON AND STEEL SHIP AND MARINE ENGINE BUILDERS. SOLE MAKERS OF THE WELL KNOWN PHILADELPHIA PROPELLER WHEEL. PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. The Atlantic Works, 22 stawnets, EAST BOSTON, MASS. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks, Heavy Machinery and Plate Iron Work. LEWIS NIXON, SHIP BUILDER Office and Works, ELIZABETH, N. J. Builder of Stern-wheel, Paddle and Screw Steamers; also. Torpedo Boats and Barges of all kinds in Steel. A Specialty made of South American and Alaskan River Boats. The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine contains no chemicals, only air. Proven by many years' service in the tropics on United States men-of-war, steam yachts and passenger steamers, A HUNDRED ARE IN DAILY SERVICE ON STEAMERS. ROELKER, 4! Maiden Lane, NEW YORK. CONSULTING AND CONSTRUCTING ENGINEER. DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER OF SCREW PROPELLERS. ESTABLISHED 1838. Beach and Palmer Streets, H. B. POSTAGE 4n) PRINTING WASTED Tons of it fail to reach the right people. Not so when lists are selected from such reliable publications as the Blue Book of American Shippina. 1901 EDITION JUST FROM THE PRESS. A directory of everything pertaining to ships. Lists of Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Ship Builders, Naval Engineers, Marine Engineers. Advertising rates and other information on application. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., CLEVELAND, O