Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 26 Dec 1901, p. 1

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SEP ee AeA A ek 7: Sa Development of Lake Superio r Iron Region--Part f REV Voi. XXIV. CLEVELAND, O., DECEMBER 26, 1901. _ The Superior Marine .. Gasoline Engine 1S BUILT FOR HEAVY SERVICE. TRY A PACK Every sail boat and steamer should earry one in a tender. Small schooners save tug bills. One in a delivery boat pays for itself the first year. Built In single, double and ee triple cylinders. Send for catalogue and de- = seription of how it acted in a U. S. life-boat. LAKE SHORE ENGINE WORKS, Marquette, Mich. The Wm, Cramp & Sons ---- Ship and Engine Building Go, ; PHILADELPHIA. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA OF Parsons Manganese Bronze ano Parsons White Brass. URE YOUR CENTURY'S LUCK." Cc D AND SE BERTRAM'S OIL POLISH CO., BOSTON, MASS.: D ENGINEERS? SUPPLIERS. 7 EDWARD W. HYDE, President. H. H. McCARTY, Treasurer, JOHN S. HYDH, Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Supt. BATH IRON WORKS, Ltd. Ship Builders and Engineers, BATH, MAINE. "HAWS EVERY PACKAGE OF BERTRAM?S POLISH, OIL AND PASTE (ex CONTAINS ONE OF OUR '20TH CENTURY LUCK COINS." BEST POLISH IN THE WORL SHIP CHANDLERS AN yt ie we f S © ene I Po WIR eo A z § ALEXANDER McVITTIE, President and Manager. WILLIAM C. McMILLAN, Vice-President. Bertra AMERICAN STEAM GAUGE AND VALVE MNFG. CO. (Original Steam Gauge Company.) New York. BOSTON. Chicago. MANUFACTURERS OF GAUGES THAT GAUGE, INDICATORS THAT INDICATE, POPS THAT POP. 4 Clocks, Revolution Counters, Whistles */ and all kinds of Steamship Instrumeuts. Original and only Genuine Thompson Indicator. The Indicator that made Indicators Famous Highest Award at the Paris Exposition, 1900. - ~ THE ONLY AMERICAN INDICATOR TO RECEIVE AMEDAL _... The GOLD MEDAL awarded at Pan-American Exposition on Gauges. Pop Valves, Inui- cators and Engineering Specialties. _ "TONG "ARM" SYSTEM 2 AND HATERES y PIECE EVER INVENTED. MOST POPULAR POCKET LUCK FOR 20th CENTURY IN _ American Pressure Recording Gauge. JAS. C. WALLACE, Gen'l Manager. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIP RIGGING AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE COMPANY,. - CHARLES B. CALDER, General Superintendent. DETROIT SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, -- | SHIP AND ENCINE BUILDERS, 7 | DETROIT, MICH. -- : : Sole Owners for the Lakes and Atlantic Coast of the HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM, as applied to Boilers, giving increased power and great economy. LAND: : DRY DOCKS IN CLEVELA No.1, foot Weddell St., 440 ft. x 50 No. 2, foot Weddell St., 300 ft. x 55 ft. No. 3, Elm St., 340 ft. x 50 ft. x 13 ft. Dry Dock at Lorain: 560 ft. x 60 ft. x 17 ft. W. L. BROWN, President. R. L. IRELAND, Vice-president. R. C. WETMORE, Sec'y and Treas, The American Ship Building Co. | OFFICE, 120 VIADUCT, CLEVELAND, 0, : STEEL SHIPS ARNO raion ENGINES. BOILERS AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY. oe N ~ z \ WORKS AT REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. CLEVELAND ANS 22 Electric Helm Angle Indicator. CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. THE ELECTRO-DYNAMIC CO. # 3 294 lonic Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. ABCCODE, 4tH EDITION. ; GALVANIZED, = STRONGEST. --s MOST SATISFACTORY. __ CHICAGO, ILL. M. E. FARR, Secretary and Treasurer. -- FRANK E. KIRBY, Consulting Engine CABLE ADDRESS EDCO. ER THE ROOKERY, Steel Ship Yard Located at Wyandotte, Mich. Wooden Ship Yards and Dry Docks, Foot of Orleans =-- Street, and Foot of Clark Ave., DETROIT, MICH. « by feeding them with OILY or MUDDYzsWATER. Don't Ruin Expensive Boilers ~ W. BLACKBURN SMITH, coppers THE RANKINE FEED WATER FILTER will save its eost in six months in boiler repairs--loss of time in laying up-- in water -in coal. Thousands in use in all parts of the world. Used in every navy, and many of the largest electric light and power plants. cS Sole Unied Sates. =~ PERTH AMBOY, N i 5 - United States... The "Long-Arm" System. Co, of Cleveland, O., announce th publication of their bulletin No. 5, giving full data regarding Arm" System of power doors and hatches for the preservati property at sea. The booklet 'will be forwa on of ed upon applicatic

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