Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 18 Dec 1902, p. 23

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19¢ 2.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 23 vente: AVERAGE OF DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL, FROM BUE- Soft. coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net ton............se0+ 45 FALO TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND DULUTH. soit.coal, Ohio, ports to Duluth, fet tom... 6... ses aa es 35 DURING TEN YEARS PAST. Fard coal, Buitale to Chicago, net-t0ta.. ea). ss piaut 46 Chicago, - Duluth, Hard.coal, Buffalo to Duluth, net. tony oo. oe yan ees 31 Year cents. cents. Wheat, Chicavo to Buffalo, bushel is ics. de. cere nies aes 19% TOOZ veces CE pa ae Ce ee 49 29 AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL FROM CHICAGO TO BUFFALO. iSo2 ak 2 = Rate, Rate, : Rate, TBGO ea: See 6 2 Year. cents. Year. cents. Year. cents. 1897 ee iene en ee ease ie pe 1600 Fes es 9.89 POP A 8 4.03 1BO6 ceria 2.56 1808 2. So Ae ee a 23 1S0le ee 11.53 IOVS ae 3.42 1889. bau, 2.51 (890° es a ee 73 40V5 1OO2 ne ees 10.49 1876. . 2.90 [B00.. a 1.96 TOGO EE es a a 4B 305 1003. a 7.51 T8779. Pe 3-72 1SGt es 2.38 $OOT ieee St ey ee ae a LBOdG foe 9.58 TO7O, (pine 3.07 TOQ2. sites a. 2.19 (0s one ee 1 33 TOUS oak 9.78 170 ce 4.74 O08 ets 1.66 EL ale Bev BE gett cy eg OOO ss ices 12.34 POCO Gina 5.76 18904 1.27 Average for ten years .. Coss AY a 31 es Bi Dat oY ce See ees oe ; Bh Rate to Milwaukee practically the same as to Chicago. ee 681 ees cis ay ae 1.56 Hard coal is net tons and is handled wine charge to vessels. TO7Oe ys cas 5.88 TOO4. Ges 2.18 1608 ois Fie 1.53 Iie ss. 7.62 1865s. Ge... 2.02 TS00 se ee 271 AFFAIRS AT THE.HEAD OF THE LAKES. ECO ee ee ae Duluth, Dec. 17--It was the intention of the Pittsburg A oeice forty titce vents: 460 cents eos LSI Steamship Co. that at least half its fleet should lay up at this end Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming and tallying weights of grain amounted to about $4.15 per 1,000 bushels in 1902. RANGE OF LAKE FREIGH'S RATES ON WHEAT FROM DULUTH TO BUFFALO Year. Rate, cents. Year. Rate, cents. 102 ee. 5 1.0 . TOO oes 23 TOR. 2 ches 14@3% POGOe as 2.0 PO02s eS 2u4@4 10005 3.6 LOGE ire eins 134@9™% 1800.36 65 ios 1.8 TSOO. oe 2 @ PN ae eae 1.75 TOGO ser es. 2° (@5- TOO ae e242 tee hee es 2 @5 TOUS oe 3.50 SSP gee ed 2 @8 TOOAL A) Co seo: 114@3. OOO Se is 34@8 Figures for eight years past represent average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 the rates are highest and lowest in the different seasons. AVERAGE FREIGHT RATES ON IRON ORE PER 'GROSS TON, FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS--TABLE COVERING WILD AND CONTRACT RATES FOR TWENTY YEARS PAST. Ashland and other Escanaba. Marquette. ports at the head \ of Lake Superior. Wild Wild Wild or Con- or Cop- 1.0L Con- daily tract daily tract daily tract Year. rate. rate. rate. rate, rate. rate. T6835). Bee $1.00... SLO; SUa0s pa. o. PSA ooo fom dee OF. 1.10 1.08 1.35 oe eee TEOG6 e . Nia O .9O .98 1.05 1.25 1.15 POG. i a ee 1.05 EST 1.20 1.78 1.20 Wes ee 8150 1.40 1.87 1.63 2:23 2.00 TOO) 6 o aL.O5 .9O 1.30 1.15 1.43 25 100 Or 1.00 1.19 1.10 1.34 1.25 TEQO- 76 2 BO 1.10 L072 5.25 TAZ 1.35 BOT ee 2 A 65 1.02 .9O Til 1.00 TOO2 es 7g 1.00 .98 1.15 15 1.25 TOOR ee oe RO 85 oe 1.00 77 1.00 1004 0 ee ee a .60 .60 "80 78 .80 165 73 55 2° 75 is 80 1800 Sic eo 52 -70 .66 95 77 1.05 TOG7 oes ers ASS 88 65 57 70 1806 20 Oo 45 .60 .60 62 .60 TBO) os 08 .50 1.08% .60 1.290% .60 TODD... 5 5 00 1 00 78 1.10 S44 125 1001 2 4 .60 79 70 .89 80 1902 .. 59 .60 .66 70 Te 75 Charge to vessels in 1902 for unloading iron ore was 19 cents aton. The wooden vessels that required trimming paid an additional charge of about 3 cents a ton for that service. Average ore rates for the entire period of twenty years: Escanaba, contract 82 cents, wild 82 cents; Marquette, contract 99 cents, wild 98% cents. Average for past ten years: Escanaba, contract 68 cents, wild 61 cents; Marquette, con- tract 78% cents, wild 73% cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, contract 83% cents, wild 84% cents. AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM OHIO PORTS TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITOWOC. Mil- Es- Du- Green Mani- waukee, canaba, luth, Bay, towoc. Year. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. oe ee AS .40 38 .50 AI MOA ee ABS .39 37% 49% .48 Os ee ba .39 3014 .50 iT BBO ee ae 27 29% 3214 32 EAPO eo ee eee 20%. .20 .30 41 THOR oe re Ses 2014 23 284 284 ROD te 60 58 45% 660% 07 MIQOOM ee ee AS .40 .40 45 43% Thor ee 0 .46 38 48% .48 tee G0 414 3414 464 42 Av. for ten years. .45 38% 35 4414 .43 Chicago rate about the same as Milwaukee. Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without charge to vessel. ' formed at once. of the lakes, but the barges were maintained at work on account of the good weather, and it is not probable that more than thirty of the fleet will be here. It is probable that more than seventy-five large lake ships will be in winter quarters at the head of the lakes. Mr. A. B. Wolvin is of the opinion that the head of the lakes is the proper place for the lying up of a very large share of the lake fleet, especially of that major portion of it that is destined to take out ore in the early spring. The fleet of the Pittsburg Steamship Co., together with chartered ships, has delivered at lower lake ports and at Chicago, almost precise- ly 16,000,000 gross tons of iron ore this year, and there is now enough ore at lower lake receiving docks and at furnaces of the United States Steel Corporation to run them until next July at the earliest. The policy of the Corporation has been to get a large reserve of ore at the lower end in case it might be needed. This reserve will probably be maintained continuously. No announcement can yet be made as to the plans of the Corporation in the matter of the construction of the proposed 550-ft. ships for ore trade. Grain inspected at the head of the lakes for the season of navigation has amounted in bushels to: Wheat and coarse grains, 44,648,577; seed, 13,640,866; total, 58,289,443. Same period in 1901--wheat and coarse grains, 42,371,675; seed, 12,- 420,849; total, 54,701,524. The excess in 1902 is therefore 3,- 587,919 bu. In other items of freight there is a similar excess. In flour the shipments of the year have been 8,456,085 bbls., an excess of 822,130 bbls. over 1901. The tonnage passing through the Portage canal has this year increased about 33 per cent., ac- cording to the figures compiled by Capt. D. D. Gaillard. A notable event of the week has been th first shipment of iron ore from the Mesabi range to St. Louis via the Great Northern and connecting lines. This has been a plan of Mr. Hill's for sometime, and is of far more importance than may be generally supposed. Mr. Hill intends to give such assistance to this traffic as will revive the furnace industry of the St. Louis district, and will give a considerable winter ore tonnage for the Great 'Northern and its associated Burlington lines. The most famous piece of land in the iron ranges of Lake Superior, Section 30, on the Vermillion range, has been leased to an exploring syndicate of Duluth, under the name of the Section 30 Co., and the land will be developed at once. 'Title to the final forty-acre tract of the 320 acres in the dispute was given last week to Laton & Merritt, G. J. Lonstorf and R. H. Fagan, of -- Duluth, the original locatees, and the exploring company was Much is not known of the personnel of the new company. 'This land covers more than a mile in length and half a mile in width of the ore-bearing formation on the east Vermillion range and is supposed to be very rich. Half the operating mining companies of the United States are said to have been figuring for a lease there and not much under $1,000,- 000 has been spent in litigation over the land in the past nineteen years and more. Vermillion range shipments for the year have been as fol- lows: Soudan hard ore 280,000 tons; Chandler 645,000; Pioneer 675,000; Zenith 167,000; Savoy 243,000; Sibley 77,000. This is about 300,000 tons more than the shipments of the pre- ceding year when the same mines, excepting the Sibley, were in operation. Chief increases have been in the Zenith, 107,000 tons, and in the Soudan, 72,000. Improvements are under way at these mines that will probably largely increase their output for the coming year. The necessary papers were drawn up and signed last week authorizing the Lake Superior Power Co. to divert the water of St. Mary's river into its power canal. The conditions pre- scribed are that the proposed diversion of water shall not in- juriously affect navigation in the waters affected, nor impair or diminish the water levels, or any natural increase thereof in Lake Superior, in the United States ship canal locks or their tributaries.

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