ge "t902.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD, "ag 'PROPOSED CHANGES IN LAW OF MARITIME LIEN: Managers of dry docks and ship repair: yards, as well as ship handlers -and other merchants engaged in furnishing supplies to vessels will be interested in a bill;. just:introduced in congress, _ that proposes important changes in- the matter. of maritime liens. The Maritime Law association,.made up-of admiralty lawyers of the country, has had this subject under. consideration -for 'a long time past and the.bill is undoubtedlv the outcome.of- their delib- erations, The. title is "a.bill to regulate and-make uniform the rights of persons furnishing to or for vessels supplies repairs or other necessities." It was introduced by Senator Depew of New York and is numbered 6,488. The full-text follows: Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc., that any person furnishing sup- eee plies,) repairs or other necessaries to anv foreign or domestic . << vessel tipon the credit of the vessel shall have a maritime 'lien ee andmay proceed against the vessel in rem. Sec. 2.. That when the supplies, repairs or other necessaries. have been ordered by the master or bv the owner of the vessel, or by anyone having authority from the owner to procure sup-: plies, repairs or other necessaries for the vessel, they shall be' presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to have been furnished on the credit of the vessel. Sec. 3. That the following persons. shall be presumed to have authority from the owner to procure supplies, repairs or other necessaries for the vessel. First. The master, a managing owner, a ship's: husband or any person to whom the management and control of 'the vessel in the port. cf supplies is intrusted. But this' prevision shall not | apply to a charterer, or to anyone employed by him, when by the charter party. the charterer is required to, furnish: such supplies, repairs or other necessaries and the. pe.son furnishing 'knew this ce or had reasonable means cf ascertaining it, Second. - A chiefengineer or chief steward. actually serving on board, whether employed by the owner, or Owners' or by a charterer, save as above; but.the authority of. such * 'engineer or. steward. shall be deemed to extend only to the procuring: of such supplies or repairs as are usually and feasonably, Leuurc i : respective departments. Sec. 4:. That no. lien for supplies, repairs or other oe ries for -a sum exceeding, $100:: upon a. vessel .of. the United States shall continue to be valid for more, than ninety. days after such supplies, repairs or other necessaries, were furnished, 'unless before the expiration of said time a. statement of lien such as-is hereinafter described shall have. been. filed in the office of the col- lector of customs for the port where she was when such supplies, repairs or other necessaries were furnished to her. . Sec. 5. 'That no:lien for supplies, repairs or other necessaries upon a vessel of the United States shall continue to be valid for | more than one year after such supplies, repairs or other necessa-» ries were furnished, unless. suit .to_ enforce such, lien shall have' been begun. For that purpose a libel for the enforcement of' such lien in rem may be filed in the United States district court of the judicial district wherein the notice of lien is filed at any time before the expiration cf the year, whether the vessel at the time of filing the libel is within the district,or not; and if the ' vessel cannot be arrested in such suit, then if the owner or claimant of the vessel does not voluntarily appear therein and give bend or stipulation with surety approved by the court for the pay- ment of the claim, with interest and costs, in case final judgment be recovered upon said lien, pursuant to the course of the ad- miralty, the filing of such libel shall be deemed the commence- ment of suit sufficient to preserve such lien, and the lienor or his legal representatives or assigns may, within a reasonable time thereafter, arrest the vessel by suit in rem for the recovery of his claim in any other place or district: wherein the vessel may be found. Sec. 6. That the statement of lien réquired by this act shall set forth thé name of the vessel; the port from Which-she 'hails; the person who ordered the supplies, repairs or other necessaries; the name and address of the lienor; the amount of the claim, with the items thereof, their dates, and all just credits, and the -balance due at the time of filing the statement. The statement shall be signed and verified by the lien claimant or by some person on his behalf. Sec. %. That the collector of customs shall file and index the statements of lien required by this act according to regula- tions to be provided by the secretary of the treasury, and upon the filing of a duly executed and acknowledged: receipt of pay- ment or satisfaction piece of such claim, or upon the order of the United States district court for that district, he shall mark the said statement of lien canceled. Sec. 8 'that the owner or claimant of the vessel may de posit with the clerk of the United States district court of the judicial district wherein the statement of lien is filed the amount: claimed, with interest and the clerk's fees thereon, together with a bond with surety approved by the court for the payment of any further interest and costs of suit if the lien be sustained; and thereupon the court may, on notice by mail to the lienor, at the address stated in the statement of licn, order the statement of lien filed as aforesaid to be canceled,.and such deposit and. bond shall thereafter be held to answer any judgment or decree re- covered by the lienor upon his claim. If no suit for the enforce- ment of such claim be commenced within sixty days thereafter, the court may, on similar notice to the lienor, unless further time for suit be siven, order the deposit returned and the bond can- -celed. Sec. 9. That this act is intended to supersede all state statutes purporting to create rights of action against vessels for 'supplies, repairs and other necessaries. Sec. 10. That nothing herein shall affect the rules of Jaw now existing in regard to the prioritv of rank of liens on vessels or in regard to the right to proceed in personam. Sec. 11. That this act shall take effect immediately. - LAUNCH OF A SIX-MASTER. . Percy & Small, Bath, Me., launched last week the six-masted wooden schooner Addie M.. Lawrence. The vessel is con- structed in the strongest manner possible, and from 'the best of :. material. She has a two-tier keel of birch and maplé, 13x15 in., and her main keelson is six tiers high, 14x14 in. There are two - three-tier keelsons, one on each side of the main keelson, anil each 14 in. square. The craft is planked with yellow pine run- » ming from 14 in. on the bottom to 6 in. on the: -gunwale. The x 'ceiling and decks are also of yellow pine, the lower deck being "already. laid and the main deck nearly completed." 'The vessel has a poop deck which runs forward to about half way between the mainmast and the foremast. _. Each-of.the-six tall masts is a handsome specimen. of Oregon pine, 118 ft. tall. The topmasts are of the best selected spruce, 55 ft. tall. Wire has been used exclusively in rigging, mil set up very tightly with turnbuckles. The. sails are of the best quality duck and her approximate sail area will be. about 9,000 «yds. The vessel will carry. two. stockless. 'anchors. " Each -weighs 8,500 Ibs. and is attached to 240 fatnoms of. '2Y4- in. hard welded chain. The machinery is of the latest. model and every _- labor-saving device known has been installed, incliding | a Hyde .., windlass, steam engine and boiler, deck pumps, force: pean and ~~ implements for loading and unloading | cargoes. The after cabin is. unusually large and is 'divided: into the usual compartments, which are light and roomy. The dining room is in the forward compartment and the reception room at -_the rear. The captain has a large room, elegantly 'furnished, ~ and in one corner is a spacious chart desk. Besides this room is one for the first mate, several guests' chambers and a' "bathroom, the whole finished in mahogany and quartered Oak. on This is the largest schooner launched in Maine this year, the second largest ever built in the state, and the third largest ever built in this country, the Eleanor A. Percy and the George W. Wells holding the record for size. She was built by the same firm that built the Eleanor A. Percy and will be launched from the same cradle. She i is naméd for Miss Addie M.: Lawrence of Fairfield, Me., and is owned by J. S. Winslow & Co. of Portland. Her dimensions are 292.4 ft. long, 48.3 ft. beam, 22.2 ft deep, . with a 'gross tonnage of 2,807 and net of 2, 195. WHITE STAR LINE AS SOLD. English maritime papers are still talking about Mr. Mor- gan's purchase of the White Star Line, and are insisting that he paid 'too much for it' Of course that is Mr. Morgan's affair wholly and there is really no reason why they should: be so solicitous about it. As to what Mr. Morgan actually bought when he bought the White Star Line they give the following list' of actual vessels: Built «9 /Péing in : : oe - gross Oceanic. ..2.1 4 IS00M * oe. eas re. ae STA Majestic... ee LOSOME purines the tesa cq es oe Oe Teutome. 3.5 TSSOM © ncosecetas wieke ee eee CermaniCiit 2. ee IO740E ke the bei) oe aed 5,071 "Britannic 0. ee 1874 Wie ie en Cheese as oh OGe *Celtic. Va. Pg EQOL We. hs avn ae 'i. « 20;904 Cyintic 0 ee 1S06 b> Wa cise ee 13,096 RCo driG i ee 1902 apie 8. ee eee GeOTSic. vee a 1805) Ga 10,077 SBOViC (3. 1602 1.6 Pee Nomadic .....2..2..3..., 1891 Ch erb eho bespa 5,749 CeVIG 6 ee 1804 6) hee 301 Tauric: oc. e460 ee '1800 444,40), a eee 2% 5,780 Gothic .55 ase 1803. es sak hee, 4 27,755 -WAPREIC arinciad fees POOL 2 12,234 Delphic 3.1.44 5...50 3 1807 see ee, 8,273 *Commnthic. . 6. os oe 1002 a 12,231 *IONIC fo eed.) pTOO2 ss ee Aiie 5s 1808 | ode ee eee 11,948 Medits i520 G cap aren ee - O08 i ea 11,985 Persie es TO0Q = Seas iea fice, Bee *Runic .. oie i pieeee steer ees eae eSutvic 7. 1000 ia 12,500 Dorie 2. ea 1883 6. ese eee: 4,680 Coptic .. 45565. POSE ya cases se lasts - 4,350 Garlic ceo 185) nia ee 4,206 sMagietic. forte 6s 5 ses (EOL oe sos = OEE Doane 3 1804. 43 es Sal EE t., Gea 7305 a 28=266,875 Deduct vessels finished since Dec. 3. 1990 7 :7=103,881 *Not running in 1900. eee