190a.] WATER FILTERS NREL SS | & ENGINES out of your boiler. We make Pressure Regulating Valves for all purposes, steam or water. Our Feed-Water Filter will keep oil We can interest you if you use a condenser. Water Engines for Pumping Organs EO SSR AERO Keep Oil out of your Boiler with the FEED-WATER FILTER For Marine and Land Service Two of these Fi ters are in use on the Oceanic, ST HHT, Price $5.50. THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE. A manual for ship builders, ship superintendents, students and marine engineers. By Thomas Walton. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 24 0 Cleveland. JOHN E. THROPP & SONS CO,, TRENTON, N. J., U.S. A. TRIPLE ENGINE. BUILDERS OF SINGLE, COMPOUND AND TRIPLE EXPANSION ENGINES. CONDENSERS. BOYER SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS. PROPELLER WHEELS. MACHINERY COMPLETE FOR PLEASURE YACHTS, TUG BOATS AND LIGHT DRAUGHT PASSENGER BOATS. ALFRED B. SANDS & SON MARINE PLUMBERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Plumbing Specialties Marine Water Closet for either above or below water line. Folding Lavatories, Ventilators, Pumps, Tanks, &c., &c. 134 BEEKMAN §&T., New York. emai SOME MEN PAY $10,000 frrgszasrunee: oh are others $5. 00 for an annual subscrip= tionto PRINTERS' INK and learn what all the other adver= tisers are thinking about, but even these are not the extremes reached. There are men who lose over $100, 000 °._,xear by doing neither one. FOR SAMPLE COPY SEND 10 CENTS TO PRINTERS' INK. who pay No. 10 Spruce St., NEW YORK CITY. FAHEY & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, --TOUT-1015 THE WILLIAMSON BLDG, TELEPHONE, MAIN 2754. = - CLEVELAND, 0, EVERY POSSIBLE FACILITY FOR CONDUCTING A BROKERAGE BUSINESS IN Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Etc. I ORAM FIX. ESTABLISHED 1e60, °° S, Fix's Sele.) Successors to S. Fix & Son, Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Write us for Prices. i> winven are. DlONSIg, 4ND WINTER STs. TOPKY BROTHERS Ship Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, Rope, Plumbing, Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper Work. F st Repairs for all makes of Ranges. 67 BRIDGE ST. ASHTABULA, O. MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 37 Get your engineer off in a quiet cor- ner and he'll probably confess that he doesn't clean his oil filter as often as it needs cleaning because it's such anasty | iE job. Get him a filter that doesn't need tear- ing apart--"The Hanover."' Works on the old principle of capillary attraction. Oil cOmes up a wick--and when the wick gets clogged, it takes but a minute to put in a new one. Absolutely clean and pure oil, no mat- ter what it did or where it came from. We prove its superiority over every other filter with a thirty days' full trial. Tell us how much oil you handle per month and we'll send the right size. The Hanover Oil Booklet X 4 Free--Want One? William S. Haines Co., {8th and Hamilton Sts. Philadelphia. Protas atreDeDessn tated BB D, ViancourT & Son Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Works. Repairing Steves, Furnaces, Etc Boat Work a Specialty. CLEVELAND, 0. 211 PEARL ST. "PHONE A 1095. Nautical Encyclopedia PRICE $3.00. Is in all respects a work up to date, correct as to every term known to the shipping world. Divided as to departments of Naval Architecture, Marine En- gineering, etc. SENT ON APPROVAL. CARRIAGE PREPAID ORDER FROM THE MARINE REVIEW PuB. Co., 89-41 Wade Bldg., CLEVELAND.