4 world. er Ke Pe a ne / . Burns cheap fuel." "Increases botler c. a Nae Send (ie eA 10. B.F.STURTEVANT @. Boston, NEW YORK : ee 8 2 PHIA> CHICAGO + LONDON: Thearle's Works grin' STANDARDS IN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. KNOWN AND USED WHEREVER eeceL SHIPS ARE BUILT. * SEPARATE VOLUMES FOR PLATES. 'sShip Building in by and Steel." (Plates in separate | volume. 5.2 "Ship Building ee 'Laying Off." (Plates in separate vol- ume.) $3.co. "Theoretical Naval Architecture." (Plates in separate § volume.) $3.50. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 30-41 Wade Bidg., CEEVELAND @ hu. Ss. METALLIC. PACKING CO., 422 North (3th S¢., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Our PacHKing is in use on 700 Steam Vessels in all paris of the itis a pacHing that can be | depended upon. e e e e CRE ah "erage of Olid eS oe County of Cuyahoga, 5 ~ Good Rope vs. Cheap Rope. TRIAL NOW ON. All Vessel Men. Jurors: Are on the side of Good Rope. What will be your Verdict! « THE. MOST COMPLETE STOCK BRASS ana COPPER # in Sheets, Tubes, Wire and Rod. # Service Right, Quality Right, Prices Right Waterbury Brass Co. 122 to 130 Centre St., :: 3: 3: New York City 2 # Always have our classified Stock List before you * YOURS FOR THE ASKING # # # RUBBER COVERED a AND CABLES. A aie AN) \ oe ace WK At ROPE tN ae gaa ale at Trenton, Aan ieee PRR #IBERTY_ST.. NEWYORK. gp} a Thies ASE Mau aGes Qe Feo ial Shenley ILL. cig CAPSTANS WINDLASSES AND The Hyde Steam and Power Windlasses «nd Capstans are the best in the market | partment, Revenue Ma- |.rine, Light-house Board j and United Siates They have been selected for most of the vessels now building for the Navy De- Coast Su rTrv.esy.: for the maj rity of the | Merchant Ve:sels: and i Yachts. now building. They are being furnished highest class Steam Ships, THE "Gvnee aPSTAN iNDLASS. 5 HYDE Wi INDL ASS ; COMPANY, BatH MaINeE. LINE Acme. Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. spector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Mooring Buoys. ARMSTRONG CORK PRESEHERVERS---BUOYS. Each Preserver stamped by U. S. In- Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Material and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly. COMPANY. Cork ee ee ONT., CANADA, ' D. L. WHITE, Vice-President. W. BENSON, Sec'y and Treas. pe eee ore. 88 Superior Street. ea ei ee > Midian To Towing and Wrecking Co., Ltd, 2"ssrurm.{ Savitt -- Fiest-Class Tugs for Wacclsing, Ratt | Towing, Etc. Steam Pumps, Divers, Jacks, Hawsers, Lighters. 2% % 2, RRACE, N.Y. Howard H. Baker & Co., SHIP GHANBLERS iN SAIL MAKERS, aurzave