Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 1 Jan 1903, ix

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1903. ] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. ix. STRIKING SHIP'S BELL CLOCK, .*.!i1 Cast Brass Screw Bezel Cases, 8-Day, Jewelled Escapement. Fog, Dust and BEST IN THE WORLD. Waterproof, Cases peo finishedin Polish- y -- Se, ad BIOe Oxi BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. "$y. , as ordered. Prices : f. o. b. Boston, viz.: THE 1 Price $38" $4: ve} "" NEPTUNE q rice, » $42, $45 f Size, 0, 12 in. i The "NEPTUNE" LOG. Price, $50, $55 SHIP-LOG Also if wanted, : .\ Special BASE for ith. -\ using clock .on Ball Bearings | \desks and mantels, for p 1etc., at $7.50 to-$30 f (extra, according to HIGH jsize. Hinged Bezel SEEEDS : The cee j e 4% an in. sizes inScrew Bezel Also cry of foo8 pre recom: the mended as best for ve use on yachts, Ves CHERUB" f Cuevaea Crock Co. i a ys = ea | Be } e \ ghee / sels, etc. and 2 OF ONE . an { HARP OON 7 i J & ROOM CLOCKS & of high grade, 4% SHIP-LOGS. ys to 12 in. at $18 to ae sts $42, according to Striking SHIP'S BELL Clock. size; $3 extra if MAKERS TO THE BRITISH NAVY. Patented in United States and Great Britain, 22° ee oe THE Clock for use on Yachts, Steamships, etc., in pilotmo Rooms etc, houses, cabins and each state room. YOU want the CHELSEA CLOCK CO., 16 STATE STREET, BEST. Ask for the. "CH. EA" BOSTON, U. S. A. aes ee Nicholson Perfected Ship Log Tells the speed per hour on a dial, counts the distance traveled and makes a paper record of each day's run. Will show the highest speeds. May be placed in the Pilot House, aptain's Cabin, Engine Room or Main Sa- loon. Well adapted for use on Steamships, Sailing Vessels and Yachts. This is not an electric log, is not connected with engines, and has no line overboard. Catalogs and full information upon application, | MANUFACTURED BY NICHOLSON SHIP LOG CO., 204 Superior St., CLEVELAND, O. KATZENSTEIN'S Self-Acting METAL PACKING, -- For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, etc., of every description for Steam Engines, Pumps, | etc, etc. Adopted and in use by the principal | Iron Works and Steamship Companies in this and foreign countries. FLEXIBLE. TUBU- LAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure: also METAL GASKETS for all kinds of flanges and joints. For full particulars and reference, address: L. KATZENSTEIN & CO,,. General Machinists, Brass Finishers, En- gineers' Supplies, . 358 WEST ST., NEW YORK. KIELEY MARINE REDUCING VALVE, Best Valve Made for Marine Work. ALSO Expansion Traps, Steam Separators and Open Float Traps for Marine Purpose sent on trial. KIELEY & MUELLER 7-17 West 13th St., N. Y. City. Write for Catalogue. Good for any pressure. '4 CONDENSER TUBE PACKINGS. '"' Invented and Manufactured by JOSEPH "ALLEN, Collingswood, N. J. Take the place of lacing. In use all over the world. Saves ine labor and dollars. JENKINS BROS.' VALVES. Perfectly tight under all pressures of steam, oils or acids. Warranted to give satisfaction under the worst conditions. Received the Atthe Pan-Amer-~ Highest Award GOLD MEDAL ican Exp sition. ~ Insist on having the genuine stamped with Trade Mark. JENKINS BROTHERS. DA Agegageqeap sna sRssnyrs REAR TR TERED MYR TRYIN SR TRAINS SUERTE YRS hye New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Phistbo. St e el Wo tks an d Rolling inner eran omrrerinnnnnniebiae Mill Engineers Screw Propeller Computer | Breve (McDERMOTT) Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Co. For quickly determining dimensions and preportions WILLIAM GARRET, Manager. of screw propellers for any set of conditions. $5.00 ~ New England Building, Cleveland, co. Ahddtbddtedabeddbda lh -Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian and United States Light House Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting; over tooo gas buoys and gas beacons in service. B C t » ] from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, u rn on In uous yY and can be seen a distance of six miles. Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Controlledbythe SAFETY CAR HEATING and LIGHTING co. Economical and Reliable in Operation. ee eS 160 Broadway, New York City.

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