The Jenks Ship Building Co. STEEL SHIP BUILDERS, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. Prompt Attention Given to Repairs of all Kinds on Ships, Engines and Boilers. OFFICE AND MACHINE SHOPS YARDS AT FOOT OF LINCOLN AT FOURTH STREET. AVENUE. PORT HURON, - " MICHIGAN. : : Not hen li i icati Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Marine ot so when lists are selected from such reliable publications as the ae | Work. Engineers' Supplies. * # # Blue Book of American Shipping. A directory of everything pertaining to ships. List of Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Ship Builders, Naval Architects, Marine Engineers. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, Iron Pipe Fittings and Supplies, Rubber Hose, Packing, Buffalo, N. 1; Springs, Usudurian Packing. 'C..H. McCutcheon, | | "stenennanmees all our J acks Complete charts (blue prints) showing location of all coal docks at Portage so 8 99 (Houghton, Hancock are "CracKer-Jacks TPL ta MIG with accurate descriptive information of number of rigs, kind and capacity for ten hours, for sale. The first HYDRAULIC JACK we ever made WAS the For particulars write best ever made--that was over 50 years ago. SYDNEY B. LANG, HovucurTon, MICH. We now build over 250 Kinds--if the one you wantis not among them we will make one to suit. ; We build our Jacks with rams and cylinders made from PERE MARQU ETTE a solid high carbon steel--no so called seamless drawn tubing--no welds--forced joints or by pass holes to cut R.R.& STEAMSHIP LINE packing. Chicago. Milwaukee, Manitowoc, and Grand Rapids, Saginaw, We have catalogues of Hydraulic Jacks, Punches Port Huron, Detroit, Toledo and Valves and Benders. We will be glad to send H. F. MOELLER, Gen'l Passenger Agent Send for folder. DETROIT, MICH you one or all. | ° A full stock of the new colored army ° charts, as well as all the latest hydro- ° if graphic office charts and sailing directions, WATSON = STILLMAN Co. is kept on hand at all times by the MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 453 Rookery 203-14 E. 43d St. 39-41 WADE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. CHICAGO. NEW YORK CITY. Nothing but the latest charts, corrected up to date are sold. e BUILDERS 0O MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES Single, Compound or Triple Expansion PROPELLER WHEELS, MARINE PUMPS AND CONDENSERS, CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, DREDGING AND MINING MACHINERY, FLY WHEELS, ROPE WHEELS AND GEARING OF MODERN DESIGN. FORGING AND MARINE REPAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. HEAVY, GREEN LOAM nae oe D etr O it, M ichi S an. and DRY SAND CASTINGS. CYLINDER CASTINGS.