1903.] The Ideal Pigment TRADE MARK The only ade- quate. protec tion for Ships, Bridges and Structural Iron and Steel Work. REGISTERED JULY 8, 1902 Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Patent Iron Oxide Paints 98% Pure 19 Liberty Street, New York. The only Pure Iron Oxide Paint. The only Non-Crystalline Oxide of Iron. Being porous and spongy it absorbs and retains the oil and makes a permanent, dur- able, unchanging, protective coating for wood and metals. It is rust-proof and not subject to chemical action. Unequalled for submarine use. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. Chas. i: GW. F. Peck ESTABLISHED 1870 58 William Street, New York City. Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, Ill. C. T. BOWRING &G CO., Ltd. 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, E. C., ENGLAND, AND at ** LLOYDS,"? LONDON. Insurance Brokers As brokers we represent ONLY THE ASSURED. Our clients being the VESSEL OWNERS, we refuse to represent insurance companies. We place insurances in the most advan- tageous market at the best procurable rates and terms. Weleave it to the managers and general azents of insurance companies to protect the interests of their companies, maintaining that it is impossible for us to devote ourselves to the interest of both the owners and the insurance companies at the same time. Average Adjusting Department Williamson Building. Cleveland, Ohio. a a a a a a a 4 yyyYvvVYY PPP VV VEE EEO OOOO OOOO OOO GREAT LAKES REGISTER. INCORPORATED. Combined and Issued in Connection with the BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. Great Lakes Register desires to announce that its ratings go before the leading Underwriters of America, England and France. THE SERVICES OF ITS SURVEYORS MAY BE ENGAGED ON HULL AND CARGOES F.D. HERRIMAN, SURVEYOR GENERAL, 320-322 Perry-Payne Building, - -. CLEVELAND, O, Dna an a a a a a bn i a bb in i i Mh te te de eee eee ee ee gg MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. BE ichectstentacnste eet Auta ea acttttaseretta istdca tte tie TS, aT PN ea as David Bell Engineering Woiks BUILDERS OF STEEL TUGS, YACHTS, ETC. MARINE MACHINERY STEAM HAMMERS BUFFALO, N. Y. C -_ THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT xiii. Has just issued stringent relations to prevent poisoning by the use of white lead. LINC WHITE Is the best preventive of lead poison. ing: much zinc, little poison; all zinc, no poison. FREE --Our practical Pamphlets: '""The Paint Question,"' ** Paints in Architecture,"' ** Specifications for Architects," '*'Hlouse Paints: A Common Sense. Talk About Them."' **French Government Decrees. THE NEW JERSEY ZINC C0., 11 Broadway, New York. J INSURANCE Geo. L. McCurdy, 169 Jackson eee Chicago, = = Illinois. Direct Representative of Leading American and Foreign Under- writers. HULLS AND CARGOES. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. 232 Walnut Street, :: PHILADELPHIA -:: Founded A. D. 1792 Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. Charter Perpetual. CAPIPAL STOCK 4... - 3-7: - $3,000,000.00 Reserve for Reinsurance - 4,631,037.42 Reserve for unadjusted losses and other liabilities - 775,488.61 1,672:952.40 Surplus over liabilities a Total Assets, January 1, 1902 rons Ae 10.079 ,478.50 This Company issues certificates of insurance, payable in cases of loss at the option of the assurer, in London, Paris, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Japan, China and Australia. CHARLES PLATT, President HENRY W. FARNuM, Marine Secy. OHN DONNELLY, SR. ies The Donnelly Salvage ii poise Vth and Wrecking Co., Ltd., : KINGSTON ONT. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, Ete. SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE.