1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. | XIX. D "+ Allow Your Boilers to be Ruined when You Can Save Them BY USING on DEARBORN VEGETABLE BOILER COMPOUNDS. Scientifically made to suit the conditions of the water. Prevent pitting, stop incrustation. A perfect preservative to the boiler and its connections. MARINE FORMULA No. 5 for the waters of the five lakes. Ta CE AR TH LUE cesta C0 IRR IIIT T) LIQUID -soirit-- COMPASSES of our make, in seven sizes, embody every known point of excellence possessed by those of other makers, and in addition have been improved in many important details. We therefore positively assert that, in general construction and thoroughly scientific action of the card, we offer the best Liquid Compass ever made in this or any country. For oy | 7 q sale by Ship Chandlers generally. JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front St, NEW YORK. BARARARARAM ALL MATERIAL MANUFACTURED FROM OUR OWN IRON. . , enero ena WE HAVE OUR OWN "GALVANIZING PLANT. vent Ts OHA FORE leon.C 9-14 MURRAY ST. ieee NEW YORK "WARWICK" Ship Driving 'Shackles, Swivels and _ other Tron, Special Head Machine and Forgings, Close Link and Stud Hand Made Ship Spikes, Clinch wa ie Link Yacht and Ship Cables. Rings, Screw Bolts, Rods, Turn- Anchors, Blocks, Bunker Plates, buckles, Plain and Babbitted } ot Capstans, Windlasses & Pumps Chocks and Cleats, Davits, any we Centrifugal Pumping Machinery For All Purposes, STEEL SH | PS' KINGSFORD FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, A Cea ee THEIR CONSTRUCT:ON AND MAINTENANCE, A manual for ship builders, ship superintendents, students and marine engineers. By. Thcs. Walton. R. D. WOOD & CO., 2° Sir esta: | Maire nase wee 2 cuavaiaw CEN TRAE wctts FUMPS! [RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS | STEAM ENGINE OR ELECTRIC MOTOR The Standard Liquid Compass. Used Exclusively by the United States Navy For Over -- 35 Years. Over 25,000 Used in Mer- chant Service. Madein all sizes and styles, from 2 to 12 inches diameter of card. All com- passes made by us _ have our name printed below the North point, or promi- Unequalled for Marine Service Circulating wa- ter for con- nently upon the card. AOR NOG ENUINES A Le Bilge water Latest form with four or drainage, six needles, the | Beat instrument for iron ships. For sale by ship chandlers Dry dock ser- and nautical] instrument dealers. ee oe ~ ) view, CATALOGUE FREE. ate es" --s«Orredging, 10 IN PUMP AND 8X68 IN. ENGINE. : wreokings eo: E. S. RITCH IE & SONS, Cast Iron Pipe, Fire Hydrants, Manufacturers of Nautical and Physical Apparatus, } Gate Valves, Indicator Posts. BROOKLINE, MASS., U. S. A.