1903. ] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. XXVIi. THE Wellman -Seaver-Morgan Engineering Company ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS Standard and special type Cranes Ore and Coal Handling Machinery. --zCROSS SECTION.=-- In the illustration above is shown the crane service over the building berths of the Fore River Ship & Engine Co.'s ship yard at Quincy, Mass. This service was constructed entirely from designs and specifications prepared by us and was put in operation in June of last year, and since then the record of handling of material by this service has been something unprecedented in ship building. One of the first day's work of this service was as follows: Bringing out from the end of the yard and putting in piace on the keel of the ship, 74 frames. This work was done with 16 men in eight hours working time. | An interest- ing comparison of this work is the record of the average output in one of the largest ship yards on the Atlantic Coast, 1. e. working with the ordinary type of © double cantilever cranes, 116 men working 10 hours put in place 25 ship frames of a similar construction. The framework of the Fore River Ship & Engine Co.'s yard is designed not only to support the traveling cranes which perform this remarkable duty, but also a roof covering which is to be added in the future. This will form a pro- tection for the yard in inclement weather, and add greatly to the comfort of the workmen and the output of the yard. For the Fore River Ship & Engine Co. we are now completing the erection of a great traveling gantry crane for their fitting-out wharf; this crane, as con- structed by us, embodies several very novel features, such as a hinged jib ar- ranged to fold up out of the way of the ship's rigging, a combination of heavy and light trolleys and masking tackle, and it is believed that this crane will prove to be the most useful tool ever introduced in ship yard work. Principal Offices and Works Cleveland, O., U. S.A.