xxxvi. MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Jan. 1, The Reason Why The large fleets on the Great LaKes are using DEARBORN BOILER COMPOUNDS in all their boilersis because it takes off the scale, prevents new scale from forming, preserves the iron, taKes care of any Cylinder oil getting back to the boilers, and prevents any foaming or prim- ing, thereby insuring a dry steam and better results fromthe Cylinder lubrication. It costs to use a Scientifically-made preparation but a trifle per day and saves the owner of the vessels an enormous amount in coal and steam plant repairs. Remember our Marine Formula No. 5 jis made especi- ally for the waters of the five Great Lakes. You can buy direct or from first-class Marine Jobbers. He Uitte} a Wa WORKS WM. H. EDGAR, eee eT W. B. McVICKER, 2nd Vice Pres. and East. Mor. ROBT. F. CARR, "ice Pres. and cree NK: | eae ee CHAS. M. EDDY, Sec. RUC Bur oe W.A. CONVERSE, Directing Celie iO) --m eee FRANGIS, Directing Engineer. MANUFACTURING AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS CHEMICAL ENCINEERS| "LABORATORIES AND WORKS - CHICAGO NEW YORK CHICACO 120 LIBERTY STREET 27-34 RIALTO BUILDING =BRANCH OFFICES A. W. CROUCH, Mgr. 206 House Building, Pittsburg, Pa. T. S..F. HAYES, Mer. - 1237 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn, DAN. DELANEY, Mgr. 1103 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, O. GEO. E. TALCOTT, Mgr. Ground Floor, Bostor? Block, Denver, Colo. FRANK EARDLEY, Mgr. 302'Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. WM. LOWRIE, Mer. 307 North Los Angeles St., Los An eles, Callf C. H. EVERETT, Mgr. 411 Prudential Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. WALTER A. Pasa eh Mer. 7 Mills Building, Fy) Petes Pat T. V. REGAN, Mgr. 733 Union Street, New Orleans, ta. EDW. C. BROWN. Mgr. 8 & 9 Brewer Block, Honolulu, H. T :