16 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Feb. 26, BUFFALO ENGINES]. Westinghouse Motors For MARINE LIGHTING PLANTS COMPACT DURABLE ACCESSABLE rum Hoist Weathienause fadaction Motor Driving Friction Accelerate and lower the cost of handling material on docks and in warchouses. See New Catalogue They are described in Circulars 1042 and 1050 Westinghouse Electric & [lig. Co. Buffalo Forge Company Pittsburg, Pa. BUFFALO, N. Y. Sales Offices in all Large Cities The Shipowners Dry Dock Co., --CHICAGO. Repairs to | Three Docks at Halsted Steel and Wooden Vessels. || Street and North Branch. Omen lems, RlAL IO BUrRDIN G&. OFFICE TELEPHONE, HARRISON 1020. | W.W. WATTERSON, Supt. YARD TELEPHONE, NORTH 1659. TELEPHONE, LAKEVIEW 198. ASHTON | Cam Lever Pop Safety Valves lengths. See our stock list. Operated from Direct Current Incandescent Lamp Circuits. and Non-Corrosive steam gauges \ THE give highest efficiency and durability. \ BOURNE-FULLER CoO. Specify them and get the best. Z SoS The Ashton Valve Co., 2ni'thicago, USA. IRON, STEEL I : and 9 t GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY S Cleveland, 0. ¢ PROJECTORS. C Hand, Pilot House or Electrical Our stock includes all sizes of Beams, Channels, et Control. Angles, Tees and Plates, with facilities for cutting to > Write for Catalogue. COMPRESSORS Built in all GENERAL OFFICE, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. CLEVELAND OFFICE, 310 NEW ENGLAND BUILDING. €rO€rE> @oOoOooeoroernwrwnaewoe/" cenem ( ( ( € ¢ ( 18 inch Projector. SALES OFFICES IN ALL LARGE CITIES. . Pilot House Control. ) Capacities eC EO OO OOo eoewenweconneenecnewe Complete Air Plants Installed. '"BENEDICT-NICKEL" Seamless Condenser Tubes are the only ones that resist electrolysis. 1 ar superior to brass or NW Pneumatic Appliances of Every Description. copper. Our treatise on "Electrolysis of Con- WRITE FOR CATALOG. denser Tubes" tells whv--send fer tt. BENEDICT & BURNHAM, Mfg. Co. |fif y_ ills and tain Office, Waterbury, Conn, pmul CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOL CoO. Boston, 172 High S¢. General Offices: Fisher Bldg., CHICAGO. Eastern Office: 95 Liberty St,, NEW YORK.