a 24 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. APPOINTMENTS OF MASTERS AND ENGINEERS. Mitchell & Co., Cleveland: Steamers--Moses Taylor, Capt. | C. B. Galton, Engineer Wm. Fetting; F. H. Goodyear, Capt. H. A. Stewart, Engineer Wim. Fritz; W. H. Gratwick, Capt. R. C. Jackson, Engineer Chas. Love; H. S. Holden, Capt. F. D. Galton, Engineer John Scott; Walter Scranton, Capt. H. H. Townsend, Engineer Gus Guy; W. E. Reis, Capt. B. D. Ton- wend, Engineer Louis Minnie; J. J. McWilliams, Capt. M. M. Stewart, Engineer Henry Graves; Lagonda, Capt. Fred Furtaw, Engineer I. A. Franscombe; H. C. Frick, Capt. W. W. Shorkey, Engineer F. B. Parker; Jas. Gayley, Capt. J. D. Baird, Engineer John Maedel; J. J. Albright, Capt. J. W, Autterson, Engineer Peter Lavely; M. A. Hanna, Capt. Alex. Begg, Engineer J. D. Riley; R. lL. Fryer, Capt------_, Engineer Frank Thomas; Ma- jor, Capt , Engineer Geo. I Hope, Capt. ; Engineer Gilbert Newton. Schooner--Troy, Capt. Henry C. Diem. Pere Marquette R. R. Co., Ludington, Mich.: Steamers-- Pere Marquette, Capt. J. C. Ackerman, Engineer Robert Thiel- man; Pere Marquette 16, Capt. G. L. Thompson, Engineer Chas. Sylvester; Pere Marquette 17, Capt. Jos. Russell, Engineer A. W. Ackerman; Pere Marquette 18, Capt. Peter Kilty, Engineer Samuel Sylvester. Rhodes, R. R. Cleveland: Steamers--Yale, Capt. James Jackson, Engineer Harry Stone; Minneapolis, Capt. Geo. Moore, Engineer D. J. McMillan; St. Paul, Capt. Peter Thompson, En- gineer Henry Stone; Wm. Castle Rhodes, Capt. P. Dowdell, Engineer Guy Hemenger; Huron, Capt. Washington Moore, Engineer Clinton Folkerts. Smith, Edward, Buffalo: Steamers--Thomas Cranage, Capt. John S. McNeil, Engineer Jos. Blanchett; City of Paris, Capt. FE. D. Ballentine, Engineer James McDougall. Tomlinson, G.-A., Duluth: Steamers--Sultana, Capt. J. H. Driscoll, Engineer M. J. McAuliffe; Sonora, Capt. F. A. Fick, Engineer T. H. Welsh; Yosemite, Capt. G. W. McCullagh, En- gineer =; Sinalya, Capt. W. D. Ames, Engineer F. A. Steadley; Sonoma, Capt. A. H. Reed, Engineer ; New steamer, Capt. D. P. Craine, Engineer A. B. Fortier. Graham & Morton Transportation Co., Chicago: Steamers-- City of Chicago, Capt. Wm. Russell, Engineer Wm. J. McClure; City cf Milwaukee, Capt. John Stewart, Engineer C. L. Banon; Puritan, Capt. Wim. A. Boswell, Engineer James Stewart; Argo, Capt. Ed. Williams, Engineer Wm. T. Johnson; Soo City, Capt. A. J. Simons, Engineer Carter, © D., Erie, Pa.: Steamers--Panay, Capt. C.- H. Wilson, Engineer Ogg; Luzon, Capt. E. A. White, Engineer Jno. Stevens. Cleveland & Buffalo Trans. Co. Cleveland: Steamers--- City of Erie, Capt. H. McAlpin, Engineer J. Y. Rendall; City of Buffalo, Capt. W. H. Smith, Engineer Chas. Lorimer. Dunham, R. J., Chicago: Steamers--Ravenscraig, Cpt. Geo. EF. Atkinson, Engineer Geo. F. Wilson; City of London, Capt. Wm. Anderson, Engineer Wm. Nichols; Black Rock, Capt. John F. Hansen, Engineer Chris. Howard. Eddy-Shaw 'Transit Co., Bay City, Mich.: Steamers--E. | C. Pope, Capt. Wm. A. Williams, Engineer Wm. C. Anderson; Selwyn Eddy, Capt. Wm. Greening, Engineer John F. Quinn; Penobscot, wapt. Geo. C. Stevenson, Engineer Edward A. Hoff- man; City of Bangor, Capt. A. J. Mahon, Engineer John M. Conroy. Elphicke, C. W., Chicago: Steamers--Mary C. Elphicke, Capt. Jos. Mathews, Engineer S. C. Davis; Wm. L. Brown, Capt. John Massey, Engineer John Goulding; G. Watson French, Capt. L. B: Cummings, Engineer W. H. Walder. Gilchrist, F. W., Alpena, Mich.: Steamers--Viking, Capt. H. Richardson, Engineer L. Richards; S. C. Hall, Capt. John Place, Engineer . schooners--Vinland, Capt. IT. Stevens; Sam Flint, Capt. B. M. McCraffery; Nellie Mason, Capt. BR. Mitchell. Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland: Steamers--Germanic, Capt. James Murphy, Engineer Geo. Blauvelt; J. T.. Hutchinson, Capt, J. H. Smith, Engineer Robt. Smith; City of Glasgow, Capt. W. P. Benham, Engineer P. Lyons; Queen of the West, Capt. S. F. Massey, Engineer ; Rube Richards, Capt. Robt. Kerr, Engineer Anton Rud. Schooners--Abyssinia, Capt. T. K. Woodard; E. C. Hutchinson, Capt. J. J. Martin; May Richards, Capt. A. McGougan. ' McVittie, Alex, Detroit: Steamers--Senator, Capt. W. A. Irvine, Engineer W. J. Bolton; Colonel, Capt. A. Ames, En- gineer A. Cobo. TRAFFIC OF PORTAGE LAKE SHIP-CANALS, Alike to the great waterway at the Sault, the ship-canals of the Portage lake district (copper country of Lake Superior) are owned by United States government, and as they are under con- trol of officials of the war department, accurate statistics of this commerce are obtainable each year. Capt. D. D. Gaillard, United States engineer at Duluth, recently completed reports of traffic through these canals. For the season of 1902 the register- ed tonnage of vessels passing through these canals is 2,550,403, the tons of freight 2,532,323, and the estimated value of freight [Feb. 26, $65,326,818.80. The different items of freight for 1902, with quantity and values, are shown in the following table: A DETAILED STATEMENT OF FREIGHT PASSING THROUGH PORTAGE LAKE SHIP-CANALS DURING SEASON OF 1902, TOGETHER WITH ESTIMATED VALUE OF SAME, Desig- a Price g Items haticn, | Quantities} per unit. | Valuation. Coal, (anthracite)... 2. Net tons 70,011 $6.25 $ 437,568.75 Coal (bituminousy 2... Net tons 998.274 Ses OO 3 993.096 .00 HOUT oo Barrels 448,290 4.00 1 798,160.00 Wheat se es Bushels 839,380 14 621,141.20 Grain (other than wheat)..| Bushels 280,010 50 140,005.00 Blaxs Oa Bushels 732,159 1.50 1,098,238 .50 Manufactured iron........ Net tons 21,804 65.00 1 3884.760.00 Pigaron: = cet ....| Net tons 1.588 21.00 33,348.00 lromores 3 se Net tons 193,536 2.25 435,456 . 00 Copperis sige ee Net tons 87,055 250.00 21,763,750 00 Building stone. 2.0... 2 Net tons 34,901 7.00 244,307.00 Limestone: 2 Net tons 53,984 ¥-50 80,976 .00 Oss a ore? Barrels 27,275 7.00 190,925.00 Salts. 7.5 sine Satan e isis Barrels 142,711 .60 85,626.60 Sand and Gravel. -.32 |) Cu, yds, 22,199 1.00 22,199.00 Lumber Sue ee M.ft. B.M.| 344,627 © 15.25 5.255,561.75 O88 see ere ee M. ft. B.M. 31,140 12.50 389,250.00 General merchandise. .. .| Net tons 182,383 150.00. 27,357.450.00 otal ee ee ee es $65,326 818.80 Compared with previous years the-number and tonnage of vessels, tons of freight and value of freight in 1902 were as fol- , lows: Number of Reg. tonnage Total freight, Total value Year : vessels. of vessels net tons of freight 1902 4 631 2,550,493 2,532,323 $ 65,326,818 &0 1901 8,921 1,892 901 2,116 624 56,876,450 .65 1800 4,020 1,749,291 - 1,867,772 57,380, 129.05 1899 8,931 1,367,883 1,582,169 54,994,843. 70 1898 8,909 1,447,216 1,367,835 39,254,415 .50 1897 2 981 1,025,375 1,020,723 34,044,268 .85 1896 3,569 1,076,548 1,041,933 29,953,787 .02 The number of passengers on vessels passing through the canals in 1902 was 24,542 up-bound and 23,445 down-bound, a total of 47,987. MR J. J. HILL ON HIS PACKAGE FREIGHTERS Concerning the sale of the freight vessels of the Northern Steamship Co. to a syndicate representing the Erie, the New York Central, the Lackawanna, the Lehigh Valley and the Penn- sylvania railroads, Mr. J. J. Hill of the Great Northern railway gave out the following interview in St. Paul a day or two ago: "We still own the passenger steamers North West and North Land," said Mr. Hill, in speaking of the transfer. "Those steam- ers will continue to be operated by the Great Northern, but we had no more use for the freight boats. They were built for a purpose, and when the purpose was accomplished we were realy to let them go. When we built those boats lake freights were high and elevator charges in Buffalo amounted to a cent and a half a bushel. When we built our elevators we put elevator charges down to half a cent a bushel and made a deep cut in freight rates between Duluth and Buffalo. There was only one man in the state at that time who understood and appreciated what the Great Northern had done for the farmers of the north- west in reducing those freight rates and elevator charges, and that man was Ignatius Donnelly. He was in Buffalo when our eleva- tor was opened and investigated our charges and reported it in his paper. But we don't want any more lake business. Buffalo is a long way from here and it is hard to manage interests that are so widely scattered. Besides, if the other people wanted our beats and were willing to pav a fair price for them, let them have them. We are tired of fighting other people's battles any- how; let them fight their own. That's why the boats were sold, and I don't care what the new owners do with them." LACKAWANNA STEEL CO.'S RESOURCES. The offering of the Lackawanna Steel Co.'s new bonds has brought forth inquiries regarding the company and the follow- ing official information explains in answer to the proposition of the company: "The company has ore properties in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and New York, on which there are said to be 56,000,000 tons cf ore in sight. The company also owns and holds in fee 21,720 acres of bituminous coal lands in Pennsylvania. It also has blast furnaces at Colebrook, Pa., and coke ovens at L,eb- anon, Pa., and owns in addition the Cornwall & Lebanon railway and the Cornwall & Lebanon Iron Co. Reverting to the com- pany's new plant at West Seneca, N. Y., it will be interesting to know also that a canal has been constructed from Lake Erie to the company's plant, thereby affording cheap and prompt trans- portation facilities for the handling of ore from the northwest and for the shipment of manufactured product. 'This new plant will be equipped with electrical power, transmitted from the power plant at Niagara Falls. It will readily be seen that these facts are of prime importance in considering the position of the company. The Lackawanna Steel Co. is the successor to the Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co."