1903. ] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 43 BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. ory; cOnns: © Son <b e caes New York. Hlectro-Dynamie < Cows. sis eis Ses Philadelphia. MacLean Hydraulic Signal Co... a, Chicago. Seldier-Miner: Wiectric: 00... 6 ca a a Detroit. ENGINEERING BOOKS. Audel: & Co:,.. Theo... 6... Se ueOe CREA Ces CINOWE TN OLH. Marine Review Pub. Co........ Gis ences Cleveland. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Crane CO. et we aunt. Chicago. Farnan Brass Works ............ Be Keene Cleveland. Kieley-@ Mueller 2... 2a. ceca sans New York. MeCatchneon.< Co ic ss ek oe os Releases Buffalo. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Hiectro- Dynamic: CO. 6 sss cok sew os Philadelphia. Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Co........Cleveland. Gagkin, "MdWward ©. cncecs Shits Cee. Buffalo. Goodenough, Walter .............. ~...-New York. Hunt, -Ropt.. We & COs ce arccice elec s Chicago. AGG: GiORODD 3c cces coke os able sista es Gere Duluth, Minn. TOPAN; ROOCLE 2... oy vies bcs « Sere oleic ee es ...Cleveland. Mosher © Cnas Dink oo osc exc cose castes New York. IN@wandn Ri Vase occ cece vos eie weet v New York. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory, Ltd........Pittsburg. Powell, Ambrose Vi ..c.ccccecevesecseces Chicago. Roelker,. Hu Ba co. oi view ese sce se oi New York Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York. Bee. Orne. 6 oe icc ces cc cee cee ees ae New York. WV OOG OW cde Se oe ohne sce s ce kien es care Chicago. EVAPORATING AND DISTILLING APPARATUS. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, ETO. Buffalo Worge' Cos ess. fc. Sorecee eee Buffalo. Sturtevant, Boh. COM Case eee eons Boston. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Gesrmonth. Rovere': coe sc ee se cae ese ee Buffalo. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. FLONS: VOIVO. OO, occ coe cos wei s wicrts ites Troy, Nc. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL AND ELECTRIC. General Electric Co. ......... Peneeee. IN Seidler-Miner Electric Co. ............... Detroit Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. .. Pittsburg, Pa. FORGES. Buffalo: Norge: Ooi os sce eo ta ee Buffalo. Sturtevant, Bi Fc COs: ico sce ck eae een Boston. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co. ....... Cleveland. Fore River Ship & Engine Co. ..... Quincy, Mass. Macbeth witon Conc vse onae soo hae Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. Pixts;; 8: Sons. 3.02 obese evatsuctotalerenueers Cleveland. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works......... onentas New York. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS, Castner, Curran & Bullitt (Pocahontas) ....Phila. Graham' Coal' & Coke eo:,, lidt.. 25 be: Detroit. Hanna; Mo AS & Oo; s.0c ieee ce Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co. ...............Cleveland. Pittsburg OBL COs Se een es ck ee Cleveland. Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co. ....Buffalo. smith, Stanley. Be: & Coe 2.222536 ee Detroit. Youghiogheny & Lehigh Valley Coal Co...Chicago. GASKETS, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. ..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Co. ieee ees vee es Cleveland, GAGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. American Steam Gauge Co. ...............Boston. Ashton Valve Co. se es o's 6's + BOSTON. eeeeeeesresceee GRAPHITE, Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Bell Engineering Works, David ............Buffalo. Chase Machine Co. ................-...Cleveland. Railway Appliances Co ........... Pastcc ee Chicago. HARDWARE, SHIP. Topky Brothers. .6.ce.ccccceccsess Ashtabula, ©; HATCH GEARS. Pilong-Arm'?: System Oo. fo066 003 ces cs HEATING APPARATUS. Butralo: Borge Co. ove sees sce vies tesa ces buttalo. Bturtevant,: Be Fe C0s cess ss cc aces os «ss BOSTON: HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETO. American Ship Building Co..............Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., Inc. ....Cleveland. Chase Machine Co. ...................-Cleveland. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. ............-Cleveland. General Electric Co. ........+-.+-.---NeW York. Hyde Windlass Co. ........0--e9+++.ebath, . Me. eadeerwood Mtg. Coc... ...scccsucs cess s NOW. LOrK. Marine fron Co. <.:. 2... cess esses Bay Clty. Westinghouse Hlectric & Mfg. Oo....Pittsburg, Pa. . Cleveland. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...... Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE FITTINGS. Farnan Brass Works. ..................Cleveland. HOSE, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co........ New York. HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. Watson-Stillman Co., The.............New York. Wood -& Co; Re D. .c. 2. .cs.. ecco. Philadelphia: ICE MACHINERY, American Linde Refrigerating Co. .....New York. Roelker, H. B. ....-New York. INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. American Steam Gauge Co. ..............-Boston. Ashton Valve Oo.) 2.65 6646060 cces cass ves BOSTON. INJECTORS, American... Injector: 00... .0...20.. 5.05 Detroit. Crane Co. i455. a ore Riepedieen eee «.ee--.-Chicago. Jenkins © Brog.: ... sceucs 66 is inte oi caes NOW York: Taunkenheimer: © sce secs sens ocs Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Go Ro ees Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. Brown (& C0. io. 6.0 sous. otc c see os ese DUIERIO. Brown; Ws Woe, 2s tess osscclses cess Cleveland, Dunham Riots. a. s6 ceoce ce cs vec cv ocss s SODICABO, Elphicke, C. W. & Co. ........-seeeeee--Chicago. Hawgood & Co., W. A. .....+.-++e0+++--Cleveland. Helm &' Co: Ds Denice cae rea ee Bese aie Duluth. Hutchinson ~&. Co. 3.2 ..6<. «seee..-Cleveland. Insurance Co. of North 'America. .- Philadelphia McCarthy, T. R. Svccee sees es -mbontreal. McCurdy, "Geo. Tis ee ees. cies oveece ss cee. Chicago, Mitchell & Co. ie. cc cece es ts ce cs Cleveland, Peck, Chas. BE. & W. F.....New York and Chicago. Richardson; WO. cise sessct ee cs seco Oleveland. Sullivan, Do & Oo. secs oe vesic es cece ce ves ODIC8QO. Weeks, oF. He voc cscs cect be eceecs ove NOW LOrK: IRON ORE AND PIG IRON, Bourne-Fuller Co. ........e+eeeeeeeeee--Cleveland. Hanna, M. A. & Co. ............+.+..-Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co. ........ . Cleveland. LATHE, FOR CUTTING PIPE THREADS. Kent Machine Works ............ Brooklyn, N. Y. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC, eeccecceecs eceeeees Marine Construction & D. D. Co.......... wale siete -.....Mariner's Harbor, 8. I., N. Y. Warrington Iron Works .........ss-e0. ..-Chicago. Willard, Chas. P. . Chicago. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong Cork C0. 036. 603 tices .....- Pittsburg. Drein, Thos. & Son .............Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiller's Sons, D. .............06- New York. Lane & DeGroot ......... Long Island City, N. Y. Marine Construction & Dry Dock Co........ Meee hE Cite Os aces Mariner's Harbor, S. I., N. Y. eee coer sere esee eee eeoces LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Helvig,: Hi As Deis ces os icin ns eves NOW. NOEK: Russell & Watson ................ oeeees-- Buffalo. LOGS. Walker & Sons, Thomas ........Birmingham, Eng. Nicholson Ship Log Co. ..... oseeceeees- Cleveland. Also Ship Chandlers. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co.............+-++++--.-Cleveland. Macbeth Iron Co. ..........se+ee+e0+---Cleveland. Union Machine & Boiler Co.............Cleveland. Ward Machine Co...............e.+e+e---Cleveland, MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc. ...............-Philadelphia. MACHINERY, NEW AND SECOND HAND. Bowler © Co. Geo; Hie: i ccccsvccccss cts : Cleveland. Clyde Machine Works.............. Os canes Chicago. MAN-HOLES, SWING DOORS, ETC, "'Long-Arm" System Co. ...............Cleveland. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF Crandall & Son, H. I. .........Hast Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Fogg, M. W....ccececcseccsnscccssccces New York. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS, American Ship Building Co. .......,....Cleveland Bloomsburg & Co., H. ...---+-+e-- Baltimore, Md. Buffalo Forge Co. .....Buffalo. Detroit Ship Building Co. ...............Detroit Sturtevant, B. F. Co. ..... Roce sees + «e.-.- Boston. METALLIC PACKING. Allen. Joseph ... ...---.---Collingswood, N. J. ee American Metallic Packing Co. worn Cleveland. Seas csces cess (COLUMDED Gr oeedeeeccecccone NeW Somme. «eeeeeee- Philadelphia. Hayden Mfg. Co., N. L Katzenstein, L. & Co. U. S. Metallic Packing Co. METAL POLISH. Bertram's Oi] Polish Oe. ..........+...---- Boston. MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIO. Buffalo. Forge Co. ........ re ee ee - Buffalo. Electro-Dynamic Co. ....... oseeeeee- Philadelphia. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. evume ts caer Cleveland. General Electric Co. ......... Schenectady, N. Y. "Long-Arm" System Co. ...............Oleveland. Seidler-Miner Electric Co. ............ ... Detroit. Sturtevaut,. B.c Fo: Co. 332 os ae .....-.- Boston. United Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......New York. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....Pittsbv7g, Pa. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS, Bliss, John) & COi- vies ese oe .....-New York, Ritchie, BH. S. & Sons ......... - Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Gaskin, Bdward: ...5 00.5 0s) DUO, Goodenough, Walter ..........++-+++2--New York. Kidd, Joseph 42.5.0... 0.5. ses ce ee DUlUth, Mane. Logan, Robert i..0)0.. «sen cwcescerece ss se ClOVOINNG, Mosher, Chas.) Dic. cos core eecke ss -New York. Newman, 'Ri Le cc .ccccececeseecsccee NOW LOPK Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York See; Horace. coo ieee os ec eebn s PONEW VOPK: W000, Wie Dice csiescies ccna decetesess oO UICaeoe : OAKUM. DeGrauw, Aymar & Co. .............New York. Stratford Oakum Co.,............Jersey City, N. J. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. Standard Oil Co. oeeceees- Cleveland. OIL FILTERS. Haines ©o:, W. Si siuccec cece as: ... Philadelphia. PACKING. Allen, Joseph ........... ....-Collingswood, N. J. American Metallic Packing Conse .Cleveland, American Steam Packing Co... 3... Boston Crane: Co. ere ec eee cats sos wees sve se OHICAZO. Hayden Mig. Co. Nii tte ee Columbus, O. Jenkins: Brose. oss oo aia ewes ois 'e.c oe ie ares -New York. Katzenstein, L. & Co. ..........- eiiersuene New York. New York Belting & Packing Co........New York. United States Metallic Packing Co. ....Philadelphia. PAINTS, Baker, Howard H. & Co. ....... Sok ce oe ss DUMalo. Berry »Btos:; Ltda... 2. Vccaes sae oe ee es DOTLOLG. Day's Varnish & Dryer Co. .............Cleveland. Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co...... ...--New York. New Jersey Zine Co. ....... Shae is oie ...-New York. odcde boss ceews css Ashtabula, 0. Topky Brothers ss welvek ve be cee vs ses OlOVelAnG. Upson-Walton Co. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Thurston & Bates .............+0++--+--Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. .............--.Philadelphia. PIPE--BRASS AND COPPER, IRON PIPE SIZE. Waterbury Brass Co.............e0+++--New York. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON. Bourne-Fuller Co .........-. eee ees. ss. Oleveland, Crane CO ..c6se sc. sas Saks uke ewe dees scc0s «ODICR EO. Macbeth Iron ©0730. Cr ee eee een ewes Cleveland. PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. .....-.++-+++++. . Philadelphia. PLATE BENDING AND PLANING MACHINES. Wood & Co., R. D. ......-.+---.--+Philadelphia. PLUMBING, MARINE. Mott, J. L., Iron Works .........-....-New York. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. Sands, Alfred B. & Son ..............New York. PNEUMATIC TOOLS. Allen, John B., scccscecccccccesecsess New York. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. .....+-++++- -Chicago. Railway Appliances CO .....eceseeeees ..- Chicago. POLISH FOR METALS. Bertram's Oil Polish Co...........-.+++++--Bostom. POWER DOORS AND HATOHES, "Long-Arm" System Co. .......2-+e++e . Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS, Kieley & Mueller .........-+e+++++++-NOW York Ross Valve Ca 5.0220. ccccecececsccscRtQls Me oe