Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 19 Mar 1903, p. 22

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22 MARINE REVIEW Soy G7Ses jR LLZERG SME " Qa Y PG ee NEY LLY ie C A Gory, REY WY Dy) "ty ie : a BEST SHIPS OF ,.THE ORE TRADE. A Summary Showing the Character of Vessels Engaged in Moving Iron Ore from Two Harbors, one of the Principal Shipping Ports of Lake Superior--Average Cargo of 281 Vessels is 4,830 Gross Tons. In the season of 1902 there was moved from Two Harbors, one of the principal ore shipping ports on Lake Superior, 5,549,120 gross tons of ore. 'This large quantitv of ore was carried down the lakes by 281 vessels. The number of cargoes was 1,149, 99 that the average cargo was 4,830 gross tons. This average shows how the ore trade is constantly drifting to big vessels. The g*eat bulk of this ore was moved a distance of about 875 miles by water, as 4,065,342 tons of it was consigned to Lake lyrie ports, against 883,778 tons to Chicago. 'The maximuin cargo, 7.576 tons, was taken out by the steel tow barge John Sineaton, Aug. 14, and the minimum cargo, 1,070 tons, by th* wooden steamer Rube Richards, Oct 4. The average time load- ing for all the vessels was 8 hours. 'The first clearance was the steamer F..B. Wells, April 2, and the last clearance the steamer Lansing, Dec. 7. Following is a list of the vessels that engaged in this trade, toge-her with the amount of ore moved by each WEES WALI. eG ame! LBL SNA OR sem, MOP), By 17a eG 7, Vox, Sola MWg hip, yy (7 Fo LO Ree AND MARINE RECORD. ONESIES w= TR a par DESSOSIWSZ, jas LEME SKS = ex [Mar. r9, of the vessels and the average cargo of each vessel: STEAM VESSELS. Car- Total Aver, Car- "Total Aver. Name goes Tons Cargo Name goes Tons Cargo Wdmiral @ae6 << 12-75, 880... 6,282 Helena .. 2 5,696 2,848 Albright, J. J...... 8 18,046 6,015 Hesper.. 1 2508. 23003: Alva ee 8 11 242. 8 ae Hill, James J. 6 41,653 6,942 Amazonas .. i 8217 3.207 Holden, H. S. 9 58,721 5,969 America 1 3,030 3,030 Houghton, Doug. 2 11.484 5,742 Appomattox 3 9,630 3,210 Hoyt, Colgate.. 4 10,104 2,526 Armour, <P. ~D: 1 2,532 2,532 Hutchinson, J. T. . 1 4,609 4,609 Aurania woe. 2 -10;0381.--5,015 India ee 38,886. 1,295 Bangor, City of .. 4 18,092 4,523 Toseo 1. 3,060 3,000 Bannockburn 1 2,235 2,285 Jupiter .. 4 18,784 4,696 Garilett, 0: B .. 1. 2,490 2.400 ta Fayette... 9 58,021 6,588 Berlin, City of 8 8,956 2,985 Lagonda. 3B 18,647 4,549 Bermuda: 5 >..5 5. 1... 2,065, 2,065 Lake Shore Ie Otto oO. Lo Bessemer, Henry 6 382,754 5,459 Langham 8 8,562 2,854 Bielman, C. F. 1 S12 S127 Lansing i 2 AG. 2.4165 Black, OC. A. 5 30,109 6,021 Lewiston 12.780: 2,780 Bransford .. 1 5,642 5,642 Linn, W. R. 6 33.210 5,535 Briton <. 1 3,124 3,124 Livingstone |. 73 - 9,024 3-008 Brower, A. G. 9 42,484 4,714 ockwood, ©. B. 2. 1 35298. 3,298 Brown, W. W. 7 $82,596 4,656 TEUZON 6 20 Se dL 4,647 4647 Brown, W. UL. 5 31,122 6,224 Mack, W. S. 2 9,200 4,690 Brown, mu: oH, .:. 1 24,182. 4,182 Majestic 2 DSS 2.104 Bunsen, R. W. EH. 8 .19,896 6,632 Major 3 28,008 2,851 Carnegie, Andrew. 11 62,374 5,670 Malietoa sy 3 20,270 6,756 Cartagena a ks 2-620: 22,620 Manhattan .. 1 2,184 2,184 Case... 4 11,581 2,895 Manola .. 4 12,014 3,003 Cherokee 4 6,685 1,671 Maricopa 8 16,392 5,464 Chili ue 1 (3,803 3,803 Marina .. 3 = 9,113. 3,037 Chisholm, Wm. 1. 2,425 2,425 Mariposa 8 12,223 4,074 Christopher fo do, 540: 5,540, Mariska Pe et) 3.110 Corgate, Jas. Bo .:.6 10,278 3,426 Maritanna .. 4° 15,186 3,796 Colonel .. : 5 25,584. 5,116 Mars Tene 1 4,704 4,704 Columbia 2128 3 25128 Maribel... 62: i 3,248 '3,243 Coralia .. 5 26,659 5,331 Maryland 38 10,897 3,632 Corona .. 2 Ooh oN OS 7 MASaDe °..: .. 2 5,989 2,994 Cornell ;. 6 38,998 6,499 Mataafa Se 1 6,318 6,313 Corsica .. 2 5,809 2,904 Mather, Samuel 38 9,828 $8,274 Cort, Henry 1 ».2,998 2,998 MEGA es ri as 1 3,040 3,040 Craig, John V2, 068" 425063 Mauch Chunk.. 2 10,067 5,053 Cranage, Thomas . 3 9,301 3,100 Maunaloa .. ... .. 8 47,070 5,883 Crescent City Bt 17,216" -b; 705 McDougall, Alex. . 8 50,208 6,276 Cumberland 2. 4.875. 2,437 McWilliams, J. J.. -6 26,619 4,436 Curry, 8. S. 4 18,590 4,647 Mecosta oe ee ee enero, ld Devereux, J. H. 1 2,474 2,474 Moore, J. W. .. 2 6,029 3,014 Hads, James B:... 7 33,013 4,716 Morse, S. F. B. 7 44,696 6,385 Eddy, Charles A. . 3° 8,579 2,859 Murphy, Simon J.. 4 27,315 6,829 Edenborn, Wm. .. 5 385,373 7,074 Naples, City of A. 2,045 2,948 Hillwood, 1. 2i.> 12). 86.780! 7.282 Neilson, 3. B: 2 - 6,719. \ 3;359 Elphicke, M. C. 9 56,800 6,311 Neosho .. ; 2 5,119) 23559 Empire City . 6. 34,032 5,672 Neptune 4 18,768 4,692 Hriesson, John $23 16,0713 .<0, 30%. Neshoto! 24.3406. ok 2,987 2,987 Etruria .. oe eld 68121 6,192 Nicholas, Is W. 2.8 Lub? © 3,859 Fairbairn, Wm. 6 381,729 5,288 Nimick, Alex... 2 5,694 2,847 WAM reo ee 1,490 1,490 Nottingham, Wm.. 9 51,114 5,679 Fiteh, Wm. FF. .. 10 45,855 4,585 INVANZA 3. oe eee, 2 0026 2 -Ob1 Flower, BR. P: D2 250. 2.257 Oliver, H.W... 11 272,820 6,620 rrick; F.C.) 5 30,199 6,089 Orinoco... 2. a ont 246, 108 3,307 Wryver, oR. ua 6 17,175 2,862 Osborne, F. M. 2 11,397 5,698 Fulton, Robert. 8 16,2383 5,411 Owen, John .. To 24 O0 1" 3,028 Gates, J. W. 6 42,189 7,031 Palmer, Wm. P. 2 5,200 2,600 Gayley, das... .. 9 55,984. 6,220 Palmer, T. W. 1 ..-2,921 (2,921 Genoa. City of |. 2; 6;063 3,031 Panther : 38 6,886 2,278 Germans ee: 2° 6,269 3,134 Paris; City: of... & §,244 2,748 Gilchrist 2 -10;705. *5,352 Parker, A. <A. be = 2:382 2 25882 Goodyear, F. H. .. 2 12,684 6,842 Pasadena il 2,452. 2,452 Gratwick, W. H. . 7 26,622 3,808 Pathfinder .; .. 9 382,686 3,631 Gratwick, W. H. 3 17,388 | 5,779 Peavey, F. H.. 3 18,736 6,245 Grecian 52.05 \. 1 .°3,255° 3,255 Peavey, Geo. W. .. 9 57,3738 6,374 Griffin . we swt ks 2,594... 2.594 Penobscot .. 5 2 8,698 4,349 Grover, M. B. 1. 2,628 . 2,628 Pentland 2... D> D862. 1,1(2 Frariem: 2. Et 2774 = 2,774 Poe, Gen), -@, Ma. .7-b 35,188 7,027 Hart, F. W. 1 5,496 5,496 Pope, H.-C. 222. 67-28;468 8911 Harvard ie 8 D2, 991: 6,623 Presley, George 8 19,164 2,395 Heffelfinger, .. ., 4 24,714 6,178 Princeton .. .. ... 6 38,540. 6,423 - 1 Aver. Car -Lotal . Aver. Name ae Tons Cargo Name goes Tons Cargo Queen City 8 16,795 5,598 Stewart, A. E. 8 15,390 es Ramapo... £3871 3,8 e Stone, Geo. 1 2:66). 2:66 Ranney, Re P... 2° 4;8b6 2,178 Strathcona 1. 8,128. 3,128 Rappahannock... . 1 83,262 3,262 Sal tana 22.355 8 14,246 4,748 Rees, W. D. 2205. 25,009 =O. La Superior City, .. 4 26,355 6,588 Reis, W. H. 4 25,155 6,288 Tampa .. poet = 286. 2,860 Rend, W. P. ode 2828 25828 Taylor, Moses .. . 2 12,360 6,180 Rensselaer .. .. .. 5 88,743 6,748 Mower. dna Can. yt 2,510 2,510 Rhodes, R. R. 6 18,184 2,197 Trevor, vs be <2 1 3 ELS 3,118 Richards, Rube Lt 21016.- 2,016 Uranus. 2. =. 2. 3 18,899: 4,633 Rockefeller, F. 8 138,946 4,648 Van Hise, ©. R. . 6 89,3845 6,557 Rome, City of 2 . 5,536 2,768 . Vega a. 2 6,544 3,272 Roumania .. los 2,412.2 419 Venus od 4,461 4,461 Sacramento LT 8,263- 0,200 Victory SAO A186 55213 Samoa .. 1 1,452 1,452 Volunteer 87,901 2,633 Saturn .. Bs 2 9,190 4,595 Wade, bo Hs: 12.738 2.738 Saunders, H. N. Bb 28,785. 5200 Watson, C. W. 1 §5,342 5,342 Seranton Roc Dre BO 5 2,000) Watt, James .. 4 22,034 5,508 Scranton; Walter . 2 12,7382 6,366 Wawatam -. -. 2 26 2,67) Senator 4 20,624 5,156 Wells; bob... 9 56,675 6,297 Sevond .200.6. <6 236,005. o,coL Whitney, D. M. 5 80,836 6,167 Shenandoah .. 2 :6,451 -- 3,225 Wilkes-Barre 9 10501-70200 Siberia ce ee le 02 23102 Wilkinson, H. 8S. . 11 55,912 5,082 Siemens, Sir Wm.. 5 27,309 5,461 Wilson, Capt. T. 5 81,166 6,233 . Sitka Les 2. Di 2o2 2,616 Wolvin, <A. B. 1 2,757 2,757 Smithy. W060... 5 30,509 .-6,101 Wright, A. P. 1 2.940 2,940 Sonora .. pe 2 9,779 4,889 Yale oo 2 9 831, 4,918 Starrucca 4 16,767 4,191 Yosemite . 10 52,444 5,244 Steel King .. iG 3. 16. 608,..5.000 Nana: 2s 1 4,027 4,027 Steinbrenner, H.. 1 6,184 6,134 Zenith City 8. 15,081 5,027 Stephenson, Geo. 3 16,675 5,558 SAIL VESSELS. Car- Total Aver. Car- Total Aver. Name goes Tons Cargo Name goes Tons Cargo Amazon 2 11,573 5,786 Nasmyth, James .. 7 36,905 5,272 Antrim .. 7 387,302 5,328 Norton, D. Z. .. 15 79,041 5,269 AUBOMA o- 22 o..- 5 15,542 3,108 Polynesia .. .. .- 1 5,495. 5,495 Bell Sir he 3. 7 -36;862 = 5, 266 Protoria= 4.43.5 222-2) -9;1436: 4,568 Bryn Mawr .. .. 12 78,278. .6,523 Quayle, Thos... << 1... 1,282. 1,282 Carrington .. .. .. 9 45,699 5,077 Redington, Nellie.. 6 9,244 1,540 Chicamauga..... ..- 1 3,999 . 3,999 Roebling, Jno. A. 14 96,464 6,890 Chippewa 2 4,089 2,044 Russell Jno. S..; 616,784 2,788 Cobb, Ahira 1 1,456 1,456 Sandusky 23. 3.) i 3 1,109. 1,109 Constitution .. ... 8 42,625 5,328 Santiago 2. ..2.. 2. 8.413 4.296 Corliss, Geo. H. .. 11 56,695 5,154 Smeaton, John. .. 15 107,889 7,192 Crete 2225s: hee Pe 8580 l 238 8b e Thomas, S. G. .. 8 41,786 5,223 Fritz, John . 17 119,982 7,054 Thompson, A. W. 4 16,402 4,100 Granada 1 oA 2S 208 Tyrone +. <.:.. .. 3 bL766 3,022 Hamilton ae 11,800. 1,800 Warriner, S. D. .. 2 8,091 4,045 Eartnell,' G:. Wo... 2 SIGS 56,168 Whaleback No. 105 11 33,333 3,030 Holley, Alex... .. 10 .53,098 5,309 Whaleback No. 107 10 30,505 3,050 Wutchinson, E. C. 1 £41,388 1,388 Whaleback No. 109 5 13,707 2,741 Iron Queen .. 2 4,921 2,460 Whaleback No. 110 8 8,311 2,770 Jeanette, Olive ... 3 %,831 2,443 Whaleback No. 111 5 13,895 2,779 Jenny, W. LeB. .. 12 63,0538 5,254 Whaleback No. 116 5 13,683 2,736 Krupp, Alfred... .. 10 52,482 5,143 Whaleback No. 117 10 31,604 3,160 Madeira 3... 3. 16 111,996= 6999. Whaleback No. 118 5 15,981 3,196 Magna .. 228710: 252/624 5, 262 Whaleback No. 126 6 16,437 2,739 Malay 2623.5 ee os 2S 17,908. 3 5;992 Whaleback No. 127 6 16,210 2,701 Maida. ocr s 10° 56,271 5. 627. Whaleback No. 129 2 6,296 3,148 Maitland, Alex. 5 26,828 5,265 Whaleback No. 130. 7 21,845 3,120 Malta 3 3 11,953 3,984 Whaleback No. 131 7 21,956 3,136 Manda .. spt OB BOSS 620, LA, Whaleback No. 1382 4 12,243 3,060 Manila oo. 0. se 12 84-298) 7.019 Whaleback No. 1338 5 15,686 3,127 Warelan 6. ee eee B49 co. OE Whaleback No. 154 7 21.745 3,106 Marsala 2. 3.5%, 16 di t198 37.012 Whaleback No. 187 9 44,246 4,916 Martha: <. 457.0... (86.046); 5,149 Whaleback No. 201 83 6,715 2,238 Matanzas sin Oe 2099). 4.199 Whaleback No. 202 3 6,615 2,205 Melrose! .5. 00>. .8ee A 1,391 1,391 Whitworth, Sir' J. 4 10,692 2,673 Minnedosa .. ek ke B00. DOO Narkones.; By eee Gea 6 el Note--All tons are gross tons, 2,240 Ibs. LAKE FREIGHT MATTERS. As managers of the ore and coal docks on Lake Erie are only now treating with the longshoremen on the question of wages for the coming season, and as the Lake Carriers have not yet fully completed their arrangements with the labor or- ganizations, there is little disposition among the vessel men to hurry the matter of ore and coal freight contracts, especially as they fear they will not get advance enough over last year's rates to meet the increased operating expenses involved in a charge of $2.90 a ton for fuel, in the new contracts with labor, and possibly in a higher charge for unloading ore. On the other hand the ore shippers know that they must face large stocks of ore on Lake Erie docks on the opening of navigation. 'sney know also that with dock space even more limited than it was a year ago, and with little hope of much improvement in railway facilities for direct shipments to furnaces, their ar- rangements for a large increase over last year's output of ore may fall short of expectations. 'They see also the indications of a very early opening of navigation, which is to their advan- tage, and they are not therefore disposed to take up the question of lake freights until they find it necessary to do so. Of course the best hopes of the vessel men rest with the certainty of an enormous coal movement and more than the average movement is acc bo cies he ke i ak la eS

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