1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE, RECORD. 13 DEARBORN BOILER COMPOUNDS sisss sc Tannins and Wood Starches Do not contain any Oils, Gums, Tar or other sticky substances; will not separate or settle out ofsolution. If you want your boilers to be in perfect condition, use DEARBORN COMPOUNDS. One gallon sample required for analysis. Send by prepaid express. %& *% 2% % om % % ot t st te oh oe st ot FT eae aT TT WM. H. EDGAR, * PRESIDENT. SS EVO UTR H ACCS RL TRL CRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO. TOLEDO, OHIO. METAL - AND - WOODEN - SHIP - BUILDERS. New Dry Dock--450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A SPECIALTY. cae = ae DREDGING, WRECKING CIRCULATING AND BALLAST PUMPS. MARINE BOILERS. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works, OSWEGO N.Y. MOTT'S 'RICHMOND'? PUMP CLOSET. The "Richmond' is the sim- plest,quickest and easiest working Closet made. It has been endorsed by all who have seenit. Wealso- manufacture a full line of Baths, Lavatories and other Sanitary goods for Marine Work. The J. L. Mott Iron Works, 84-90 Beekman St., NEW YORK CITY. 332 Boylston St., BOSTON, MASS. 1128 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA. ef eae 3 Our New Marine Catalogue is Now Ready for Distribution. an NEW YORK AMERICA L| F SOUTHAMPTON LONDON . CALLING AT CHERBOURG WESTBOUND. Sailing From New York Every Wednesday at 10 A. M. ST. LOUIS (11,629 tons), ST. PAUL (11.629 tons), RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS NEW YORK (10,674 tons), PHILADELPHIA (10,433 tons) Special Express Train from Southampton to London in one hour and forty minutes. Close connection at SOUTHAMPTON for Havre and Paris by special fast twin-screw Channel Steamers. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 " 4 4 q NEW YORK ; ANTWERP 4 : PARIS : 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 ¢ 4 4 ; Sailing Every Saturday at 1o A.M. FINLAND (12.760 tons), KROONLAND (12,760 tons), ZEELAND (11,905 tons) VADERLAND (11,899 tons). One of the Sbortest Routes to BELGIUM, HOLLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND and ITALY. Send for "Facts for Travelers."' Office, Empire Building 73 Broadway, New York. 805-807 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Fiske Building, 89 State. Street, Bo: PIERS: 14& 15 NORTH 806 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C Cor. Dearborn & Washington Sts., Chicago. RIVER, FOOT OF FUL- eae Pine -- ~ -- me ~ Washingt ve., 8. inneapolis, ae 80 Satcciey St, San Francisco. TON or NEW YORK, Ppp A ASL LP PPS LL AL LLB ALA DL SAPD LDS AAA pp The Standard Liquid Compass, . Used Exclusively by the United States Navy For Over 35 Years. Over 25,000 Used in Mer- chant Service. Madein all sizes and styles, from 2 to 12 inches diameter ofcard. Allcom- passes made by us_ have our name printed below the North point, or promi-- nently upon the card. NONE OTHER ARE GENUINE. Latest form with four or six needles, | he bea instrument for iron ships. For sale by ship chandlers and nautical instrument dealers. CATALOGUE FREE. E. S. RITCHIE & SONS, Manufacturers of Nautical and Physical Apparatus, BROOKLINE, MASS., U. S. A.